The Evidence for Israeli Involvement in 9/11

Discussion in '9/11' started by Munkle, Feb 3, 2019.

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  1. Tejas

    Tejas Banned

    Feb 3, 2021
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    I could post something interesting about 9-11... something posters here have probably never heard before [because it contains unique information.] But my experience on this forum has told me not to waste my time.

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
  2. DEFinning

    DEFinning Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 25, 2020
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    That item, emboldened above, is just too much of a coincidence to be believed, as a coincidence. Did you learn this through the presentation in your link to 911Truth.Org, which I just now noticed and so haven't yet watched?

    Before now, I had only, recently, heard of the evidence of the impossibility of the way the buildings had free-fallen; though this was intriguing, it was also not an area of expertise, for me. Oh, and a fair while back, I had seen on PBS's Frontline, the plethora of connections of top White House personnel to organizations in Israel, as well as learned of the hypothetical plans, eerily reminiscent of what later occurred, which had been kicking around somewhere in the Intelligence Dept., I think, prior to 9/11.

    It is both an amazing & yet very understandable, even dishearteningly predictable, eventuality that there has been such a dearth of interest, among the media, in following up on this story, putting the many pieces together, to educate the public, which might then force an actual investigation.

    By the way, the article you linked was very interesting, substantial, and still worth reading to the end, even if it was more about the views of the past CIA leaders (& other high officials), than a thorough investigation of 9/11 evidence. But what they did offer, in that regard, was bolder than most news outlets would have the nerve to reprise.

    Frustrating as the truth is, I would guess that, even if there were an, "official investigation," at this point, it would essentially be a whitewashing of all the, "crazy conspiracy theories." It is so ironic that any ideas that starkly contrast w/ the official story, are so quickly written off, by most, as conspiracy nuttery, as if any conspiracy were automatically a claimed unicorn, found in a black hole. Yet, millions accept the patently ridiculous allegations of, "the big lie," of election fraud by Biden, to steal the Presidency. That is believable, but UFOs (that have been seen by millions, including many experienced pilots, and have even been released on film, by the Dept. of Defense), or any intrigue surrounding the events of 9/11-- as riddled with questionable oddities as those might be-- are both bridges, too far.

    This is, of course, because people only believe what they are willing to believe. The truth will never set free anyone who finds that truth, unacceptable. To keep this fact from becoming too depressing, I suppose we could look at it as an interesting study of the human psyche-- what realities are conceivable, like the Nazi Holocaust (for most people), and which things just too compromisingly shake the foundations of most people's essential, conceptual constructs, the architecture in which they live their lives, and the framework that gives their minds, and their existence, its crucial stability.

    @Munkle : Thanks for making this thread. I notice that many of your links are, "no longer available;" I hope you, however, are well, and taking care of yourself.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
    Bob0627 likes this.
  3. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Of course it's no coincidence, it was obviously planned. There were 12 war games planned on the morning of 9/11, 4 of these were re-scheduled on 9/11. I actually started a thread almost 3 years ago on the war games based on a video that YouTube took down:

    But the video can actually be found here:

    I did know about these war games well before the video came out though. Here is some information about those war games:

    YouTube has taken down many videos that contradict the official 9/11 narrative under various phony pretexts.
    DEFinning likes this.

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