The "Existential Threat" of Climate Change

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sanskrit, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Was at the gym an hour ago watching Tucker Carlson on one of the treadmill TVs, don't see much TV otherwise. Apparently, "existential threat" is the new buzz phrase among the Democrat candidates with respect to climate change and the truly massive government power and money grabs accompanying. The phrase doesn't mean what they think it means.

    An "existential threat" is not a threat to existence of this or that, human life, the planet or anything else. That would be a tangible "essential threat" as a matter of fact and not opinion. I guess "existential threat," which would be an intangible threat to one's authentic selfhood, sounds better in hyperbole culture as inaccurate as that use of it is.

    For thousands of years now, government has allied with religion to enrich itself, to increase its size and power over individuals, by threats of imminent apocalypse. Today's most powerful church is the mass and social media, and they are up to the same tricks that Philip and Clement used to steal the Templar wealth. "The end is near!" has enriched thousands of the corrupt over thousands of years, yet the weak-minded consistently fall for it time and time again.

    Will be glad to explain exactly how the scam plays out, how it enriches the corrupt to every taxpayer's and citizen's detriment, but will wait to see if the thread draws any interest before doing so.

    Are they fooling you this time too? Pity if they are. Will this one of the oldest scams in the book always work, even in the net age? Stay tuned.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2019
    garyd, HB Surfer and vman12 like this.
  2. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    Don't worry, we only have 11 years before it's apparently irreversible and we can all stop worrying.
  3. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    In light of all the obvious paid LW shilling allowed on this forum for some reason, going to bump this up because I think it got deluged in all the sea of public union and other shill posts/threads.
    Jestsayin likes this.
  4. fencer

    fencer Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2009
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    That might be true, except that deadlines have already passed and we just get a new deadline. There will always be enough suckers that weren't paying attention to previous end of the world scenarios, to enable the hysterics of the current "End is Near" acolytes.

    Personally the looming existential threat I'm inclined to believe in is the one predicted by Ray Kurzweil. It isn't the end that is near, its the singularity.
    Josephwalker and FatBack like this.
  5. Chester_Murphy

    Chester_Murphy Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 2, 2017
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    None of them can pronounce it properly.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
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  6. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    This imminent cataclysm has me wanting to buy a $15m mansion on an island off the shore of Massachusetts.
    Sanskrit, Jestsayin and HB Surfer like this.
  7. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    Okay I'm interested. Please do go on and explain how the scam works out.

    All the world's climate scientists are colluding to scam the public for grant money while former Fox weatherman Anthony Watts and the fossil fuel funding folks at the Heartland Institute or American Heritage are telling you the truth because the would never lie?

    Don't really want to wade into this snake pit so that's it for me.................:popcorn:the floor is yours
    redeemer216 likes this.
  8. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    "All the world's climate scientists" .... is a LIE.

    The father of Climate Change himself Claude Allegre' says it is bullcrap.

    There is climate change. There always has been, there always will be. As it warms, that means there will be more arable land. I work with a Geologist who took the time and went through the temperature charts with me one day. She laughed at all the claims, because the slice of data they zero in on to "prove" Global Warming is so insignificant that no worthy mathematician or scientist would make these huge claims of cataclysmic events that the Left are so fond of.

    The whole goal, in EVERY solution put forward by leftists is... more taxation and more Centralized Government power.

    Sorry. Nope. I am not buying the end of the world, or even a threat to mankind. This is a goal to increase the power of the Globalists and it's been exposed.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
    Sanskrit, Josephwalker and vman12 like this.
  9. opion8d

    opion8d Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 6, 2018
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    "Existential" is sort of the word of the day (week or month) of wannabe sensationalists looking for Internet or broadcast immortality. There is a plethora of events, real or imagined, that threatens localized human existence. These are the kind of threats that are often applied to places like Israel (invasion), Iran (nukes), North Korea (oh, wait, they are our pals now) and that old time favorite, anything threatening the status quo.

    So, is global warming an existential threat? It could be, if allowed to continue unabated. Even unchecked, however, humans will hang around for quite a while. One may find life a lot less enjoyable or even bearable, but we will continue to exist. At some point, even the s**t may hit the fan with war and famines which is definitely unpleasant. Perhaps a little better moniker is "Way of Life." That, it is already doing quite nicely (see hurricanes, ocean rises, forest fires, droughts, etc.).

    Whatever label you might apply, global warming sucks. Therefore, why not do what we can to ameliorate or abate it while we can (assuming we can). Still, existential is a mighty fine word to throw around and it sure sounds scary. That being said, the global warming deniers are basically full of crap. Especially their ersatz "scientists."
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2019
  10. EarthSky

    EarthSky Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2018
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    I've been through all these arguments before but thanks for representing.

