The ecological transformation of Europe

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Xanadu, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Over the past eleven years lots has been changed in Europe, not only did the people saw a lot of change in the roads (red/black pavement, roundabouts), architecture of houses and office/industrial buildings (often red/black and square/rectangular shapes), the change in lots of equipement (most became black, pc's/laptops/tablets, househoulding appliances), the change of cars (often to black, and bigger/heavier, more energy consuming)
    But what is also going on, which is a big problem compared to all these changes, is the transformation of ecology/nature/green. By telling (propagating) the people that the 'authentic' ecology has to be restored they take away the current ecology (which is the authentic ecology) by cutting, mowing and using herds of grazing animals (highlanders) they transform European's ecology. What also happened is that farmers took away lots and lots pieces of woods all over Europe (if you look at map of e.g. Finland you notice that you do not see a country full of trees, but at least one thirth of the trees is today farmland/fields. This process is going on now for half a century, and accelerated since the turn of the century. They create ecological problems to draw more and more people into their green parties, and this way gain power over the people. And these voters really believe in these (fake) green parties. By transforming (destroying) Europe's ecology/green they cause two things at the same time, destroying more and more ecology and gain power over the people who find out how much of nature/green is being destroyed/taken away.
    The real 'ecofacism' (if you want to use that term) comes from Brussels in cooperation with elites/governments across Europe. They all work (very hard) together to demolish Europe (economically and ecologically) from within.
    The only reason behind this is one day reach absolute power over the European people and rule over them with an iron fist, in the same way as in Russia last century (we see it all repeating once again, this time they are using all history combined to absolutely reach their big goal, their next empire and great war) We witness a total transformation of Europe in all ways, which will lead eventually to the destruction of Europe itself.
  2. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    This is a repeating pattern in Europe.

    During the Medieval Warming Period, farm land superceded forest land. As the Little ice Age set in (and following the Black Plague) about half the farm land could not be worked by the reduced population and went back to forests. In 1330, wolves were unheard of in most of Europe. By 1360 they were common and did indeed occasionally eat people.

    In the seventeenth century, urbanization and burgeoning metals industry denuded Europe of forests. When coal replaced wood as fuel, the forest made a comeback.

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