The evolution of total war

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flanders, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    My comments follow this brief article:

    Violence erupts in China as police knock down mosque for being an 'illegal religious place'
    Muslims clash with police officers in town of Hexi
    Unconfirmed reports two were killed in the clashes
    By Lee Moran

    Last updated at 8:43 AM on 3rd January 2012

    Fighting broke out between crowds of Muslims and police when a mosque was demolished - for being an 'illegal religious place'.

    Violence erupted in the town of Hexi, in China's northwest Ningxia region, after 1,000 officers arrived to help police the knocking down of the building.

    More than 50 protesters were injured and 100 arrested after several hundred members of China's Muslim Hui minority tried to stop the demolition.

    Sources from the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy. said two people died in the clashes.

    An employee who answered the phone at the town police station confirmed officers had fought with protesters and said 80 people were detained, but denied any deaths.

    The employee added that police demolished the mosque after the violence.

    The Communist government closely monitors religious activity and is said to be worried that mosques and other houses of worship might become centres for anti-government agitation.

    The Hui are one of several Muslim minority groups in China.

    They include descendants of Muslim immigrants from Central Asia, members of China's majority Han ethnicity who converted to Islam and several other groups.

    Chinese Communists and Muslims fighting in China is a mixture of good news and caution.

    The good news

    Two totalitarian ideologies are fighting each other. There is not a whit of difference between today’s Communists and Muslims fighting and Fascists and Communists fighting each other in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

    Note that the Communists in Nazi Germany had the Soviet Union as an ally, while Muslims in China have numerous Muslim countries as allies.

    The caution

    America must not take sides as it did in WWII. If there is one lesson to be learned from WWII it is this: America ends up the loser when it comes between two totalitarian political philosophies. Make no mistake about this, Islam is a political movement more than it is a religion.

    NOTE: President Clinton bombed Christians in the Balkans in order to help Muslims. In that disaster, Christians were simply trying to stop Muslim infiltration by driving them out of the former Yugoslavia. That was less than 20 years ago; so Clinton’s disaster is still on the books.

    One fact is immutable. America can only lose by choosing one side over the other. The conflict is already dividing this country. Misguided bleeding hearts will increase their wailing about Muslims being discriminated against in China. Sorry to say, I found this on the American Thinker website:

    It is the most brutal act of violence against protesters since Tiananmen Square 20 years ago. It is bound to influence the way Muslims perceive China.​

    And this:

    Muslims (and others) are bound to question whether there is any difference between Israel trying to crush a people and create facts on the ground by building settlements and China doing the same with its policy of Han migration.​

    January 4, 2012
    Chinese police demolish mosque
    Jeff Treesh

    Apparently, Mr. Treesh is unaware of the fate of protestors in Iran and Syria.

    And as hard as I try to avoid commenting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I just cannot accept the premise that Jews are trying to crush Muslims.

    At the same time Muslims and their supporters demand America’s support, assorted Internationalists in our own government are working with Peking to bring America down.

    Peace Without Victory

    The most important lesson of all is understanding the evolution of total war. Remember that there have been instances of total war in the past. Sherman’s march through Georgia is thought to be one example of total war within a larger conflict.

    Total war forever eliminates the need to convert a defeated enemy. By their very nature wars fought over ideology, as opposed to territorial wars, must be total. Note that even Hitler used territory (Lebensraum) to advance Fascist ideology. Today, he would do it the other way around.

    Basically, in today’s world territorial conquest follows ideology in warfare. In short: War has finally evolved into total war until there is no defeated enemy left to convert. Communists know it. Muslims know it. It is time freedom-loving people everywhere learned it.

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