The Boredom Meter

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Republican frontrunners have not offered the pubic as much hope for the future as does Barney Frank’s retirement. It’s a sad state of affairs when the most exciting political news of the year is the end of ONE liberal’s career.

    The Republican party’s campaign, the debates, and all of the gotcha crap, is so boring I have a suggestion for future Republican races. Bring together all of the people who own the printing press and TV transmitters and let them pick the Republican nominee. That would be more exciting than the current system, and it would save the average voter hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign donations. Average Americans should not be contributing to wannabes anyway. If an individual is inclined to donate a few bucks do it after the big donors who will get something for their money anoint their guy.

    My suggestion, if adopted by the public, will probably damage respectable candidates like Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul, but the media is doing a good job of defeating them anyway. Should God intervene and give one of them the Republican nomination the Old Guard and the MSM will bury their chances in the general election.

    The Boredom Meter

    Herman Cain’s love life sent the needle bouncing off the high end. If Cain did not have female problems he would be the only candidate without a personality.

    Sitting around watching your cloths go out of style is infinitely more exciting that watching Newt Gingrich reworking his positions.

    Mitt Romney is the only Mormon that can put the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to sleep. They only wake up long enough to sing Hallelujah when he stops talking.

    Rick Perry is so uninformed and gaffe-prone he elevated bungling to a desirable campaign tactic.

    Other than Bachmann and Paul, the rest of the field should get together and try to come up with at least one sentence anybody would be interested in hearing.

    I think the boredom problem is systemic. The frontrunners know that the base in both parties is set in stone; so they are romancing the undecided. It’s not that they love the undecided, they want the undecided to love them. What could be more boring than begging someone to love you? The front four can spice things up a bit if they sang this golden oldie:

    [ame=""]I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire-The Ink Spots - YouTube[/ame]
  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    I hear wife says I support Romney as if he could walk on water..I reply no..he could just save and rescue that water.

    She says Mitt is Mr. boring to which I reply.." I wonder why ? "
    He doesn't cheat.. make huge mistakes during debates...doesnt have a history full of corruption..bad deeds..partying like its 19.9.9 :twisted:
    He wasn't thrown out of congress..crashed or killed someone while drinking...
    He has paid his taxes..

    The whole 100 debate deal was to marginalize the Republican party and Romney specifically.Like watching Ground hog day every week for 25 weeks.

    The powers that be KNEW Romney was ahead..they needed to create a controversy..and after 6 debates they had NONE..enter Perry and Cain..and then Mr.inside million dollar lobby guy.. NEWT ?
    Give me a break..this anybody but BORING ROMNEY is that ?

    Obama was really exciting ...and someone must pay for that excitement.
    It is the American people and our children..while the old guard just keeps smiling and chugging along.

    If Romney is Mr. Company man.. what is Newt.. Mr. Garbage man ?
    Newt represents EVERYTHING THAT WAS WRONG with our WASHINGTON insider group..which consist of both partys.
    How is that group doing balancing the economy..the debt..creating jobs and ending our wars ?

    Romney is not Mr. insider..he is far removed from the backroom ..closed door Washington insider deals..his history SHOWS that..
    Newts doesn't..Obama's doesn't.
    They say boredom is a perception of a reality based upon mis interpreted input.Instead of jumping off cliffs wondering if a chute will open for a rush..try walking across a secure bridge that offers security.
    Romney is that security..I know it..and most of you know it..

    Chutes fail at a rate far greater than well built bridges.
    Pick 2 boring secure guys..
    Romney/Pawlenty 2012.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To MnBillyBoy: I understand your usual talking points in support of Romney. I don’t understand how you can add “. . . ending our wars?” to your sales pitch. First off, war is not the Great Satan; totalitarian government is, and Romney is a big government guy. In the second place, ending wars is a touchy-feely pipe dream. If nothing else remember the immortal words of Harry Lime before you denounce war:

    [ame=""]The Third Man......The.Cuckoo Clock - YouTube[/ame]
  4. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Barney Frank kicked sorry con asses for 3 decades, no wonder so many hate him = :sun::-D

    His loss will be more than filled by young bloods that will easily upsurp Frank's stompings and leave the floundering cons crying for many years to come.

    Boredom?, man, this is an awesome election cycle! Watching the idiot cons running for the underside of the bottom of the gutter is wonderful!
  5. botenth

    botenth Banned

    Nov 18, 2007
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    He's smarter and more effective than every Republican in the US.
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To conBgone: Shame on you! You should never put Barney Frank’s name in the same sentence with the word ass.

    You’re confusing Republicans with conservatives. Barney never stomped a conservative because conservatives never had a voice in Congress or the media. For at least six decades Republicans and Democrats conspired to grow government through taxation. Liberalism and liberals got the most out of the unholy alliance; hence, every time country club Republican RINO rolled over it looked like liberals were kicking conservative butt.

