Yeah, ain't that the truth. All the morons and nutjobs were lurking in the shadows and found in Trump, their champion, and he has empowered them all to wreak their insanity on the nation and boy, the nation is feeling the pain. They were always there, lurking in the shadows. But now they are a force, and it is destroying the country. William F Buckley did a good job of keeping the John Bircher's (today's Trumpsters) under wraps, but Republicans have lost their gatekeeper/granddaddy, and now what the framers feared, a demagogue (see Fed Papers #1), has come true. From Federalist #1: "Of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants." "History will teach us that the former [those who genuinely support the public good] have been found far less often than the latter [those who pursue their own aggrandizement]; that the pretended regard for the public good is often only a pretense for personal accumulation of wealth and power." --Alexander Hamilton Describes Trump, ironically, to the 'T'.
It is a disgrace for the US society as a whole to even allow one of the worst dregs of society to be a candidate for any official position, let alone the presidency.
His dumbass followers sure did,,, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics Is Obama God? - The Atlantic
I don't think about "me" much at all. But thanks! IF "I" were "Saving Democracy" that would be the most important thing I've ever done or could do.
media hype. BFD. It's amusing you all on the right when you complain about mainstream media attacking Trump, but when it's about Obama or Biden, it's the gospel truth. Yeah, right. Make up your minds
The deaths at Jones Town were an incomprehensible tragedy but affected only around 900 people that gullibly made their choice to die. TRaitor tRump’s hold on his gullible followers extends to over 100 million people. And IF he succeeds in winning the Presidency and follows the plans of the Heritage Foundation and becomes an Authoritarian Dictator it would affect every American and people all over the world with a tragedy of a magnitude few comprehend.
Right, it was all media hype, you and the other leftist knew all along that Obama was just a slick politician selling "hope and change" to the simps. Huh? rarely does the mainstream media print anything negative about Obama or Biden. They adored Obama, had thrills going up their legs, with Biden they all know he's a weak, confused old man that needs their help. Did you see former ESPN Sage Steele reporter talking about her interview with Biden? She said everything was scripted, could not deviated from the script, with no follow up questions. Sage Steele said her brief chat with the Biden was “heartbreaking,” a reference to the oldest-sitting president’s mental acuity. “I think it’s really heartbreaking that the people who love Joe Biden and say they truly care about him have allowed it to get to this point,” “So, I’m not even looking at this from a political angle or my beliefs in anything. This is the human side of it. And when someone is struggling, we allow them to continue to be in the spotlight and put them out there in the first place when they knew there were issues? “Of course, they had to know. So, it’s a humanity thing with me where I don’t care where anyone stands and what they vote for or who they believe in. Do you really care about that person? As a father, as a husband, as an everything.”
Like I said, you guys on the right incessantly poo poo MSM, unless, of course, it's bad news for O or B, then it's the gospel truth. Your statement about Biden ignores how he soared during the SOTU, buried the 'senile' narrative. You really should think about being fair. But, it's a binary choice and Trump is a threat to US national security, some 24 or so of his former staff do not want Trump to be president on a second term.
Well, do some reading and see if we can extrapolate what his presidency might be like, considering the following information:
I think what concerns many, including myself, is when monotheism which is authoritarian by nature is mixed with politics in a democracy. I spent enough time in Church to learn that the god of the Bible is authoritarian. Christianity and democracy are incompatible. One demands obedience while the other requires freedom. They just don’t mix well. Feel free to pray, that is not the issue. The issue is that monotheism is detrimental to democracy, which is why democracy should not be based upon it.
So has anyone gone to YouTube yet to bring up the video of the little school children singing praises to their savior Obama? And they weren't praying WITH HIM, they were singing praises TO HIM. " Black and yellow red and white, all are equal in his sight...huh huhh huhmm.... Barack Hussein Obama ".
God gave us all free will. So, there's nothing authoritarian about Christianity. I agree that government and religion shouldn't mix, though. Not only is it bad for government, but it's bad for religion, too. Democracy can be just as authoritarian, if the people vote to outlaw religion. Democracy doesn't always demand freedom. Democracy demands that the minority bend to the will of the majority. That's why it's a good thing that The United States isn't a democracy.