    Allegre's book was patitioned (sp) by over 500 French scientists to be revoked from official state representation, right?

    Lot's of worthy scientists and mathematicans understand the science behind climate change but of course there are dissenters-mostly funded by fossil fuel interests. I actually have a science background myself though not in climate science.

    Yes the planet has warmed before but there wasn't a civilization of 7 billion and counting living on the dawn of a mass species extinction back then either. This planet and it's ecosystems are in dire shape whether people here understand that or not.

    I am glad you think the Globalist scam has been exposed.

    I was actually more interested in Sanskrit's offer to explain the whole thing to me.....why I gave him the floor.
    But if you can explain how it all fits together and who is profiting, go for it.

    Who are the Globalists.....government or corporations......or is it the scientists?
    redeemer216, YourBrainIsGod and alexa like this.
  11. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Lol...Paranoid sophistry ain't gonna do you much good when you're treading water.
    Climate change is happening and even the most intransigent deniers will soon have no place to hide.
    The next generation have already taken this issue of the global environment to heart and it's going to change the way we live, whether you like it or not.
    EarthSky and alexa like this.
  12. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Many in the media have no shame. Give 'em a new phrase against Trump and they will all use it. Even when Tucker demonstrates their foolishness to them they still carry on.
  13. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    "Existential threat"is just another attempt to up the ante in a game of emotional black mail designed, as you rightly pointed out, to enrich and empower - primarily the latter as those with power can always obtain money - the government and its henchmen at the expense of everyone else.

    I can't and won't speak for anyone else here but I long ago figured out that when government hustlers start telling me that something is for my own good that two actions are immediately to be performed, the first is to put my hand firmly on my wallet and the second is to back slowly away.
  14. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    The normal, ethical way for private sector ventures to be funded and grow is to attract risk capital from various types of private sector investors in a voluntary risk/reward process. This process, in its modern U.S. iterations, is subject at every stage to extensive, very expensive, onerous and often overlapping regulatory regimes with no guarantees of success whatsoever. This is excessive by design in current bureau-states all over the world, and is the primary way that government "sells" its regulatory product to large, entrenched cronies (of note and of late, Google, FB and other tech giants... explaining their "caring leftist" facades in purely fiscal terms... they want the protection and lack of antitrust scrutiny that government can sell them, so they bang a statist drum as part of the quid pro quo) and retards competitive pressure on those cronies by making life for upstarts difficult.

    (As an aside, this process described in the first sentence above, and not anything any government does or will EVER do, is responsible for the immense wealth we all possess at all social strata in the present age).

    You can roll the regulatory dice, pay the armies of lawyers and accountants required to grow, and risk being squashed outright by the bureaucratic version of Don Fanucci, or just sell to Google. This particular corruption entails ever new heresies... erm... "existential crises" ala "Those Templars are kissing the arse of BAPHOMET!" to accomplish.

    This scenario has played out thousands of times during the telecomm/net tech boom and is well-documented despite being rarely discussed in full by the compliant media. In short, it makes large campaign contributor cronies' lives a bed of roses, and small upstart legit private sector firms' life a bed of thorns... if not an outright living regulatory Hell.

    You thought it was about "protecting the public" from"existential threats?" How charmingly naïve. IT'S ABOUT MAKING MONEY VIA FORCE AND COMING UP WITH EVER NEW GRAFT, REGS AND OTHER, TO "SELL" AS PART OF A PROTECTION RACKET.

    Don't feel too bad about that naivete though, billions and trillions of dollars are spent to fool you, enabled by a media that, in a grisly twofer, profits from large government AND moral/"existential" panics in many ways.

    Or maybe, and maybe more likely, you are one of the ones profiting from it, and just need some way to look at yourself in the mirror every morning without cringing. Rationalize it however you like.

    In addition, for hundreds of years now in capital markets (thousands of years in church-statecraft generally), the unscrupulous have learned that they can greatly reduce their risk and maximize returns by applying government fiat power in precise ways to set up quasi private sector "graft tributaries" for cronies... that just coincidentally correlate with $15 million mansions, book deals, real estate deals (See Feinstein, Pelosi) and $150 million in "speaking fees" paid to people with very little valuable knowledge to share other than how to bilk the public while in office. Or maybe you think the sage pearls of wisdom of a disbarred lawyer is worth a million for 30 minutes? I haven't been disbarred, maybe I should get 2 mill per half hour?