    In truth, conservatism was never openly challenged by liberals and for good reason. Democrats know that the vast majority of Americans are conservative. For Democrats to openly challenge them would have been suicide. The game was to con the public which Democrats and Republicans did quite successfully with the help of a liberal media and activist judges. Sadly for Barney’s much-praised “superior” debating skills the alternative media is now framing the debate in the public arena.

    NOTE: It’s fair to say that ramming Hillarycare II through was an open challenge leveled at conservative Americans and you can see how the public feels about that. Also note that liberals backed off the original Hillarycare and looked what happened to Democrats just for talking about it.

    Barney Frank is a fast talking nasty piece of work who never stomped anyone that stood up to him. I’m no fan of Bill O’Reilly, but he stood up to Frank pretty good in this exchange:

    [ame=""]Bill O'Reilly vs Barney Frank - YouTube[/ame]

    Barney and other top liberals are not used to being called out on television. Just go back and listen to the garbage they got away with during Bush the Younger’s two terms especially concerning the war in Iraq and trying enemy combatants in civilian courts. Liberalism’s crapola was worse before the Internet and talk radio. In those years it was all unquestioned liberal sunshine and flowers while the country was sliding toward where it is at today. The welfare state, monumental debt, crushing taxation, at least 12 million illegal immigrants demanding citizenship, and an education system so full of Communist propaganda homeschooling is the only way to save children from the brainwashing, are the best-known disasters liberals like Barney Frank engineered when they were unchallenged.

    I believe that Barney Frank and other liberals are resigning because they see that they will be facing conservatives in the future rather than Republicans and friendly journalists. Barney knows that his beloved liberalism is doomed and he wants out so he can carp from the sidelines without actually debating knowledgeable conservatives on the floor of the House.

    To botenth: He’s smart enough to see the handwriting on the wall.
  7. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Obama promised to engage rogue leaders and advance American policy thru diplomacy.
    He learned it was easier to send a drone with a missile.
    His appointment Of Hillary was to use HER HUSBANDS reputation to create a sense of real change in the American language and over reaching in Foreign affairs.
    How did the apology tour deal work out ?

    This is basically PAUL's idea..withdraw troops and everything will be just dandy. China will stop its expansion in militaristic dealings in Africa.Iran and Israel will become best buds.North Korea and the south will unite and all our war machine can go to raising and protecting our home grown Pot from foreign growers.Seattle and Washington State will be the Pauls western White House.
    This new idea that Newt has some mythical ability to see everything after being gone for 15 years is just as dangerous.Like hiring a old coach..lets bring Back Wooden to coach really think the game has remained the same ?

    Any New President is guided by his advisers and the CIA and military in Foreign affairs.Newts all quit during his campaign..I wonder how that speaks to his ability to use advisers ?

    You might do a little research to see who Romney has hired to advise him..
    Leadership is scoreable.You must be able to see what to score.
    Who did Cain Hire..Newt..Perry..and The others ...??
  8. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To MnBillyBoy: I have no intention of researching your talking points, and I’m not going around in circles with you. I made my position quite clear in this thread and elsewhere.
  9. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Quote @ Flanders, " Mitt Romney is the only Mormon that can put the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to sleep. They only wake up long enough to sing Hallelujah when he stops talking. "

    Then I show how the opposite of Boredom promises all these exciting deals.
    You can run and hide like Cain and decide when and where you make BOLD statements without offering any evidence to back up your claims.
    I'll just challenge them on a non personal note..and let others see what I am talking about..
    Thanks for the threads..
  10. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    But candidates like Dennis Kucinich,Chris Dodd,Joe Biden,Al Sharpton
    and Carol Moseley Braun are Unboring,according to your assessment.
  11. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Like many others who just perpetuate the same stuff without offering any thing better or a response to the op he started.
    He started the Boredom meter thread..
    Then doesn't show His alternative to the negatives he posted about the other candidates..or...
    It's politics as usual..which we all sort of swore to end..

    I used the President as the alternative to Boredom...
    He WAS MR. new,Fresh,and exciting.

    Cain was the same..Newt is trying to re invent himself as somebody he isnt..
    Lame..But it aint Boring..:-D
  12. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Foolardi: How did you arrive at that conclusion? Except for Biden nobody you named is in the hunt in 2012! And Biden may be out after the nominating convention. They are Democrats. Enough said. Besides, I was talking about Republicans from a conservative’s perspective.

    I’m not the only conservative expressing dissatisfaction although Iowa conservatives do not include boredom in their discontent:

    Iowa Social Conservatives Lukewarm About GOP Presidential Field
    by Tony Lee

    To MnBillyBoy: Liberals piggybacking on someone else’s thread instead of making their case in their own threads is one of the drawbacks on message boards. Enjoy yourself, but don’t expect me to respond to everything you want to talk about.

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