The Democratic Renaissance Springs Forth into its Second Year

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by The Philosopher, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. The Philosopher

    The Philosopher New Member

    Jan 29, 2012
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    The Democratic Renaissance Springs Forth into its Second Year​

    A New Era of Enlightenment Emerges​

    Eyes have been opened. Minds have been freed.

    At the time of its publication in the summer of 2010, who could have imagined that the Direct Democracy Ireland manifesto, with its foreshadowing of a Democratic Renaissance, would be the first document of its kind to accurately describe a political and intellectual movement that yet to attain substance and form; an aspiration that resided solely in the hearts and minds of millions around the world, brought closer together through technology and social media; an audacity to dream a little dream of freedom, dignity and hope everywhere, emboldened by the unshakable belief that a life of endless political and personal freedom, coupled with economic prosperity, is possible.

    This movement, first described in the media as the Arab Spring, has only grown since its unleashing in the fall of 2010.

    Though the winds of change began to be felt in North Africa and the Middle East, the Arab Spring has blown into a whirlwind of revolution: Tunisia is free, Gaddafi is gone in Libya, the regime of Bashar - Al Assad is crumbling, and Egypt is slowly crawling toward a democratic denouement.

    Be it prescient or just happenstance, the recognition of a Democratic Renaissance here in the West has today come to fruition, not only in the Republic of Ireland, but across Continental Europe and North America. People are involved and demanding a greater say, their inspiration those who have thrown off the shackles of political repression and fear—the foundation of totalitarianism and oppression; tens of thousands have gathered in city squares from Athens to London.

    But the Democratic Renaissance has brought with it much more than just new voices of political freedom: it has once again sent the individual down a new path of empowerment and intellectual enlightenment, a path filled with new perspectives and new ideas of a future within the grasp of men and women everywhere, grounded in the ideas of reason, logic and common sense; a path that markedly resembles one the human race abandoned long ago in favour of war, ideology and consumerism ...

    the Enlightenment.

    The Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries took place in a time similar to ours. The world was torn by wars of religion, by imperial and economic conquest. Persecution and witch-hunts were widespread. Looking closely at the activities of today’s activists, one might be surprised to note the similarity both of tactics and the intended outcome of such confrontation: political and intellectual assassination without just cause or trial.

    Now, as then, the call for more democracy and freedom has also unleashed a set of circumstances and events showing the world to be little changed from the past, when Europe itself was ruled by the heavy hand of the aristocracy and priestly enslavers. Even though we in the West have rid ourselves of private armies, mercenaries and countless wealthy overlords, there are those still struggling for their freedom in the Middle East and North Africa.

    Yet, as recent history has shown, humanity tends to move in the direction of less rather than more freedom, a world of shackles rather than a world in which people live in the full light of liberty and reasoned intellectual understanding. Really, how different is our world from that of our ancestors who struggled to free themselves from oppression and the tyranny of a ruling elite? Now, as then, do not the elite see the rest of us who dwell in rural prefectures, bankrupt suburbs and urban slums with indifference and contempt?

    Certainly the West has come a long way from feudal landlords and debtor prisons. But has the individual really gained any more power since the final days of revolution in the 18th century? We may be more prosperous, we may have more stuff, but are we really any more free?

    People in the West continue to face soft tyranny and systemic oppression, even now.

    Are today’s bankers any different than the lords and barons who ruled in centuries past? Back then, we were at the mercy and reliant upon the generosity of an elite class for our livelihoods and future prosperity. Today, can anyone get anywhere without a loan or a mortgage that must be repaid with the price of interest, doubling and some times even tripling the final price of your home or car? And what is the difference between being required to adhere to a dogmatic religious code of conduct and the need to be politically correct to gain entry into a good paying job?

    The major themes of the Enlightenment are kindred spirits with the zeitgeist today. As professor Paul Brain, Washington State University writes, “Like then, individualism, freedom and change replaced community, authority and tradition as core European values.”

    And the similarities do not end there. As in the Renaissance, we are today coping with the end of one way of thinking and the emergence of new avenues of introspection. Just as the influence and importance of the church was on the wane then, science as a vehicle to provide future intellectual growth and economical, technological progress is today grinding gears and losing traction.

    Today’s science is not that of the 17th and 18th centuries when the Renaissance exploded through this magnificent and powerful tool of investigation to enlighten people. We are now faced with boundaries and limitations that were not even conceived of then. John Horgan’s The End of Science is probably the best description of just how daunting—and possibly insurmountable—are the obstacles that now face those searching for tomorrow’s answers to today’s questions.

    If we were to truly take an unbiased look as the Western world today, we would find a civilization in decay; its economic structures crumbling; a people politically lost; an economy teetering on the edge. Worse, we are intellectually a fragmented and disjointed people driven by irrational fears and beliefs that stifle lasting economic, political and individual prosperity.

