The Establishment Wants to Crush You Uppity Peasants

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by XXJefferson#51, Dec 30, 2021.

  1. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    Some guy named Jared Schmeck recently mocked the senile old pervert who is masquerading as our president by getting His Crustiness to affirm “Let’s go, Brandon!” This humiliation of the regime figurehead, piled upon the myriad other humiliations he has brought upon himself – failing to pass infrastructure, Afghanistan, putting the “can” in “Vatican” – is intolerable to the establishment. This uppitiness must be stopped.

    And it’s even less tolerable because “Let’s Go, Brandon” is a manifestation of the class warfare that increasingly characterizes American society. It’s the cry of the working class, bold and joyous, utterly uncontrollable. It has energy and cheer, while the pathetic moaning of the ruling caste’s spokescreatures is rote, boring, and bereft of any power. The regime-approved memes our elite’s minions repeat on cable and in social media are the chant of serfs.

    So, the garbage regime and it’s ridiculous legacy media minions must try to stifle this rebellion. They especially hate that this in no Astroturf meme passed around on some media server list after being decreed from on high. LGB is infinitely more dangerous. It’s an organic response that is not pushed or guided, but that evolved totally outside the approved channels. They hate it because it is not theirs, and because they cannot direct it or tame it. So they try to squelch it. But it will come back even stronger. And worse, we’ll be laughing at them as we repeat it.

    Their response is as predictable as it is pathetic, which is very. Who cares about the Waukesha leftist race murderer? Hell, who cares about the on-going bloodbaths in the blue cities? Some dude in Oregon dissed The Asterisk! Get the Action News Team mobilized stat! So, we have the media breathlessly reporting his name, hoping that there he will be harassed and fired and otherwise turned into an object lesson for the benefit of the proles.

    The most hilarious part is when the ruling caste’s Renfields leverage “rules” and “norms” against disrespecting the dementite-in-chief, expressing shock and horror that Jared the Pleb did not abase himself before Hunter’s daddy sufficiently. You might wonder when the respect the president rule came into effect, but that glaring hypocrisy is intentional. They want you to know that you must play by rules that they are free to ignore. It solidifies your status as second-class citizens.

    You must know your place, and they intend to teach it to you.…

    read more:

    urt Schlichter, a regular writer at Town Hall and Fox News contributor is exactly right. The bi coastal secular progressive elites ruling class want to have control over us unwashed flyover masses and every aspect of our lives. They hate it that we show the same respect for their dear leader, uncle Joe Brandon that they showed for a real President, President Trump. We the people openly mock them and do it with gleeful pleasure, and our wannabe rulers who presume to rule over us can’t stand it.
  2. XXJefferson#51

    XXJefferson#51 Banned

    May 29, 2017
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    I’m proud to be a part of the pro theistic multiracial working and middle class coalition of Heartland Americans acting in defiance of the ruling class progressive secular elites. Let’s go Brandon!
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The Left pretends that WE are in revolt against them, when it's they that are in revolt against US.

    “The best short credo of liberalism came from the pen of the once canonical left-wing literary historian Vernon Parrington in the late 1920s. ‘Rid society of the dictatorship of the middle class.’”

    Well, that's Leftism, there is actually nothing "liberal" at all about that sentiment.

    That's what drives this unholy desire to crush this plain spoken man who spoke out during his call with Demented Biden.

    The self-Anointed, actually aren't. We anoint and we are in the process of rejecting them.
    They have a number of ways of marginalizing, punishing and criminalizing viewpoints that are not in agreement with these dictatorial clowns.

    American tires of these idiots. It's time to turn the page.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
    Talon likes this.

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