The illusion of a 2 party system

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Kermit Piglover, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. Kermit Piglover

    Kermit Piglover New Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    For about 50 years, we have been living with the belief that the USA is a democracy. That may have been the case, 50 years ago. Since then we have very slowly transistioned into what we have today. I don't pretend to know what to call it, Corporate Fascism? Plutocracy? Whatever you want to call it, the Illusion of Democracy is projected by our political system with appearently 2 parties.
    Let's admit it, a 2 party system is bad enough. Constant bickering and deadlocks, all at the expense of the American citizen. Canada has something like a 6 party system, they argue and yell but things get done, because their system doesn't grind to a halt when one party pouts.
    As many of you know, we are trained to think that Democrats are generally liberal minded and Republicans tend to be conservative. It is not the rule, but rather the trend. I, for example, considered myself liberal in my 20's. But I wasn't entirely liberal. I have always been pro-life. To me that means no abortion (unless the mother could die) and no capital punishment. We are only humans, God (whatever that is to you) makes the ultimate judgement. Now that I am older I tend to be more conservative- small government, personal liberty, responsibility, and Constitutional rights. But as I look at the "Conservatives" presented on the news, I wonder what the deal is.
    The modern conservative, or Neoconservative, is NOT conservative. Since 1980, Neoconservatives have been consistently increased spending, increased the size and scope of government, and allowed corporate business to run amuck, while the unemployment and welfare lines swell with nearly 50% of the US population.
    Neoconservatives were the pro-war big government liberals in the 1960s. They are extreme liberals who believe in endless war. They support big business taking over while at the same time encouraging citizens to be dependant on the government. LBJ was essentially a neoconservative, after Kenndy was out of the way the military had the Vietnam playground. The resulting anti-war movement stirred some like Democratic Senator Henry Jackson, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and Richard Perle.
    These people realized that war is big business. There are a few wealthy and powerful individuals who profit from war, and their wealth and power needs are constantly growing, from one week to the next, from one generation to another. They will anything to ensure that war is an option. Since they have taken over, we have had Vietnam, 2 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, the upcoming war with Iran, and countless smaller entanglments in Europe, South America, and others yet to be known.
    So the neocons give us the belief that we have a choice, that there are two parties to represent the whole of America. But the bipartisan bickering is scenery for the drama all around us. At the core of it all there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans. There will come a day when the curtain goes down on this and the people are let out of the theater but I'm afraid that will be the end of our Constitution and our country. If you want to know where we are headed, look into the Project for a New American Century. It's members include Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and other characters. They work for a world dominated by the US military and a pax Americana, and say so in their mission statement. In 1997 the organization stated that in order for this to happen, they would need a "catalyzing event, like a New Pearl Harbor" for this to occur. They hid somewhere in a cave around 2006, but are back out of hiding now.
    Come on people, we are not this dumb. We are so comfortable with our iphones and Chinese junk that we cannot- or choose not to- act on this to repair our great country.
  2. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    ...and your option is...what?
  3. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    I think what he's saying is "Destroy the GOP and give America a chance". I could be wrong though.
  4. akphidelt2007

    akphidelt2007 New Member Past Donor

    Dec 7, 2011
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    There is 100+ million voting age people in this country with 100+ million opinions on what the perfect party would be.

    That is why almost every President gravitates towards the middle no matter how extreme their talk is during the primaries and general election.

    Because when you have to make real decisions that effect real human lives, it makes being an extremist a lot tougher. It's easier talking the talk though.
  5. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    That's also why the fat cats have to buy everything and everyone. The sheer numbers of the population would crush them if they didn't.
  6. Kermit Piglover

    Kermit Piglover New Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    I consider myself a libertarian. I support Ron Paul, the only true statesman running for the GOP nomination, or for president, for that matter.

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