    So the process simplified is:

    1. Create moral panic out of nothing or greatly exaggerate a social problem. Proliferate it via the young and stupid impressionable in gov-edu indoctrination camps.
    2. Create special government graft troughs to address the "existential threat" which are subject to little regulatory scrutiny.
    3. The money disappears (just like the Baltimore federal funds), the problem somehow goes away, and various crooks of the gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-trial lawyer-MSM Complex are enriched at all taxpayer expense.

    Then after the dust settles the crook politicians who enable it go around with their brown bags after leaving office to collect the mansions (hilariously and ironically ALWAYS in areas most subject to the dire "EXISTENTIAL THREAT"), book deals for stuff that ends up instantly in the bargain bin... yet is somehow a "best seller," speaking fees, land deals, sweetheart contracts.

    a) overwhelmingly statist trial lawyers get to suesuesue!
    b) corrupt academics get grants for toeing the line, and career ending, even violent bent nose union threats when they don't.
    c) public unions and crony contractors get contracts for $5 plastic forks.
    d) crooked financiers get easy windfalls free of otherwise onerous regulatory scrutiny that has been "relaxed" because the crisis is so "dire" and "time is running out!"
    e) the figureheads of the movement, in this case the slimy ALGORES and celebs who don't want their Spaceyesque/Epsteinesque "proclivities" exposed stay safe when they play ball.
    f) media gets redistribution for its mass markets AND keeps the public watching its "we're doomed!" programming.

    The result?

    Of course exposing this in public gets threats, intimidation, starting with "you just hate THE PLANET!" "You just hate CLEAN AIR AND WATER!" and if that doesn't work, "We know where you live and you've been depressed enough to put two bullets in the back of your own head of late, everyone knows it despite your objections."

    Such is the business of government and the nascent media "priestly class."

    Are they fooling you?

    Oh, it's not just done via the various "environmental existential threat" hoaxes either. All these "existential crises" such as opioids, vaping of late, military exigencies, "food insecure" 300 pound "victims" riding the scooters at Walmart, outlier "gun violence" blown out of proportion, "bullying," etcetcetc... that simply must be addressed.... by more and more government force and less and less individual freedom.

    The environmental scams are just the crown jewels right up there with the military scams. Unlike military, though, they are so much easier to manipulate the feeble-minded with.

    Thousands of datapoints of this winning government formula over thousands of years of human existence.

    But sure, THIS TIME it's real. Better get up on the roof and wait for Jesus, he'll be along any minute now.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    RodB and fencer like this.
  15. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Brilliant thought. Let’s just wait out the libs. By 2031 it’s irreversible. Then there’s no point in grounding our planes or giving up our SUV’s.
  16. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    Buy land 300 feet above sea level. Problem solved.

    I’m 650 feet above sea level. I’m good.
  17. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Buy a houseboat.
    557 likes this.
  18. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    Brilliant. Then you’ll always be 18” above sea level no matter what happens. :)
  19. Steady Pie

    Steady Pie Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 15, 2012
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    I own a big V8 turbo diesel ute because of the sort of driving I do, not for shits and giggles.

    One day they will come for it.
  20. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Climate "changes" every day, no one denies that or ever has.

    There was a time when I believed the apocalyptic screeching of you and yours, because at 13 in 1977 (and about on par mentally with the average adult Leftist today), I was ignorant of how government truly works and the many ongoing scams of the Complex as against the taxpayer. So when they told us there'd be no fossil fuels and parts of California could be underwater by 1990 I believed them.

    But I was just a dumb, gullible kid, and so many hogwash dire global warming claims by the likes of crooked ALGORE had not been proven wrong and dishonest back then. It was a brand new shuck and jive then, introduced into the govscam toolkit by OPEC and the "Energy Crisis."

    So what's your excuse for buying into the obvious horseshit now, decades later, when it's been proven to be utter tripe time and time again?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
    Jestsayin likes this.

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    Why are all of you spending so much time worrying about global warming? There is a simple solution. We will build a wall around the periphery of each continent and large island such as our beloved Greenland. Do not worry your little minds about how will we pay for it.
    Mexico will pay fir the wall. Who you ask? Mexico I say onto you.
  22. RodB

    RodB Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Maybe a little of the heavy side, but certainly on track.
  23. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Given that there solutions for the most part would take at a minimum two decades to implement even if they are right it won't matter.
    Texas Republican likes this.
  24. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Not sure how you can get so much wrong in one little post.
    garyd likes this.
  25. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    It has been "Irreversible" for some time now...we just get to watch it slowly get worse now. Hopefully nothing happens to the ocean currents anytime soon of it will dramatically speed up.

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