The abortionist

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by churchmouse, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    In the interests of lowering the rate of abortion, it would benefit the government to fund prenatal and child health care. I agree that abortion should be a part of that funded health care. And all birth control should be free for women and men. Comprehensive sex ed should be offered in all public schools.
  2. spt5

    spt5 New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    HAHA Thank you. You were very careful to leave out the family law education. You have just substantiated my speculation about the less-than-honest games women play with young guys in school and after.

    I am on women's side with most of these, but women are more coniving than the most bigotted patriarchal legislation of the 19th century could. HAHAHA

    It is amazing that those mothers that care about the legal standing of their sons are a miniscule minority.
  3. The DARK LORD

    The DARK LORD New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    then you, and a group of like supporters, shouild get together and start a charity that will fund it.
    But the truth is, you want much more than that, MUCH MORE, but the liars of the left wont admit it. They rationalize away their lies with the same concept you just justified above, the ends justifies the means.
  4. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Prenatal care, child health care, and free abortions would benefit all of society, so all of society should fund it. Of course much of that is already provided by Planned Parenthood and a great deal of their services, ALL of abortion services, are funded by charity. Except for those services fully paid by the patient of course.
  5. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    So would killing the poor and retarded and handicapped,,,less stress on society, right?

    You know every time I get on here and read your posts reflecting YOUR POSITION (just want to throw that in so I won't get warned lol) I just want to throw up.

    What you just said here however is an outright lie. Planned Parenthood receives taxpayer monies. Lie…lies and more lies…told by people who don't know the facts.

    "Planned Parenthood has received federal funding since 1970"

    In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, total revenue was $1.05 billion: clinic revenue totaling $320 million, government grants and reimbursements of $487 million, private contributions and bequests of $224 million, and other revenues $17 million.[42] Approximately two-thirds of the revenue is put towards the provision of health services, while non-medical services such as sex education and public policy work make up another 16%; management expenses, fundraising, and international family planning programs account for most of the rest."

    Billion dollar business….BILLION.

    "Planned Parenthood receives about a third of its money in government grants and contracts (about $360 million in 2009)."

    "Planned Parenthood is also funded by private donors, with a membership base of over 700,000 active donors whose contributions account for approximately one quarter of the organization's revenue. Large donors also contribute a substantial portion of the organization's budget; past donors have included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Buffett Foundation, Ford Foundation, Turner Foundation, the Cullmans and others.
    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's contributions to the organization have been specifically marked to avoid funding abortions. Some, such as the Buffett Foundation, have supported reproductive health that can include abortion services. Pro-life groups have advocated the boycott of donors to Planned Parenthood."

    We all know that money taken in by PP goes towards abortion. Obama is working fast and furious…to make it part of health care.
  6. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Yes, PP gets government funding, but not for abortions. Abortions are funded privately, either self-pay or charitable contributions. They do great work with education and providing low cost health care.
  7. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    And they do mammograms too don't the grannie? LOL They don't have machines at the clinics..they refer women out. That is one reason Komen tried to opt out. PP is the countries largest abortion mill. They can lie until the cows come home…no ones knows for sure what they do.They have been shut down for all sorts of things…even investigated for selling fetal body parts…and covering up underaged girls who are hookers..who want abortions. So your telling me everyone there is above board and honest? Yea right.

    They do STD screenings etc etc….pap tests…hand out THE ABORTION PILL…..which I am totally as a RTL against. So government money does go towards abortion.

    they have blood on their hands...
  8. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    They will justify anything to give women the right to kill. It is what they are all about. Abortion colors the pro-aborts worldview…and they are easy people to figure out what they think is moral and what is not. They don't think much is immoral…if anything.
  9. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Being investigated isn't a bad thing, since some people will believe anything bad and call for such an investigation. The truth is that PP hasn't ever been found guilty. Federal money doesn't pay for abortions. That includes the RU-486 which is an abortion pill, but doesn't include emergency contraception which isn't an abortion pill.

  10. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Strawman at the most outstanding type

    Assignment of characteristics to a group without proof that those characteristics are real and not imaginary
  11. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    They have a mega machine behind them made up of immoral people who believe that killing is great.

  12. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    They have been investigated and they are today&#8230;are you saying that no PP clinics have ever been shut down for violation? The media won't report on a lot of stuff because they are owned by the LEFT SLUDGE MACHINES.
  13. Sean Michael

    Sean Michael New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    No one is going to kill a young girl for making a foolish decision, so why are you stating they will die for making a foolish decision. Most young girls, women, will not die given birth, as I have already stated. Though soemone does die during an abortion.

    Medical personnel are qualified to make what decision exactly?.
    So a young girl then is not qualified to decide whether she should have an abortion or not either.

    Young girls who allow themselves to get pregnant, is that better for you?.

