I do love the Allan Savory theory of using sheep and cattle and elephants to turn deserts green.... because greening deserts seems like a win, win, win, win solution for all of us. It seems to me that the Allan Savoury solution should rapidly lead to the restoration of the depleted underground water aquifers that have been depleted over the past decades. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory Can sheep save the planet? Yes! says Allan Savory
Yes... if former Atheist and near death experiencer Mellen Thomas Benedict was given good and useful information during his brush with death, then YES.... THAT WILL WORK!!!!!!! Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s Near-Death Experience BY KEVIN WILLIAMSPOSTED ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 The fifty years that he refers to is 1982 when he had his NDE plus fifty years so 2032!