The GloBULL warming CULT want death penalty for people who don't believe their crap

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by Mario Milano, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    The elite Bankers have concocted global cooling come global warming come climate change.

    Its written in many texts that they would give us an emergency either real like 9/11 or perceived like global warming.

    They sponsored the greens in a deception that these would look after the environment and its issues.

    But instead the GREENS are children of the elite / bankers and are champions of the one world government.
  2. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Scarey sh1t .........
  3. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Sure is, dont get the rug pulled out from under your feet now.:eyepopping:

  4. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    WHAT A SCAM OF A ORGANISATION THE UN HAS BECOME....remember the land where UN HQ sits was donated by the corrupt to the core the Rockefellers, do you really think these greedy scum would just give away prime New York real estate and want nothing in return?

    A $14 Trillion Extortion for a Global Warming Scam

    The latest megalomaniacal threat from the financial globalists wants to saddle the world economy with a cost of trillions of dollars that benefits favorite corporatists. The phony global warming cult has a core purpose. Their objective is to drive down the standard of living for non-elites and prevent the use of fossil fuel energy. The fallacious science used to create a disinformation scare for politically unsophisticated "True Believers" is a direct result of transnational money manipulators. The Davos crowd sponsors the educational and media institutions that trump up junk research and manufacture idealistic solutions.

    Make no mistake about it, the Davos Elites Enjoys the Global Depression, and love corporate welfare. They greatly profit from government subsidized "Green" ventures, which drive up energy costs and line the pockets of compadre companies, under the control of the financial barons. As the rest of us struggle to survive, pronouncements declare an every greater burden to bear. Note the ominous future in Davos Report Calls For Additional $14 Trillion To Restrain Global Warming.

    "The world must spend an additional $14 trillion on clean energy infrastructure, low-carbon transport and energy efficiency to meet the United Nations’ goal for capping the rise in average global temperatures, according to a World Economic Forum report released on Monday."

    Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon states the globalist viewpoint.

    "Economic growth and sustainability are inter-dependent, you cannot have one without the other, and greening investment is the pre-requisite to realizing both goals."

    What can be expected from these "greening investment" projects? In order to anticipate future plans, a comprehensive understanding of the past and present shady business practices is crucial.

    Examine the industrial wind and solar model in detail. The Washington Post reports in, Sting operations reveal Mafia involvement in renewable energy, is just the tip of the iceberg.

    "The still-emerging links of the mafia to the once-booming wind and solar sector here are raising fresh questions about the use of government subsidies to fuel a shift toward cleaner energies, with critics claiming that huge state incentives created excessive profits for companies and a market bubble ripe for fraud. China-based Suntech, the world’s largest solar panel maker, last month said it would need to restate more than two years of financial results because of allegedly fake capital put up to finance new plants in Italy. The discoveries here also follow "eco-corruption" cases in Spain, where a number of companies stand accused of illegally tapping state aid.

    Because it receives more sun and wind than any other part of Italy, Sicily became one of Europe’s most obvious hotbeds for renewable energies over the past decade. As the Italian government began offering billions of euros annually in subsidies for wind and solar development, the potential profitability of such projects also soared — a fact that did not go unnoticed by Sicily’s infamous crime families.

    Roughly a third of the island’s 30 wind farms — along with several solar power plants — have been seized by authorities. Officials have frozen more than $2 billion in assets and arrested a dozen alleged crime bosses, corrupt local councilors and mafia-linked entrepreneurs. Italian prosecutors are now investigating suspected mafia involvement in renewable-energy projects from Sardinia to Apulia."

    The in-depth analysis, Big Wind Energy Subsidies: A Hurricane of Carnage, Cronyism and Corruption is a good primer on the way plungers game the system and pay off politicians at the taxpayers’ expense.

