The early campaign kick-off stategy

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by CyberCynic, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. CyberCynic

    CyberCynic New Member

    Apr 23, 2013
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    What I heard a couple of weeks ago was that she was not a very good speaker, and so that meant that her $300,000 speaking fee was not going to be met very often anymore - so she cannot fill an area of people paying $20.00 a pop - she has to build momentum. So the dear woman has to resort to these less than spectacular, somewhat boring sit-downs with brand-new business back drops, and the first and last thing out of her mouth is bad mouthing CEO's - is this common practice in politics???

    They seemed to have run Mrs. Clinton out of New York, and she confirms that with her statements that seem disparaging of corporate officers. If Clinton had anything she would be doing campaigning in NYC - Obama was here a lot, but not lately, and the high profile politicians of NY have shown some things that would seem to indicate that they would be willing to fill her void, and I heard Jeb Bush was making a stop in the city this week.

    How about the $5.00 payment plan that was worked by the Obama campaign - can't Hillary do that?

    It is about 9-months early for the campaign process, anyway, because the elections are not until January.

    If everybody knows that politicians have to get campaign money from someone - how does this all work any way, why do they have to get donations - How does it work? Because working class people cannot donate the money that CEO's can - is that what Hillary is trying to get people to understand?

    And what does that mean?

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