Has anyone notice the vast dichotomy that exists between laws governing the treatment of pet animals and laws governing the treatment of livestock? LIMESTONE COUNTY, Alabama - The accused Craigslist cat killer, 52-year-old Ronald Golden faces 22 counts of animal cruelty in connection with torture and deaths of multiple cats. Each charge is a felony that carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Golden would name the cats before throwing them to the floor, breaking their necks or stomping them to death. Athens police Chief Floyd Johnson said, "Golden admitted to buying kittens off Craigslist, naming them and then killing them. "Golden told investigators he had a cat room where he would throw the kittens against the floor to break their necks, stomp on them or wring their necks." https://whnt.com/2018/02/04/trial-d...aigslist-cat-killer-in-torture-death-of-cats/ Compare that to...
If someone stomped lambs to death before putting them in the food chain here in the UK, they too would find themselves on animal cruelty charges. Indeed, if a livestock farmer is found to be negligent in the care of his animals, he'll face charges. I'd be surprised if the US laws were significantly different though I understand that animal welfare standards are different, and possibly lower.