    "Lewis "Lew" Hay, III is executive chairman of NextEra Energy, Inc., and it is estimated by Forbes, that CEO "Hay earns nearly $10 million in total compensation from NextEra." Despite the fact that Hay was actually a "major political contributor to Sen. John McCain in 2008," he quickly learned which side his power company could generate the title of the "Third Largest Recipient of DOE Risky Loans." Hay too joined wealthy Democratic donors on Obama’s Jobs Council in 2011, along with the other two I have tackled in this series, "Spreading the Wealth to Obama’s Ultra-Rich Job Council" –– Jobs Czar, Jeffrey Immelt CEO of General Electric has raked in $3 billion and counting, meanwhile John Doerr, along with his "climate buddy" Al Gore's, VC firm Kleiner Perkins is tied to at least $10 billion of stimulus funds. Both General Electric and Doerr were key contributors to what went into the 2009 Stimulus.

    No matter how you slice it, whether we are sending money abroad or fueling corporate welfare here in the United States as well as the egregious practice of crony capitalism, the 2009-Recovery act is a lie, a travesty and a scam, favoring wealthy financial backers of President Obama and the Democratic Party as well as those with influential political connections to both. And with a president that's dead set on pushing a fierce and radical climate change agenda and funding green energy with taxpayer money, no matter the long list of failures, there is no end in sight to this green corruption scandal.

    Besides NextEra Energy taking full advantage of the federal production tax credit (PTC), we now can confirm that the Bank of Obama has rewarded this conglomerate of a power company, and his millionaire job council buddy Lewis Hay, with two large DOE loans ($2.3 billion); one large stimulus smart-grid grant ($200 million); and six 1603 stimulus grants totaling $398.5 million. Thus NextEra's green tab is on its way to $3 billion of taxpayer money, and that's not factoring in the PTC."

    With this background and sorry record of corruption to build upon, the World Economic Forum at Davos sets the agenda for the global economy.

    Davos 2013: Green Governance To ’Save the World’ is all about enacting their Agenda 21 authoritarianism. Elizabeth Leafloor from writes:

    "The WEF suggests a crisis of leadership and debt are some of the biggest challenges facing the world, and that ’global governance’ is the key to stabilization. Pascal Lamy, director-general of the World Trade Organisation, said: ‘We need proper global governance that has the necessary tools, power and energy to create a more level playing field at the international level.’

    At the end of the day, a push for increased global governance and an environmental agenda is on the table for Davos 2013, under the banner of ’Resilent Dynamism’:

    "Mr. Klaus Schwab (WEF Founder and executive chairman) said that the world is seeing "a new reality of sudden shocks and prolonged global economic malaise, particularly in major economies experiencing economic austerity". He also mentioned, "Future growth in this new context requires dynamism - bold vision and even bolder action.

    Either attribute - Resilience or Dynamism - alone is insufficient, as leadership in 2013 will require both".

    The "Greening" leadership translates into forcing upon the world a "Cap and Trade" dictatorship. The Calderon bandits that sip champagne from their Swiss chateau want to extend their aristocratic bondage upon a gullible public. The proper dictum is "Save the World" from the New World Order elites.

    Read the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act - S. 2191, for the vision of the controlled carbon-trading scheme.

    "The L-W CSA allows covered facilities to satisfy up to 15% of their compliance obligation with specific domestic offsets. An additional 15% can be covered using international emission allowances. Unlimited banking is allowed and owners and operators of covered facilities can borrow up to 15% of their annual compliance obligation from future years. The L-W CSA also creates a Carbon Market Efficiency Board to monitor the carbon trading market and implement specific cost relief measures, including increased borrowing and use of offsets."

    What a boondoggle for the consumer and a windfall for organized crime. If you worry about mob infiltration into this extortion racket, you had better focus on the true mafia; namely, the globalist plutocrats.

    If the disclosed goal is to extract $14 Trillion from the distressed world economies, one can only reasonably conclude that the surreptitious objective is to widen the income gap between the ultra-rich and the peons. People pay the costs of taxation exploitation. The privileged elites view the masses as useless eaters, destined to be herded into pens of servitude.

    The fake global warming panic is pure political propaganda, used to bolster a guilt complex to justify insider theft. A Cap and Trade ploy is designed to push up the costs of fossil fuel with full knowledge that "Greening Dreams" are no substitutes to real energy.

