The antagonistic and real DON'T VOTE clips on Youtube

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Xanadu, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    There are clips on Youtube that call to not to vote, but there are real DON'T VOTE (means anti establishment/elite/empire) clips and antagonistic DON'T VOTE clips.
    Were you should pay attention to are the antagonistic DON'T VOTE clips (if you can distinguish one from the other)
    Here a clear example of such a clip which cause the opposite effect.


    What they do is making the DON'T VOTE message ridicule/retarded, they cause an the antagonictic effect, that is when you see the clip you are going to vote because you think not voting is stupid, but it is the other way around (remember Germany)
    The establishment or elite need more power to push their imperialistic agenda forward, they can only reach their goal (global empire) by having the power (votes) of the masses. This is why we see the huge propaganda going on since 9/11 on all media, old, new, online, news papers, stickers.
    The number of ways they attack the masses with their propaganda is huge (almost every media, and on many forums as well)
    When you try to row against this mainstream flow you will be IP blocked, thrown off, filtered, censored.
    A global empire is on the rise, and people are going to vote (give more power then ever to a ruling elite), this will be the next historical error. Exactly the same as happened in Germany (by voting causing an empire and it's war)
  2. Caeia Iulia Regilia

    Caeia Iulia Regilia New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Well, the reason that the liberal elites want everyone to vote reguardless of education or accomplishment is that poor, stupid people are easy to manipulate. The reason that poor people are poor is that they lack the ability to plan ahead and they don't bother to study the issue. What happens when those people vote is that they vote for feel-good positions rather than what would actually work.

    Mostly those feel-good positions are more benefits to themselves. More welfare, free healthcare, less restrictions on dangerous and immoral behavior (ie pot-smoking), and so on. They want a high wage without asking whether such a wage is sustainable. A lot of people who are poor and stupid vote democrat because they have mastered the feel-good policy statements that make civilizational poison sound like peppermint candy. They can't do so if their poor stupid constitutency stays home. So they "Rock the Vote" by advertising all over the place that you are supposed to vote and never seem to think that getting informed enough about the candidates or the constitution to be able to converse about them should be a requirement to vote. "rock the vote" is simply a way to flood the ballot-box with the votes of people who never read newspapers, watch the news or read political platforms.

    No more rocking the vote.

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