    Perhaps it is fitting, then, that the world should find itself in the throes of rebellion and revolution.

    For us in the West, the Arab Spring has become a Democratic Renaissance. It has brought forth an entirely new realm of political possibility and individual enlightenment.

    Truly, it can only be a matter of time before this energy and enthusiasm that fills the streets will find its way into other avenues of intellectual investigation and enlightened activity, exemplified by art, literature and philosophy.

    The following six essays will attempt to describe some of the intellectual possibilities emerging in this New Era of Enlightenment, as well as discuss both the opportunities and obstacles facing the Democratic Renaissance as it moves into its second year.

    J.R. Werbics is a Canadian writer and philosopher.

    All essays available for free reading at:

    Copyright 2011 J.R.Werbics​

    Coming next: Part II
    The Democratic Renaissance and its Meaning/Part 1
    From Cairo and Athens to Dublin, A New Political/Intellectual Enlightenment Defined
  2. janpor

    janpor Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2008
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    However, I'm not buying into "a democratic awakening" in the larger Arab world. Some countries (e.g. Tunisia, Morocco,...), yes.

    Meanwile, Doctors Without Borders is fleeing Lybia. :twocents:
  3. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Though the winds of change began to be felt in North Africa and the Middle East, the Arab Spring has blown into a whirlwind of revolution: Tunisia is free, Gaddafi is gone in Libya, the regime of Bashar - Al Assad is crumbling, and Egypt is slowly crawling toward a democratic denouement.

    I only got that far , and I thought crack- pots .
    Asking about the significance of Tunisia is on a par with asking the price of Runner Beans .
    There is a distinct possibility of tribal wars in Libya,. Maybe that is why there are thousands of American troops flooding in -- notionally from AFRICOM to handle pipe line repairs and Security . Nudge Wink .
    Many or even most commentators think Bashar has now got the upper hand in Syria and at best there will be civil war -- probably for a long time .
    Egypt is actually in the process of putting the Brotherhood in power and getting rid of the Generals -- if possible . The people have something that lies between " Very Little" and " Nothing"
    There is no Arab Spring .
    It is utter Hogwash dreamt up by the Media .
  4. The Philosopher

    The Philosopher New Member

    Jan 29, 2012
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    First I would like to thank janpor and raymondo for their replies in this debate!
    Now raymondo...

    I will take that description of “crack-pot” as a compliment, because if I should somehow find myself quoted or written up in the mainstream media or simply regurgitating the Hogwash – I will know that I have done something seriously wrong.

    In fact I am trying to bring to light something that is a little more dramatic than what the media have dreamed up.

    There is a great article in today's New York Times in the opinion section called The Stone, which helps to explain some of what I am trying to convey.

    And it involves going all the way back to the time of the American and French revolutions.

    Granted there may not be much democracy in the Middle East and North Africa yet...but the foundation for something new has been created.

    What that may ultimately be...nobody really knows.

    But it is a start and in the process it has thrown the rest of the world in a new direction. And because of these revolutions (rebellions), there will be consequences for us in the West.

    And if we properly shape these consequences we easily could find ourselves in a Democratic Renaissance.
  5. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I would hate to curb early enthusiasm , but this Forum requires lifting several rungs before it even merits quotations in second rate publications !
    However , the excellent phrase "Crack pots" was for the article authors and not for the messenger , though 99% of reports are quoted because the messenger identifies with the report .
    I am afraid I loathed the link article . For me it represents everything that is rubbish in the context of discussing actual revolutions now and real people being involved in them -- as opposed to navel gazing in hindsight .
    I am 100% in favour of these countries taking steps to improve their lot and broadly through Democratic Process .
    However , they must define Democracy in their own way and it has to be introduced in stages , so that power vacuums are not created and worst possible scenarios created -- as looks very likely in Egypt and Libya .
    My basic concern is that the vast bulk of action is being engineered in the US for appalling motives .
    The US was essentially caught out in Egypt and switched historical backing for the corrupt Generals to the Brotherhood , on the basis that it was the least awful of available options . And that it possibly represented a back door into Hezbollah , its core allegiance group . My instinct is that this has badly back fired and further rounds of blood letting will occur .
    Libya is even worse because this was US planned regime change from start to finish .
    This is how the US has wrecked the planet from Korea onwards and in Libya I expect there to be horrible Civil War as it is composed of nearly forty different tribes .None sophisticated .
    I imagine Libya is regarded as a success by the US and that regime change details for Syria have been developed a long time ago . It is rumoured that the US through NATO has a plan that is viable even in the face of a certain Russian UN veto . Time will tell .

    I believe , like you , that many democratic things are happening in N.Africa and the Middle East .
    But with Bahrain and the Yemen sledge hammered to the US and Saudi Arabia's will and might , I think your romantic notions are already well over taken by the practicalities of Realpolitic . imho

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