    At every so called "successful" abortion someone dies. just because you choose to ignore the fact of the existence of this person does not make themany less of a person.

    The moment conceptin tales place there is a new human being it is to late to worry about being a parent then or not. A mother cannot decide to kill a 2 year old because she feels she is not ready to be a parent, well then the same should apply at any stage of development.
  14. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Pregnant girls under the age of fifteen are HIGH RISK pregnancies. Both the young girl and the potential baby are in danger of dying regardless of medical assistance. "Someone" does not die during an abortion, no matter how much you would like it to be, a zef isn't a "someone."

    Medical personnel are qualified to determine whether an abortion is needed to save the girl's life or health. Many young girls may want to have a baby that they are physically not prepared to bear nor mentally and emotionally prepared to rear.

    No, it's never a good scenario when a young girl gets pregnant.

    Just because you call it a person, doesn't make it so.

    No, it's not too late, abortion has been a solution for thousands of years, and now, it is a safe solution. Safer than childbirth. There is simply no reason a woman shouldn't have a safe abortion.
  15. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Not true. Don't you think if a person thinks they are old enough to have sex they are old enough to pay the consequences? Potential baby? DID I HEAR YOU USE THE TERM BABY? LMAO


    Woman just died after abortion at a PP clinic in Chicago. Funny &#8230;did you say no women die&#8230;? LOL

    Operating room nurse, Priscilla Saulnier Arnett says in a discussion about this Chicago woman's death.

    "As an operating room nurse I assisted in D & E s, a fact that I DEEPLY regret and for which I have asked for God's forgiveness. Unless things have changed a D & E does, in fact, tear the baby (we called them "products of conception") in pieces. The suction machine has a small sleeve that is supposed to catch parts of the baby. Sometimes the bag would blow off and I would have to fish ALL of the parts out of the blood that was in the bottle. At first I would try to identify which part of the baby I was picking up...UNTIL a tiny hand would not come off of the sponge stick (the instrument that was used to get the parts out). It was like the baby was trying to cling to life - it shook me. Luckily I got married and moved away so I wasn't faced with that duty again."

    And you people condone what this woman does.

    Then if their lives are in danger&#8230;they should go to a hospital. And if they are old enough to spread their legs, bounce up and down and have an orgasm&#8230;they can endure a pregnancy.

    It is not safe for all women&#8230;what a lie you are telling. God you people literally make me sick.
  16. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Not true. Don't you think if a person thinks they are old enough to have sex they are old enough to pay the consequences? Potential baby? DID I HEAR YOU USE THE TERM BABY? LMAO


    Woman just died after abortion at a PP clinic in Chicago. Funny …did you say no women die…? LOL

    Operating room nurse, Priscilla Saulnier Arnett says in a discussion about this Chicago woman's death.

    "As an operating room nurse I assisted in D & E s, a fact that I DEEPLY regret and for which I have asked for God's forgiveness. Unless things have changed a D & E does, in fact, tear the baby (we called them "products of conception") in pieces. The suction machine has a small sleeve that is supposed to catch parts of the baby. Sometimes the bag would blow off and I would have to fish ALL of the parts out of the blood that was in the bottle. At first I would try to identify which part of the baby I was picking up...UNTIL a tiny hand would not come off of the sponge stick (the instrument that was used to get the parts out). It was like the baby was trying to cling to life - it shook me. Luckily I got married and moved away so I wasn't faced with that duty again."

    And you people condone what this woman does.

    Then if their lives are in danger…they should go to a hospital. And if they are old enough to spread their legs, bounce up and down and have an orgasm…they can endure a pregnancy.

    It is not safe for all women…what a lie you are telling. God you people literally make me sick.
  17. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Church your anger is really starting to show in your posts. Have you ever considered like taking a break from the debate and just taking a walk outside and a breather? There is no need to get this riled up over an Internet debate.

    I used to get this mad too, at one point I even left this forum because it was consuming my life and making me nothing but frustrated and angry. If it's doing that it's best to just take a break from it. I mean that honestly. You may hate my guts for what I believe in but honestly from person to person I have to say this is not something you should allow to consume and frustrate you. Just a thought...
  18. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Pasithea said,

    I must say again&#8230;.I like your spunk seriously. You are so unlike these other&#8230;hypocrites. LOL And you are right&#8230;I get ticked off. It breaks my heart that people can be so cruel and barbaric in that they don't value life&#8230;and belief that its a right to kill. I come to this topic from a closer vantage point&#8230;one none of you can even begin to grasp. The thought of life being torn apart&#8230;and people celebrating it..makes me LITERALLY SICK. ITS LIKE I WANT TO HIT SOMEONE. LOL

    This is internet&#8230;been doing it ten years&#8230;basically for fun. But it never ceases to amaze me the morality that some people think they have&#8230;.and yes&#8230;I did take a break last week for a few days&#8230;to wipe the disgust off my brow. It is hard sometimes to be honest. I am totally disgusted by your position but your honest and not a hypocrite&#8230;I like that about you.

