I think the possibility that more particles will be found or suggested will happen in the future, I think our perception of how small something can get is underestimated and their effects still little understood. That being said, proving the Higgs Boson is a giant step toward a unified field theory and not enough can be said about it, barring another unlikely test error. This is bigger than the mapping of the human genome with untold prospects for the future.
What do scientists do? They try to catch an absolute black cat in an absolutely dark (black) room once in a while exclaiming and declaring to the media “We’ve got him”. Scientists are sick. But the people who pay them are even more siuck.
I'll tell you something that I've just noticed. Looking here: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/higgs.html I see this claim: All the known forces in the universe are manifestations of four fundamental forces, the strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational forces. After that, it goes on about unifying theory and the Higgs. Anyway, the talk of four forces reminds me of ancient notions of "the four elements," Earth, Fire, Water and Wind. So, I wonder - are we as far from understanding the truth of the four forces we perceive today as our ancestors were from understanding matter and energy? It could be, I think. For all that they know and guess, physicists could still be lightyears away from the truth. Not that I would consider that altogether negative, either - it would only mean that we as a species still have a very long way to go in discovering and understanding the universe.
It is quite a stretch to say that they have "discovered" the particle postulated by Higgs. The only thing that can be said is that they have identified a new "resonance", indicating a new particle. They should not be too quick to jump to conclusions. The initial observation of the muon (actually a lepton) was initially misidentified as the meson postulated by Yukawa. It was not until later that the mesons were actually observed. The same could be the case of this supposed Higg's particle.
What do you mean by "they"? The actual official science has only said that they have found a particle which is consistent with the Higgs boson. It is laymen and laymen media that says they have found the Higgs boson.
that dont exist never has, never will some just cant face that fact. FYI.... it reminds me of the religious wingnuts having that 'belief' of something that dont exist. wanna open a thread on it? perhaps search the threads and look into the WP and BB. are you combining 'science' as always being correct. galileo was right but wrong. So was newton, einstein, feynman and i told milo wolff myself, during our thankgiving of 06'. i shocked the man. He said, he was too old to start over. kid, look up what a paradigm shift is? and you tell this forum what it will change for the benefit of mankind. go ahead.... science will always win as it innately imposes an integrity to evidence. ie.... the particle model is useless as a fact of science. Evidence; show what benefit besides isolating isotopes has a spinner done for mankind? They are trying to define a constant to nature and that is it. and the paradigm of how they believe nature and its energy works is wrong (that the change you have no idea that is coming). For example: nano technology breaks every rule of the particle model, you can understand. They are building nano materials and particle monkeys are creating the very particles they are trying to find. the greatest discovery since einsteins worst nitemate? You have no idea what you are saying!
The Uncertainty Principle is a pivotal theory to the standard model without it we have no standard model. It is because of the uncertainty principle that QED, QCD, and QFD work. Of course mass and space are linked, mass is energy, gravity is energy, and gravity is space; this is well known. All fundamental particles have zero size yet Fermions cannot occupy the same space at once (Pauli Exlusion Principle). Additionally, virtual particles are mathematical approximations to perturbation theory; as far as how 'real' they are we don't know. Light doesn't change it's speed in other materials the index of refraction changes meaning the light is bouncing off of particles taking longer to get to two different points.
Lol, the coined term "God Particle" has nothing to do with God or the Higgs. Also we do not know how the Big Bang occured.
that is the obsolete version..... light can be slowed in mass as there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum to measure 'c'. Never has been one, ever! It is a guestimation and the proof is that it requires that a photon on an element is spinning around at 'c' and that is reliant on the ignorance of the particle model. ie.... if the electron is going 'c' and you add a photon at 'c', how fast it is going, will all that uncertainty? The infrared signature of your body, sure aint going 'c'. The uncertainty principle is the rube to particle physics. They have a field of the energy (see an electron field) and they cannot measure the speed and location at the same time. It aint a principle that they cannot identify the state of energy, it is the error of the definition to energy that makes the clowns into wanna be physicist. and then the funniest one; particles have no 'size'...................................... that has got to be the funniest thing i ever read from someone who believes that spinning particles in a accelerator, increases its mass. please note that the POST i just commented on, is just a stupid rendition based on ignorance
Would you like to carry this conversation to the Physics Forum? Oh wait, you can't because you were banned.
yu can go back 5, 6, 7 yrs on some of them and find that if you copied each item i said was going to happen in everything from nano tech to gravity being entanglement, to energy upon mass (polariton, soliton) the evidence is unfolding and coming true, just as i said. ie.... read a few pages of this forum, i am the one opening threads on and with evidence, not ranting like a clown!
