Ah Scott....you know how we can tell you are back? Another post of pure speculation and innuendo. Classic. That it is nonsensical and improbable just makes it more hilarious.
And that is really the basis of Scott's passionate faith that, despite the absolute lack of any evidence, that Obama must be corrupt. Because he is from Chicago. That is really the total of Scott's actual evidence- that Obama is from Chicago. Seriously.
You still trying to talk with Wong? You forget already that he put you on ignore, like he said he would, if you continued to call him Frankie?
Hey I don't care whether you post here or not. You announced you were running off to a more birther friendly forum and now you are back. Which I am not sure is a quote from Bull but a very valid point. Birthers gnash their teeth and pull their hair about Presidential eligibilty but they have only ever been interested in the eligiblity of one particular candidate. None of the current candidates, no previous candidates. For every candidate other than Obama, Birthers have just assumed that the candidates were eligible. For Obama you reject all actual legal evidence and demand more. Thats the facts. If you are not posting, that cuts down by about 3 times the amount of speculation, innuendo and Birthers lies I have to respond to. Post or don't post....you are pretty much the only person keeping this idiocy alive on this board. And by the way- I don't mind you using sarcasm in a child like way to insult me- but I think you may have broken board rules in the way you did it- by showing that as a quote from me. I don't mind so much, but I don't want you to get banned for inadvertantly breaking board rules. I prefer people see your speculation, innuendo and Birther lies for what they are. Oh and I will say this again- I get paid less for refuting Birther lies, than you do for being a Birther.
they were due...as my dad would say they got caught looking. the were too busy patting themselves on the back and being enchanted with the sound of their own voices... god i love that LOL you would have liked him... hey obama will be the second democratic president in a row to be impeached... can't use that as a campaign slogan though... maybe in the brouchure..
this is why i leave.... i'll be back.... check politicalbuddies... i'll say it again and again ... i like you guys and this is what america is about....
I've been told that it's common knowledge in HI that there was NO birth certificate there. I find that alarming....that this could be so hushed up.
A member here who talked for a reporter in HI by phone the other day. Does it matter? I'm just sayin-
don't you guys ever get tired of just being nasty all of the time ? is the white house stimulus slush fund for obots drying up ?? don't worry frank, just like the corsi challenge and the lakin trial... i don't expect an answer. i'm the one that talked to tim adams, i spoke to him again last night. you people cried that he was a racist because he's bald.. what does that say for the way you guys look ??, i know is speaks highly of your sleazy character. and it is common knowledge that people have been proactively suppressed, coerced and threatened for their jobs, that the first thing abercrombie did as governor was clean house at the hawaii DOH... do your own investigation, this whole thing stinks, and it will all come out eventually. so many hawaiian's don't even think of him as hawaiian but as a dirtbag chicago politician thug just using them, it's not all rosey in paradise. and believe me they all know he wasn't born there,,, in hawaii. if there was a birth certificate we would have seen it years ago. but you guys know that too...
OMFG... is Wash still pining after me like a lovesick puppy? For god's sake, Wash, consider a girlfriend.
why do the five or six of you hover around these threads.. ready to pounce on anynoe new... it's so unnatural, i say you are your own worst enemies in making people think this issue is over.. very bizarre...