    Mad at what? People who loves children&#8230;and hate violence?

    I embrace your honesty&#8230;really.
  19. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    I know the feeling church, I seriously do. I've wanted to toss my laptop across the room before. lol

    We obviously have had different lives and experiences and were raised differently which is why we feel the way we do about this topic. I am pro-choice because of my mother and my aunt and because of their horrible life experiences involving this topic. And I can only guess why you are pro-life but obviously it's none of my business.

    Clearly we both wish to change each other's opinions, to make each other understand or feel the way we do about this issue. But sometimes you just have to take a step back and go, "wow, this is the Internet, this person will probably NEVER agree with me on this topic. Is it really worth me getting infuriated over?" I've definitely had to do that, in fact unless I come on PF a little tipsy like I occasionally do I usually keep all emotion out of it as much as possible, because I've discovered when you give in to the emotion on the topic at hand you get piiiisssssed. lol

    Well thanks church, I can appreciate that. I am glad that we can connect on a human level at some point beyond all this technology and anonymity and in a way agree to disagree no matter how horrid we might think each other's position on this topic is. xD

    Honestly I am sure you and I agree on more than you might think even. But it never ceases to amaze me how this one topic can truly divide people. lol

    And I too debate this just for fun. I do better in civil rights topics like gay marriage and abortion. I wish I could debate economics or healthcare or something but that stuff just goes over my head and I dont know enough about it. rofl

    Just mad at people who cant understand the way I feel. The same way you get mad that people don't understand the way you feel. =)
  20. churchmouse

    churchmouse New Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    I get what your saying&#8230;.we might agree on a few things&#8230;.but usually the way a person looks at this issue says a lot about others that deal with morality&#8230;

    With that said&#8230;I am hitting the hay&#8230;tired and have to babysit my grand babies tomorrow&#8230;.thanks for the chats&#8230;see you tomorrow.
  21. Pasithea

    Pasithea Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 26, 2011
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    Well have a good night and I have to go too. My fiance keeps saying, "Honey eat your dinner already, the pro-lifers-conservatives-liberals-Christians-and other politics will still be there when you get back." rofl! xD

    Hehe, maybe a sign I need to lay off PF for a while again.
  22. Beast Mode

    Beast Mode New Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    This whole sentence made me laugh and not just because of the vague context.

    Joe Thompson, Abortionist MD. Spent 8 years in medical school because he always had a passion for killing babies. :blankstare:
  23. Sean Michael

    Sean Michael New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    I never said they were not high risk, however if they decide to go through with the pregnancy most will be successfull. Actually people do die during abortion women and the fetus which is a person. Just because you say it is not does not make it so.

    So tell me are you now saying that doctors and nurses should be permitted to carry out an abortion on a young girl even if she wants to keep the baby?.
    I just want you to clarify your position.
    So medical staff should decide not the mother, as you have already stated no one else is qualified to determine, whether abortion should take place or not.

    I never said it was good scenario for young girls to get pregnant, but you criticised me for saying young girls who got themselves pregnant, I was simply changing the words to young girls allowing themselves to get pregnant, Iwas wondering if that phrase was any better for you.

    Just because you deny the personhood of the human being within the womb does not mean it is not a person.
    Can you please tell me what it takes for you to regard someone a person?. What I mean is what is the criteria in your eyes to be a person?.

    Abortion is not a solution, it can be detrimental to women. It is also the killing of innocent human life. Abortion is not safe at every successful abortion a human life is taken.
  24. OKgrannie

    OKgrannie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    It is rare for women to die from abortion complications, it is ten to fourteen times more likely that a woman will die in childbirth than abortion. Calling a zef a person does not make it so. And more abortions are done when the zef is an embryo.

    Most prolifers and many prochoicers have lobbied for parental notification laws and some even parental consent laws because they do not think girls that young can make such a choice for themselves.

    That phrase is fine.

    In my view, a person has a wired up and working brain. In my view, the zef in the womb is not A human being, but a potential human being. The zef is "human" (adjective), but not "A human" (noun). In my view, it doesn't really matter WHAT it is, because it is WHERE it is that determines that the woman has a right to remove it.

    It is VERY rare for abortion to be detrimental to women, childbirth, however, is ALWAYS detrimental to women. Eggs and sperm are "innocent human life", and nobody cares if they are deliberately killed. There must be something more to "innocent human life" than you are saying.
  25. The DARK LORD

    The DARK LORD New Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    then why do you argue so deligently to claim it isnt a human being.

    baloney, in fact child birth often has positive consequences for some women. For some, it gets their menstral cycle on a more regular occurence.

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