HOW can you lose something as big as that Higgs-Bogus machine? I mean the thing takes up 17 miles doesn't it.
http://www.google.com/search?q=CERN....,cf.osb&fp=9ed169a75f53af9b&biw=1000&bih=604 First the news was; HIGGS BOSON FOUND!!! Now a week later its maybe higgs has been found. (see hyperlink). As I wrote in a previous thread about higgs, as a theologian that employs the KCA* as a component in my paradigm of how the universe 'works', I am not too concerned either way ie a higgs exists or higgs does not exist. If the higgs boson is found and verified would be better for those of us that subscribe to the claims of metaphysicists rather than secular positivists of the science world. Finding the heavy boson named ‘higgs’ or nick named the ‘God particle’ would lend more empirical evidence to the big bang one universe theory and discredit string theory, meta universes, and the fantastic but suspect (to me anyway) MWI of quantum physics. reva
I have had similar problems with Bis. It's difficult to converse with someone that has a feeble grasp on the subject at hand. With some members its impossible. reva
Finding the Higgs Boson doesn't discredit String Theory. Depending on the properties of the Higg's it will determine whether or not Supersymmetry is likely correct or not. Although Supersymmetry is somewhat apart of String Theory without it the theory will still survive.
what properties? them 'properties' are supposedly what identify a higg the multi-dimensions of a supersymmetry are trying to gap the missing link of what is causing the potential at the experimental level. For example: in the cosmological scale, a model of the physics sets a prediction such as the galaxy rotation and what is must to to follow the laws, but then when hubble fired up they found out that the arms did not do what they thought they would and now dark matter (a new layer of causality) is created. that is what all them dimensions are for, to calculate the unknow cause but not a single one of them 'dimensions' and all that physics (string/M..etc) will or does create a dam thing for mankind they are trying to define a constant neither are worth a dam they create wingnuts that like to believe they know what they are talking about. imagine youself with todays education going to a meeting of the scholared during the time of ptolemy. Them wingnuts could articulate the roaming bodies (planets) with all the physics and math of the time, based on a central earth. you and i both know, them quacks must have been out of it, but within their circle, they are were the correct and the most knowledgable. that is what is happening within today idiots believe life is a reduction of energy states while anyone within any common sense realizes that life abuses entropy.
Well, string theory needs no discrediting, it’s already discredited in my opinion. By ‘already discredited’ I mean no one has made a prediction using string theory which was testable. I will admit that I have not updated what I know about string theory for many months. Additionally, I know realize and have empathy for scientists have spent their entire careers working on and attempting to validate ST. It’s a love it or hate it affair. I hate it in a particular way because it takes valuable brain power away from researching the 'real' problems that face theoretical physics, hmm‘ real theoretical physics’ is a bit of a misnomer eh? I suppose you 'love' string theory eh. I also wager you and I triage the problems of theoretical physics a bit differently.(<<< good natured sarcasm, A bit meaning as in diametrically opposed) As far as SUSY goes there is no direct evidence for the existence for it, surprise, surprise! But I am getting a bit off topic. I said in my original reply that string theory was discredited. I did not say ST was 'destroyed' or proven wrong by the discovery of higgs (if it has expected ’values‘. I used the word 'discredited' for a reason. I stand by that. When I said string theory is discredited by the Higgs Boson, I meant that the discovery of the heavy particle (Higgs) is another bit of evidence ‘against’ ST, it is, certainly Higgs (if it has the expected ‘values’ does not lend credibility to string theory! Detection of the Higgs boson completes the set of predicted particles and lends powerful evidence that the SM is correct. I hope the (above) clarifies my reply. reva
In fact you are about as wrong as you can be concerning how science 'buttresses', or does not 'buttress' with current ‘metaphysical theology*’. In fact if Higgs had not had been found the KCA** would have been in trouble. ** http://www.politicalforum.com/scien...-the-kalam-cosmological-argument-bobby-conway Anyway your referencing the Higgs as 'the God killing particle' and your understanding of it demonstrates that you should do a little study before you critique so negatively what the Higgs means for natural theology and Christian aplogistism in general. reva
As far as String Theory goes I am not a fan at all precisely because it doesn't make predictions and isn't testable and may never be testable.
Ahhh' great minds think alike eh? Well that sounded good anyway. When I read your post in mail I thought it was a comment I had made because I (over?) use the ‘I am no fan of’ ‘remark‘ so often. I suppose I am becoming one of those conservative minded people that I used to dislike so much in my youth (when it comes to science). By that I mean even though my sci-fi sensibilities and the dreamer in my psyche overly enjoys dreaming about the concept(s) of what string theory allows or supports etc, such as meta-universes (met averse)/MWI etc. and such exotic things. And I do empathize or is it sympathize with the scientists that have slaved with string theory, it may yet lead to great magnificent things that we can’t even imagine today! But as you said the theory is not testable, well ST theories predictions are not testable...yet. However, I had secretly hoped and still do that the universe was more familiar, and kind of desperately hope that there is only one universe. It makes everything science (cosmology. Advanced Astronomy, theoretical physics, etc) even my brand of natural and progressive Christian theology so much easier to work with and understand. Last and certainly not least, finding the Higgs or that there is a Higgs boson means we may actually work out a theory of everything (aka a TOE) eventually. reva