The 2012 Speculatron Weekly Roundup

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Agent_286, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Agent_286

    Agent_286 New Member

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    The 2012 Speculatron Weekly Roundup

    By Jason Linkins | HuffPost | 9/16/11 06:55 PM ET


    “By now, the fact that Michele Bachmann has fallen in the primary polls since Rick Perry declared his candidacy has been well-established. In the recent round of numbers from Public Policy Polling, she fell to single digits and fifth place - behind Newt Gingrich, which is every bit as bad as it sounds.
    What's worse is that, as Walter Shapiro discovered after watching 50 hours of Fox News political coverage in August, she's not getting much love from her erstwhile supporters at Fox News. Months after the network's Chris Wallace was made to grovel before her for asking her if she was a "flake," Shapiro discovered that she had been rendered "entirely absent" from the network, "like a Red Army general excised from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia after being purged by Joseph Stalin."

    What's a former top-tier candidate to do? Scrape her way back into the race. So she came into this week looking to target Perry, who's been siphoning off her support. Gamely, she joined in the chorus of naysayers attacking Perry for his stance on Social Security. (Though, this was somewhat awkward for her, given the fact that she had previously evinced a desire to "wean everybody" off of it. But during the debate, she found the wedge issue necessary to cleave Perry from his Tea Party fans - his decision as governor to mandate, through executive order, that young girls receive Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.

    Gardasil is well known as an effective preventative measure against HPV - and the deadly cervical cancer that can come as a result. But Bachmann hit on Perry's decision to use an executive order instead of the legislative process as an example of his big government leanings, and she cited a donation Perry had received from Gardasil's manufacturer, Merck, in order to frame the issue further as an example of corrupt crony capitalism
    . (Though this was also somewhat awkward for Bachmann, who's taken lots of money from pharmaceutical companies over the years.) But it was a good plan. And it might have worked for Bachmann. But then, she took things a step too far by taking the issue in a new, strange, "anti-vaccine" direction.”

    Read full article:

    It was a good week for the Democrats, as they watched the myriad of republican candidates attack each other in the most recent, and totally orchestrated, show of who they were. This week was the ‘attack me’ schedule in which they are now trying to wean the unelectable from the unelectable. It was fun to see their glazed power-driven eyes as they attempted to skewer each other in the race to the White House.

    But aren’t you all left with a deep feeling of: Is this motley crew all we have to offer the country? There is not one that looks normal; they all look like republican clones of antiquated republicans from another era. There is only one, Huntsman, if republicans are smart enough to realize it, but we can all rest assured that they aren’t.

    But Bachmann’s descent is still amazing after all the press she has been receiving. Too bad for her that the country doesn’t need another Sarah Palin kinda crazed rhetoric. She can always go back to being foster-mother to 23 more kids and go back on the government dole with psychologist husband. I think destiny really meant for Michele Bachmann to be the biggest ‘welfare queen’ while being an elected government worker, receiving money for the foster care, psychiatric clinic services, University programs
    ‘farm’ subsidies, and lots of money from pharmaceutical companies and whatever. Bye Bye, Michele

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