    Research projects into technological alternative sources, based upon efficiency and reliability standards are valid. However, allowing governmental cronyism to impose limits on cheap energy, distorts the marketplace. The Davos crews of corporatist gangsters fly into their feast on private jets. The sycophant media reporting by the business toadies that attend the gala celebration of global autocracy should be indisputable evidence that the globalist own the public relations spin.

    Even so, such distorted coverage does not blind those who understand the true nature of the planetary struggle. The monopolist plan for adding unwarranted tolls on your family budget, sold as a noble necessity, will only accelerate the systematic impoverishment of your economic existence.
  5. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    If any one of you are genuinely interested to find out how the United Nations is manipulating entire nations through GREEN policy this video is a must.

    If you dont think of yourselves then think of your children and grand children.

    These animals through green policy will enslave us all for ever.

    I know its a bit long but this video proves why the UNITED NATIONS and the GREENS as a political party world wide have to be demolished.

  6. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    They even advertise this fact yet people are deaf.

    The media is mute.

    And we are being made slaves without even knowing it.

  7. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    5 twisters and record breaking floods in the past few years. Dang, Bundy hadn't had a flood like that since 1890 and poor old Grafton has seen the highest flood in living history, not to mention the other weather related catastrophes in the past few years. I'd never heard of a powerful twister in Australia until the noughties. This has nothing to do with climate change at all though, these weather extremes across the planet are just coincidence. Please listen and listen clear: I will not believe in climate change until all humanity is completely destroyed, in the meantime we need to focus our energy on these dodgy bankers because it makes a lot of cents!
  8. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Hey dude

    Why are you panicking today we have some of the lowest temperatures in our history and we also have the lowest amount of CO2 in our atmosphere for some time, try millions of years.

    Its only natural for the Earths cycles to fluctuate, every wonder why they have changed the name from global warming to climate change.

    Its because the Earth is always undergoing climate change.

    If the Earth didn't do this we would still be a molten lava or rock, do you know what the Earth looked like when she was first formed?

    How could we get to here (where we are now) without climate change.

    Do you honestly think that humans can keep the CO2 levels in the atmosphere flat without a rise or fall?????

    Dont listen to Al Gore he has presented you with an end of the world scenario and you have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

    Look below we have had CO2 levels 20 times the amount we have today,

    Did this amount of CO2 trigger major climate change-----NO.

    Did this amount of CO2 cause a runaway greenhouse effect------NO.

    So why worry Al Gore just wants to make billions from his company you know the one that trades carbon credits and derivatives on the market.

    Stop being a sheeple and wake up to yourself.

    I forgot to add the graph below shows that CO2 doesn't drive temperature on the Earth.

    As can be seen high amount of CO2 and the temperature remains steady.

    The only thing that drives temperature on the Earth is that big yellow thing in the sky, its called the SUN.

    Now image when our sun has consumed all its hydrogen and starts to expand and become a red giant CAL AL here we come.

    You recon you will be able to control the CO2 level then too????

  9. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I have been wondering when some moron was going to attempt to attribute some weather events to global warming, and here you are. Perhaps you could get off watching the tube to get all you environmental crap information and provide something that supports your claim that:
    1. Record breaking floods
    2. Highest flood level since 1890
    3. Grafton highest flood level in living history

    As for what you have heard of, if you get your head out of the sand you may become well aware it is not uncommon occurrence.

    But hey, be deluded by the others of your nutty religion, but answer me one thing. Name one credible scientist that supports your claim that global warming is caused or even influenced by man. when you do perhaps you could quote where they say it.
  10. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Let me say again: Please listen and listen clear, I will not believe in climate change until all humanity is completely destroyed, in the meantime we need to focus our energy on these dodgy bankers because it makes a lot of cents!
  11. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    I see, you have nothing.
  12. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Needn't say anymore. I'm not interested in responding to BS senselessness that supports your argument to oppose the carbon price, because that is simply your silly argument. Dare I say it again!
  13. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    It is your BS, you made the claims. You can not support them so again you still seem to have nothing.
  14. truthvigilante

