probably not scientific but as an ethnic/regional description for people of eastern Mediterranean origin it's not bad....if you have a better name feel free to suggest it...
And you can prove otherwise of course lol. The genealogy of the bible can help trace the biological roots of the families on earth. The bible also indicates that all the Pharoahs were Hamitic. The Hamitic ppl are the ppl who populated Afrika. The Shemitic ppl are the ppl who populated Asia and the japhetic ppl are the ppl who populated europe. This is a simple explanation of how the earth was populated by Noahs sons. Therefore it is safe to argue that the bible concludes that the Pharoahs were all 'what we today call black'. Its hardly a stretch of the imagination but iagree with you, its not 100% conclusive and thats why ionly use the bible as a reference. There are other sources that show the Pharoahs were most likely all 'black'.
yeah, and its absolute BS with no scientific basis whatsoever. the Bible also says that the children of Canaan, son of Ham, will be cursed as slaves forever. Do yu believe this aswell?
That's silly.. Noah was most likely a king in Sumer in 2900 BC who hauled beer, grain and livestock down the Euphrates river.
yeah, its now formally known as "Afro-Asiatic", as "Hamitic-Semitic" is old fashioned nonsense based on Biblical trash. - - - Updated - - - lolol!!!!! there's no evidence Noah ever existed.
Exactly.. but there is an ancient story about a six day local flood on the Euphrates river .. that happened in the spring of 2900 BC as a result of snowmelt in the mountains and unseasonable heavy rains.. The Ark was a barge.. Geologists have identified flood sediment. I could probably weave a tale about Hurricane Hugo..
if we want to be really accurate we would refer to them by genetic label, haplogroup j2 m127 or whatever it is...but we're not geneticists so it would get very confusing.... so unless people are offended by it semitic works for me...
the problem is, some idiotic morons take the term "Hamitic-Semitic" literally to mean direct descendents of Ham and Shem.
I think Semitic means a language group that includes Arabic, Hebrew and Amharic among other languages.
oh...well not me, I didn't know where the name from I'm not much of biblical scholar... but I see your point...
Thats what the greeks called them, not what they called themselves. AEgypt means pre- greek occupation, for me. If iwas conversing with someone about AEgypt who knew a bit about it then iwould say kemit or mizrahim. - - - Updated - - - yep.
I've never heard that before but you could be would've helped if you explained that earlier...
Your case is a failed one. I will grant that most if not all of the evidence you presented is true. However this is a classic case of cherry picking select evidence to support a conclusion while ignoring the mountains of other evidence which opposes your case. Your case seems to be that Egypt is an african nation or that ancient Egypt was a black african this is simply not so. While it is true that the nation of Egypt exists and has always existed on the african continent that is not relevant. The African continent is enormous withmany races and many ethnic groups throughout it's mass. One need only to look at a map and realize that Egypt also rests in a unique spot. The geography places it in the center of a crossroads where people for thousands of years have had to pass through in their travels. This means that for millenia Egypt has had people of every description entering, staying, leaving, returning and often intermixing. Furthermore one need only study a little bit of Egyptian history to see how it has been conquered and reconquered over and over by many other nations and from internal factions. Without a doubt at times in the past Egypt was ruled and controlled by black africans. And at other times by semitic peoples of north africa and yet at other times by europeans such as Alexander. Egypt is prorbably one of the worlds first true melting pots with a truly diverse and multi cultural past. To claim that it is one type of nation ignores the facts.
hes not trying to claim exclusivity. im pretty sure he knows about ptolemic egypt and roman egypt, we are all taught about that in school.