The American Spring sponsored by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Antifa

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by stan1990, Jun 19, 2020.


Do you believe in the Democratic party involvement in the current incidents in America?

Poll closed Jul 19, 2020.
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  3. Maybe

  1. stan1990

    stan1990 Active Member

    Nov 15, 2018
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    The killing of George Floyd was a horrible incident. He got killed in broad daylight, and that the killers are people who are supposed to provide him with protection when he needs it. There are dozens of people killed every year in the United States because of police brutality, and their deaths didn't cause all that uproar, perhaps a demonstration here and there. Victims belong to different ethnic groups, and the police officers who killed their victims come from different ethnicities. Although the murder of For me, George Floyd isn't a symbol or an icon. Reports indicating that George Floyd was under the influence of drugs when he was arrested, and he had cocaine in his possession. The reports also spoke of a criminal record including drug possession, robbery, and housebreaking for theft.

    It is all about timing, Coronavirus crisis, curfew, and the deteriorating economic situation before the upcoming presidential election 2020. All of this will make the task of inciting riots an easy task. The political rivalries between the Republican and Democratic parties are endless. George W. Bush refused to leave after two terms without inheriting his successor Barack Obama the Subprime Mortgage crisis. Donald Trump spoiled the Democrats' happiness with the first woman president of the United States and they vowed to take revenge as demonstrations began in a large number of American cities punctuated by violent incidents.

    Donald Trump accused Barack Obama and the Democrats of involvement in these demonstrations in an attempt to discredit him before the presidential election. There are also reports of a mysterious organization called Antifa, which President Trump has threatened to declare a terrorist organization. The same reports say that George Soros is responsible for financing Antifa. American president's accusation can be correct. The riots that occur in many American cities seem organized, not random, with demonstrations moving from one city to another, and I have seen several videos, some of which rioters talking about it.

    A follower of events in the United States finds similarities with the Arab Spring. A victim killed because of police violence or misleading allegations of police violence such as torture or beating. Media selectively talk about police violence, and the government’s failure to address the situation then turns that person who often has a criminal record turns into a revolutionary icon. Events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria during the Arab Spring follow a similar path to the events in America. Even in the United States, anti-government armed militia appeared, stating that their goal was to protect protesters against police violence. And in other American cities, armed Americans appeared, warning the rioters not to come to their cities to loot and sabotage stores and properties.

    The United States is more divided than ever before in its history. There are dozens of people in Arab countries who burned themselves in public places a long time before the Arab Spring, and there are people who did this in other countries. These incidents didn't cause media interest. The media and institutions supporting these events, employ the psychology of the masses and the latest methods in psychology, as well as social media to incite chaos and riots.

    drluggit likes this.
  2. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    The Democrat party is a corrupt, criminal organization that has no interest in the American people only in power. Their disinterest in Americans has always been carefully cloaked in appearances of benevolence that never amounted to much in spite of a lot of fanfare. How many great programs have come and gone in the tenure of the Great Society? I lost count a long time ago but remember that it was always the taxpayer who was on the hook for them. Their inevitable failure was always part of the plan, for example the steaming pile of manure that was Obamacare, a ruse to segue to single payer. There was always the Republicans to blame and an excuse to extort more money from the taxpayer for more BS programs. Along with this flimflam the Democrat party also carefully kept the economy on the brink to control America's prosperity, you have to have a lot of poor people to justify all of these BS social programs. You'll notice that not a single one of these programs has ever pulled anyone up from poverty and if there was any sense of impropriety the programs folded and some new magic was spun. Well, a farce of this size takes enormous coordination and power to maintain and as the Democrat party declined the mask kept falling off and eventually they didn't even bother to put it back on and when they tried to foist Hillary Clinton on us, America had, had enough. Donald Trump an unlikely champion came along, perhaps not the greatest choice but anyone was better than Hillary. It turned out that Trump is not only a good president but he has reversed a lot of what the Democrats worked so hard to create to maintain their scam. Election night 2016 a state of panic took hold of the Democrat party, the scam was in jeopardy and the campaign to remove Trump from office began. At first it was little things, a lot of propaganda and slowly the scandal machine began to churn out and endless stream of BS to paint the president as the bad guy. This always caused a lot of head scratching and the more desperate they became the more sloppy they got. Eventually it became a thing of if it walks like a duck but barks like a chicken, it mustn't be a duck. When none of these worked they upped the ante and went full blown cutthroat, criminal, pulled out all the stops and weaponized the FBI and the CIA. They committed the most egregious crime short of assassination ever committed against an American president, they tried to frame him for treasonous acts and failed. In spite of the ongoing criminal investigation into this matter they are still engaged in bringing the president down. These riots, the tanked economy are products of their machinations. The Democrat party does not exist, these people are communists and hell bent on destroying America, everything they have done and continue to do is straight out of the communist playbook. It is rule or ruin.
    FatBack and drluggit like this.
  3. stan1990

    stan1990 Active Member

    Nov 15, 2018
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    That was an meaningful and informative comment. Thanks a lot. Follow my other threads about the Democratic party gang that work to topple America
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    In the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution, and Nazism, book-burnings and iconoclasm were to varying degrees tribal (alternatively, “racial”) or ideological in origin, but the nature of book-burnings and iconoclasm lends itself to ideology. In these three cases heretical thought, the ideas of the Ancien Régime, and “Jewish science” and “Jewish decadence” were intolerable to the aggressors. But the ideas contained in these books were not extinguished when they were publicly burned. They existed in the public memory through statues and monuments. After the statues were gone, the existed still in the minds of men. And when the mob could not cut the idea off at the root, they cut men off at their necks.

    Iconoclasm has been a prelude to the woke spasms of today.

    There are unknown numbers of statues still in existence which may well deserve to be removed, but if we are to keep our humanity, we should dismantle them with all the pomp and ceremony of a formal funeral and the seriousness of an executioner but only after a proper public deliberation and judgement has been made. We should also learn from the world’s great religions’ sacred reverence for the Word and the Image, by treating our statues with the same reverence as our books — both good and bad.
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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