    truthvigilante Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 30, 2012
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    Nothing wrong with making a statement about what might be. It is very very plausible but to the denialist they say it has been going on forever. Unless I had been living under a log, I'd never heard of twisters the likes of Lennox Head, Burnett Heads and Bargara. Massive floods to the broad extent that have happened over the last few years. Every year you hear on the news: This is coldest winter on record, or this is the hottest summer on record, this is the biggest freeze ever, this is the largest cyclone in recorded goes on and on and on. Take your blinkers off and take all in to account. If it was a tory in power, I'd suspect you'd be doing your best to discredit denialist. I have a sneaky suspicion that it is all a game of political persuasion, and not a serious look at realities.
  15. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    LOL... Your claim of what is, not what might be. So you admit your BS is exactly that. Stupidly enough the climate has been changing all the time, nobody denies that, except maybe you.
    You obviously have been living under a rock. So your claims where fabricated of your own opinion with no substance or evidence? You have not heard of them so they do not exist, isn't that the sum of it? That is exactly how the stupid are lead around with this subject.

    As stated, get your eyes off the sensationalising boob tube and get out and have a look. Perhaps if you ask yourself, why does Australia have a building style called the Queenslander and you consider what it is for? Where were they mainly built? Maybe you can start to consider the real situation you pretend to be knowing about.
    LOL... I would assume coming from someone that is devoid of any facts to support his own claims, it might be considered stupid to tell others to look about. The only reality you seem to know is what somebody else is telling you.

    It appears you are like your favourite Politician, full of BS.
  16. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    I think its really pathetic how the global warming religion has gone from global warming which started to wane in popularity to climate change where the science has now been debunked to natural disasters as proof that manmade CO2 is going to destroy us.

    If you had anything between your ears you would be asking yourself how is the carbon tax and the $2 trillion dollar market it will support going to stop us going over the precibus of no return.

    I mean Al Gore has been saying that we have 5 or 10 years to turn things around othrwise it will be too late and manmade CO2 will destroy the Earth for ever.

    If it wass that serious and all over the world governments were doing something at grass roots level i might not have questioned it (but i doubt that).

    The fact that CO2 will be traded on the supposed free markets should have set the alarm bells ringing imo.

    You wan to be a sheeple of the global warming religion and follow politicians like Al Gore who has his company already trading carbon credits, fine.

    Its people like you Kissinger and the elite are talking about when they say a threat from beyond whether real or prmulgated.

    Wake up to yourself FFS.

    You maybe ready to hand over your rights to the elite and the rites of all Australians to use their natural resources and energy to the United Nations.

    But there are many of us who would be d@mned in doing such a thing.

  17. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I doubt very much that there would be a significant number of "climate change denialists" on the planet, not amongst educated people anyway. Climate conditions have never been stable, they are perpetually changing. It has NOT been scientifically proven that co2 is, causing climate change. What is undeniable however, is that the puppet masters, the High Priests of this new religion, stand to make massive amounts of money from this new religion of hysteria and envy.

    The spin that we as a Nation have been leaders in combating ACC, is in fact completely false. We have shown ourselves to be one of the most politically weak Nations on the Globe. While strong countries have resisted the scam, we have caved in before the bell for round one has even been rung.
  18. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Male in Alabama it is supposed to be the middle of winter. We just got the 100mph. straight line winds and another twister hit the nearby State of Georgia. The tempertature was about 76 degrees F today. The hardiness zones for planting crops has moved about 200 miles north and we are now in the zone that used to be on the Gulf coast.

    The weather channel shows temperatures about +22 degrees above normal almost every day all over the country. Sometimes they get below normal temps in the northern States but not often.

    If this winter is any indication of what summer is going to be like we are in big trouble.

    What is going to happen when Australia has a poor wheat harvest and the Midwest U.S. has another bad year for corn?
  19. Mario Milano

    Mario Milano New Member Past Donor

    May 11, 2012
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    Funny how you quote the weather channel to support the world's biggest scam...the globull warming religion......but anyway seeing you quoted the weather channel he is what the founder of that channel had to say about this cult.

    Weather Channel Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’

    The founder of the The Weather Channel in the US has described the concept of global warming as 'the greatest scam in history' and accused global media of colluding with 'environmental extremists' to alarm the public.

