The 2011 Right Wing Debate Handbook 1. Never admit you are wrong. Even when proven wrong, insist that the facts that proved you wrong are incorrect and your own version of reality is indeed correct. Admitting when you are wrong is not a sign of character but a sign of weakness. 2. Anyone that says anything bad about Sarah Palin is obsessed with her. Anyone that says anything good about Sarah Palin is a true patriot. 3. Include any of the following in every OP you write. Loony left, Dimocrats, ‘Rats, Libruls, Lib-*****. 4. After including those words, insist that the anyone slightly left of center stop with vitriolic rhetoric. Remember, the standards you have apply to everyone else, not to you. 5. Give 10 reps a day, no matter what. Obviously the post you rep does not have to be good, just rep anyway. 6. Blogs are valid sources, but only when they support your position. 7. When asked for a source for your ridiculous claim, do not provide one. When you see a claim, demand a source. 8. All polls are wrong, unless they support your argument. 9. Criticize the mainstream media. Praise Fox. Ignore the reality that Fox, as the most watched news channel, is the mainstream media. 10. Ignore the fact that half the stimulus was tax cuts. 11. Always work a Pelosi criticism into every thread. 12. Whenever a Republican goes against the party line on an issue, insist he or she is a RINO. Ignore any voting record to the contrary as facts do not matter in your argument. 13. The First Lady is evil. No reason need be given. She just is. 14. Anyone in a union is a leftist. Ignore reality and the sheer illogic involved in that statement and simply insist it is true. 15. Democrats are racists. No real reason exists, just say that.
The handbook is much longer than this. 16. Accuse Obama of a failed Wall Street bailout (Ignore the fact that TARP was a Bush Bailout) 17. Continue to claim that the US military in Afghanistan is fighting al Qaeda (even though al Qaeda left in 2002)
19. Ignore the trillions of dollars that were sucked out of the economy by the malfeasance, incompetence and/or outright fraud by corporate banking interests. 20. Ignore the trillions of dollars spent on a war with zero benefits to the US. 21. Blame the unions.
22 ) Never, under any circumstances criticize, insult or "defame" Islam despite the fact Muslims for centuries have illegally invaded and conquered land that rightfully didn't belong to them. Historical fact: Muslims conquered Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan through means of Islamic imperialism and interventionalism. 23) Never, under any circumstances condem Sharia Law and some elements of Sharia Law sanctioned in Muslim countries for violating international law, basic humanitarian rights, equal rights for homosexuals and women. 24) When confonted with fact, never address questions ask of you by your opposition. Post nonsensical questions not related to the topic at hand, troll, troll, troll on. 25) Never blame Obama, after all it's always "W's" fault. 26) Deny the fact that President Obama spends nearly 3 times as much money per day as the previous President did. 27) Always throw a "knuckle ball" into the conversation to steer the debate off topic. 28 ) Liberal tactic #1: Denial, denial, denial is the key to success when debating.
You took this from a page of the "right wing debate handbook"? Which righties are using any of those other than 23 ,24 and 20?
See, that really doe snot make sense, but I think there may be a list somewhere where your off topic stuff does make sense. Don't take is so personal there sport. It's all in good fun.
I, "Shoey" do not take the opinions of Political forums seriously. In fact, I've lost count on how many times I've laughed hysterically at some Liberal and Libertarian comments made in public forum. I grade your handbook an F, I expect much better from you. > "doe snot make sense"? < ROFLMAO
Back to the "authentic" 2011 Right Wing Debate Handbook: 22. Always claim that Obama is pro-Muslim and anti-Israel ignoring the fact that his admistration just vetoed a recent UNSC Resolution that would have condemned Israel for expanding Jewish settlements in the W Bank and E Jerusalem that Israel is illegally occupying in violation of prior UNSC resolutions that the US supported.
This really ought to be called The Idiot's Debate Handbook, though I understand that, for some, that is synonymous with the current title. Most of those from the original list could easily apply to certain people from both sides of the spectrum.
23. Always use the Bible that was written by superstitious men over 2,000 years ago is a ligitimate argument against any scientific theory based upon emperical evidence. 24. The speed of light was different 6000 years ago when the universe was created by God which is why we can see galaxies that are over 14 billion light-years away. 25. Deny evolution by stating that God intentionally placed all of the fossils in the geological strata to trick non-believes into becoming agnostics and athiests. 26. Dinosaurs and people roamed the Earth together less than 6,000 years ago (even though the fossil record doesn't support such an idiotic belief... refer to 25 above).
27. On the tiniest of perceived misdoings by the current president claim that Bush would have been tried in the press over an identical issue. Whilst this is not remotely provable, it does enhance the victim status of the poster making the claim.
28. Insist that Obama actually thinks that there are 58 states and that he thinks that the Constitution was written 2,000 years ago. Never admit for a second that perhaps it was a verbal gaffe, because everyone is allowed to make a slight slight brain fart except the president.
29. Obama is a Muslim. Regardless of that actually not being true and that there's no proof of him even attending a mosque, coupled with him going to Wright's church for 20 years, or anything along those lines just keep pushing that statement. Especially if no one's listening to you.
30. Insist the president's entire adult life consists of him being a community organizer. Ignore the fact that he was a law professor and a practicing lawyer before entering state and ultimately national politics.
31. Any time caught ignoring the bipartisan nature of anything and blaming the Democrats exclusively, disown any Republicans who are doing the same thing and insist they are not true Republicans. If that fails, insist it is not bipartisan, ignoring the definition of the word, because more Democrats are doing it than Republicans.
32. Guard closely any and all ideas related to any kind of actual solutions towards any problem. Always tell the press that you have "solutions", but never, EVER offer any towards any problems unless you are in the minority and incapable of enacting anything, or as a way to prevent anyone else from actual carrying anything out. This is crucial, remember... 33. You MUST hate the existence of government at all times. Governments sole purpose is to protect gun owners, keep gays from getting married, and prevent the working classes from stealing money from the wealthy elite that built this country from their country clubs. Everything else is a whiny liberal philosophy of entitlement.
33. When your argument utterly fails, post a caricature of the president. Make sure this caricature exaggerates the president's ears. Post no words with this caricature. This saves you from having to act like an adult and admit you are wrong. 34. If someone else posts a caricature of the president, post any of the following. "LMAO". "He really is like that". "I swear to God that is so true". This allows you to not hold your friend up to any standards and ensures that when you are wrong, which will be within your next three posts, they too can pretend you were not.
you forgot: post a juvenile picture of the president with a butterfly coming outta one ear so the next poster can fall on the floor laughing like a child.
35. When caught making simply making things up, never acknowledge that your claims are fictional. Instead, simply tell the other poster to, " Google it yourself". Insist that your only reason for doing this is so the other poster learns to research for themselves and not because the proof for your false claims does not exist.