The gun dilemma solved, but it will never pass.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Yankee Rebel, Jan 22, 2013.


What do you think, duh?

Poll closed Feb 6, 2013.
  1. I love it, do it now!

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  2. Not what I was thinking, but I'm game.

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  3. I don't like it, but whatever...

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  1. Yankee Rebel

    Yankee Rebel New Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    After the Revolutionary War, the distrust of a standing army left the Republic one option; to disband the Continental Army and allow states to hold their own armies called militia (Ahhh, now does the wording in the second amendment make sense?). This did two things; one was that the Federal Government did not have to burden the citizens with taxes to pay for a military as we do today and two; deliver another form of checks and balances to government, meaning if they wanted to assemble the army under one leadership, that of the Chief and Commander, they would have to persuade the States individually to be allowed use of their armies.

    Those who hold the belief that your AR-15 can stop Abram’s tank, an Apache Helicopter, or A-10 Warthog may need to repack your bug out bag for such an encounter. But since the second amendment is in place to protect the people against a tyrannical government or foreign invasion, the answer is staring people in the face, yet it is not mentioned on either side of the argument. One side wants the American gun owner to give up their scary military looking rifles while the other side would like to be allowed to buy heat-seeking surface to air missiles. The answer is yes, we’ll do both. All we’d have to do is restructure the military, and that my friend is why this would never happen.

    Instead of a U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and no I didn’t forget about you little brother, Coast Guard, we would have state run, state funded all of that mentioned, (Unless you live in a place like Wyoming, they probably don’t have a need for a Coast Guard or Navy, but Army and Air Force for sure! And we all need a bunch of cuddly friendly Marines, their like a big o’ teddy bear, with a machine gun.) just the way our Forefathers intended. Every state would have their own military, and they can do business with each other. Think of this, the Air Force is trained at Lackland AFB which is located in Lackland, Texas. So if New Hampshire decided to train its New Hampshire Air Force recruits, it would pay money to the Texas Air Force to get them trained. Texas, on the other hand might need parts from AMARC to fix their airplanes so they would in turn buy parts from the Arizona Air Force, you get the idea. Either way, it requires a bit of persuasion from the President to get all the states to agree to rally up and invade yet another out of control 3rd world dictatorship, it’s still possible he’d just have to work a bit harder than normal at it. And sure, if we were attacked like 911, I’m sure more states would be fine and ready to go after Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, but Iraq would have been a hard sell.

    Interesting idea Yankee Rebel but what does this have to do with crazy people shooting up schools? You’ve gotta understand that the Federal Government is like that Aunt who is full of good intentions, but things never seem to work out the way she intended, she’s always apologizing and always getting drunk at Thanksgiving because she doesn’t think things through. By putting the military in the hands of State Governments we the people have a voice, we have a way to fight back against Black Helicopters, unconstitutional SWAT teams, or a fleet of Chinese Junks with real firepower. All you’d have to do is either own one of these firearms already, where you can keep it on a base, fire it whenever you’d like, pass it down to your children, or sell it to another law abiding citizen or… JOIN THE NEW ‘input your state here’ ARMY, NAVY, MARINES, AIR FORCE, or COAST GUARD. Then, as a soldier, seaman, airman, or whatever you Marines call yourselves, I’m guessing you call yourselves badass, you are responsible for buying your own rifle (yeah, everyman is still a rifleman) and gear (first uniform free!). You choose your rifle, or pistol, or whatever. It is what you’d train with, most comfortable with, and fight with. Buy your own ammo, as much as you want. The state will only be responsible for the big things but if someone really rich wanted to buy a destroyer, all the better (your next tour might be on the U.S.S. Trump, with a big bumper sticker that says ‘trump this!’). You’d still get to own your guns, still get to keep them or pass them on, or sell them (to another lawful citizen, criminals you can’t have them but does that change anything?). So let’s recap, we the people would be able to fight off a tyrannical government better than we could right now, and these guns the lefties (Are you guys really all left handed?) dislike would be secured by professional military members and off the streets. And if you’re a civilian who can pass a background check, you’d get an ID which would allow you to go to the range and shoot it, plus you could buy a piston operated full automatic, 11.5” barrel, 6.8 SPC with a silencer M4 (I’ve always wanted one of those) without having to pay the stupid $200 NFA tax stamp or waiting period, just look through the catalog and order one!

    But Yankee Rebel, how will my state pay for this? Ok, you got me, this is a take from one hand give to the other situation. People on the right want to cut funding to programs, but not defense. People on the left only want to cut defense, my answer: yes, we’ll do both. Think of this, each rifle that a soldier carries cost about $3000 to $4000. Now multiply that by how many guns the U.S. military has. It would be the responsibility of the individual to come up with that cost, same with uniforms and gear. So a big portion of that would placed on the individual soldier, umm… do I have to go through this again. Next, the federal budget would not have a “Defense Package” anymore, so we can cut some of our Federal Taxes. You hear me Obama, cut taxes, I mean it! State Taxes would go up, but instead of giving that money to the Feds, it would be given to the State. Now if your in the military this is good for you, check this out: If the States get behind the Federal Government and send you to the AOR (war for you civilian types), you would be paid your state wages, the Feds would have authorization to raise taxes to provide logistics and combat pay which would literally double your paycheck (What the Guard and Reserves call double dipping). Once the conflict is over the Fed’s would be required to remove this war tax, and things would go back to normal. Oh, did I mention if the situation isn’t going good the states would have an opt out at any time clause (this is important so that the government doesn’t get to own or push around one conflict to the next.)

    But Yankee Rebel, I want to go hunting, I want my rifle at home! Hunting rifles can be kept at home, so can shotguns for home defense and auto pistols (that doesn’t not mean automatic fire for those who’ve never touched a gun but somehow have an opinion about gun control) with standard magazines (that’s 15 rounds you gun snatchers) and revolvers for personal protection. And for those who shoot AR-15’s in competition or hog hunting, this is how this will work: Competition ranges will be certified and will keep the firearm at the range, and AR-15’s for hunting will be kept by your local Game and Fish Department where when issued a hunting license you can sign out the firearm which will be your responsibility until you sign it back in after the hunt.

    Have I forgotten anything? Oh the Mob Scene! Great song by Marilyn Mansion. But really, any civilian who has undergone training with a military member and is certified will be required to come in and sign out their firearm. Since the military will be more of a community oriented organization than it is now, they will respond and provide security. Civilians who are armed are to be directed by a military member to provide security detail, and they are required to pledge an oath to the constitution. They will be held accountable for their actions while they are on patrol and part of their duties is to restore and help with natural disaster relief and medical, along with food and water distribution, and refugee duties (Yeah, bye bye FEMA, we probably won’t miss you because you really don’t show up). But this is all state run, each state will be different so the responsibilities will be vague. I’m sure you will not have a problem getting these volunteers. They will train to react quickly but until then the mob must be kept in check with responsible law abiding citizens with hunting rifles, shotguns, and pistols until the Calvary shows up, which they will because they’re local folks.

    So we all sort of get what we want, and that is why, it will never happen.

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