    "It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM," John Coleman wrote in an article published on ICECAP, the International Climate and Environmental Change Assessment Project, which is known for challenging widely published theories on global warming.
  20. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    LOL... Love your predictions.

    However, nothing to support any points stated by another, just your word that it will happen. Maybe if we look into this prediction at the end of the year, we can have clearer understanding of exactly what your claim is.

    As I am not really aware of the Midwest US corn, I cannot comment But I do ask, do you actually know why they are moving the production area? As for Australian wheat next year, perhaps we should actually wait until it is put into the ground before predicting the poor wheat harvest.

    So how on earth do you consider your little rebuttal answers
    1. Record breaking floods
    2. Highest flood level since 1890
    3. Grafton highest flood level in living history

    Any ideas?
  21. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    There is a channel on my television called RFDTV every now and then I see the world farm report. They keep a close eye on grain haevest and crop conditions all over the world because farmers like to keep up with these things considering their business is farming.

    And if you google australian wheat harvest 2013 you will find that wheat futures for 2014 has already climbed 6% due to dry conditions and heat in the wheat belt.

    Conserve water....and store it in ponds if you can. Build the pond right next to a stream and dig it deep so it will fill when the rain comes and hopefully not empty when the dry comes.

    Adapt or die. The future is water.
  22. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Interesting, Do you know why they are climbing at this point? Or Do you take the word of the TV to tell you it is due to dry conditions? Perhaps if you compare these very aspects you are contributing to the wheat futures over the previous oh, let us say 40 years you will find that is always the case with the wheat futures. As the wheat is not due to be planted for the next couple months and February is traditionally the hottest month, I would expect it to be considerably dry.
    I am sorry to ask, but do you know where the wheat belt is? Perhaps if you could find out, it may become apparent that water is not the issue. You sound like Tim Flannery.

    I think at this time, water is not the issue to be worried about, Do you think? Considering it is FLOODING at this time.

    Again, attributing something to support the debate, that is factually incorrect. As I said to your proponent, get off the BOOB TUBE and look for yourself. In other words get your head out of the sand.
    Just on a side note, considering that the wheat belt is so dry, how do you think they have just completed a good cotton harvest in it? Do you know anything about growing cotton?
  23. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    The wheat belt in Australia is pretty close to Perth (just off the coast) and according to the Weather Underground they are having record breaking heat and it is sunny. And 0% chance of rain for the next ten days at least.

    The wheat belt in the U.S. goes through Kansas and they will harvest about June or July...but you can grow wheat just about anywhere you get half decent rain.

    I can google and find out just about anything I want to know. In earlier reseach I found that a lot of wheat is grown in a lot of southern Australia but wheat doesn't grow very well under water either. Rice...but not wheat.
  24. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Cotton is a hibiscus plant and needs little water to produce. It is called a dryland crop along with peanuts and sweet potato.
  25. garry17

    garry17 Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Do you actually know anything about the Australian climate? Record breaking heat indeed...LOL

    LOL... Is it? Funny I live in the wheat belt of Australia and I can assure you, I do not live within any distance of Perth that could be even considered to be close to the state of Western Australia.

    Isn't it funny, you bring the state wheat belt from one side of the country and declare it the wheat belt of Australia. When considering where the wheat belt of Australia is, the first question you need to ask, WHY it is called the wheat belt.

    But to even considering the fact that the WA wheat belt is suffering a ten day drought ...hahahahaha... perhaps you should also consider it is planted even later than the east coast of Australia. And the fact those ten days of no rain is also considered to be ok in Australia. I would not be surprised that rain fall for the next month is not going to happen. As this still has NO effect to wheat growing in Australia, I don't see how you can draw any conclusion to what will happen during the wheat growing season which is still months away.
    It is irrelevant when the US wheat harvest is, the only aspect that is used to manage Australian wheat crops is the yield of the US harvest. so to consider if it is worth growing wheat (which is why the futures market grows before it is even planted) or growing another crop such as barley, which is fast becoming the choice of farmers due only to PRICE at harvest. Due to the fact, as you point out, it is not stripped until June or July, the farmer has to consider the futures market as the best indicator of price at harvest as they plant before the harvest is completed in the US.

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