The bottom line is that without a real moon rock with which to compare the NASA rocks, we can't be sure that NASA's rocks are really from the moon as is said here. 28. "Moonstones" coming from the Earth - "lunar probes" were not necessary (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally: "Moonstones" cannot be proved "Moonstones" have no possibility to be compared on moon itself, because there is no possibility of a neutral control on the "moon". So, it's permitted for anybody to claim this or that stone would come from the "moon". Also when certain "moon probes" are said having landed on the moon also this is not controllable. And it's not possible to control if these "moon probes" have brought stones or dust from the "moon" to the Earth or not either. At the end the super powers "USA" and "SU" claim together to the public that "moonstones" would be "very similar" to "Earth stones". This "similarity" brings up some new questions (Wisnewski, p.209). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One doesn't have to be a scientist to see this. As has been said before on this forum, one doesn't have to have a degree in meteorology to know which way the wind is blowing. Here's some more stuff I've found about the moon rocks. LUNAR GEOLOGY AND IONISING RADIATION from a Revisionist Perspective (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some experts, R. Korotev for example, have pointed out that it would be impossible to fake exposure to cosmic radiation in lunar specimens since this produces changes in the crystal structure. [37]. However, proton synchrotrons, which have been around since 1952, are easily capable of producing these changes; worse, the only reference rocks available to us for establishing baseline GCR effects on lunar materials are the demonstrably fake Apollo samples. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Moon of the Russian Lunokhod-1 lunar rover is not at all the same as the Moon of the Apollo missions. The authors said this in Volume 1 of 1971 and despite censorship managed to repeat it in Volume 2 of 1978. Whether these revelations about the true nature of the lunar surface were published by chance, or whether the authors deliberately ‘smuggled' or 'sneaked' the information through the system, bypassing official censorship, is not important. What is important is that they did what they needed to do in order to get the message across. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patrick Moore, the Sky at Night and HJP "Douglas" Arnold, previously Kodak UK (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 'C' rock photo. This image from Apollo 16 has a rock interestingly positioned in the foreground with a very obvious 'C' embossed upon it. Douglas Arnold stated that since this 'C' was absent in reproductions of this picture, it must be a hair that somehow got on to this one during duplication. He affirms that on the master copy duplicate (the nearest he can get to the original) and on another photo taken just before this image, there is no 'C' on this rock. Indeed we also printed in our book an example of this image in which the 'C's had been removed. But somebody put it there. None of this detracts from our contention that the photographic record was manipulated by whistle-blowers, wishing to draw attention to the problems of Apollo. In fact Arnold's justification (inadvertently no doubt) substantiates it. And could this 'hair' possibly appear twice in the same image? Because Douglas Arnold chose to ignore the fact that we query the presence of two 'C's – one embossed on the rock itself and one on the 'lunar' surface just in front of the rock – in the same photograph (see Dark Moon for full details). [Added 2019: The 'C' rock has since been found used again in an Apollo 11 photo.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (excerpt) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AS11-37-5479 This very distinctive rock has been used in more than one mission, indicating that the same location was used to stage all the Apollo moon landings. If you don't immediately recognize the folds on the corner of this rock, it's the prop "C" rock found in Apollo 16 (AS16-107-17446). Penn and Teller addressed this prop rock on one of their TV shows. No surprise then that it has magically reappeared in an earlier Apollo mission photograph. Perhaps we can see now why the image creators drew attention to it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
More on the rocks... MoonFaker: Rocks & Crocks. PART 1. MoonFaker: Rocks & Crocks. PART 2. MoonFaker: Exhibit D. PART 5. MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 1, Water In Apollo Samples. PART 1 I don't remember how many parts that video has. You have to do a search on each part.
Moronic and yet another spam thread. The Moon rocks are provably not meteorites or from Earth. They have no terrestrial weathering. They contain solar isotopes only possible from billions of years outside the Earth's atmosphere. They have in many cases signs of micrometeorite bombardment on their outer surfaces. They contain zero water except within apatite and volcanic crystals. The 'water' is made up of isotopes that do not occur on Earth. The volcanic crystals show formation in lower gravity. There are no circumstances where an Earth rock could mimic the above, there are no circumstances where a meteorite could be passed off as a moon rock. In short, the criteria for coming from the Moon are all met with no possible way for 842lbs of samples to have arrived on Earth without being transported safely through the atmosphere. Your goal is not to discuss this subject, you are a despicable spammer with no integrity, who is simply trying to flood the forum with your garbage. "Any geoscientist (and there have been thousands from all over the world) who has studied lunar samples knows that anyone who thinks the Apollo lunar samples were created on Earth as part of government conspiracy does not know much about rocks. The Apollo samples are just too good. They tell a self-consistent story with a complexly interwoven plot that is better than any story any conspirator could have conceived. I have studied lunar rocks and soils for 50+ years and I could not “make” even a poor imitation of a lunar breccia, lunar soil, or a mare basalt in the lab. And with all due respect to my clever colleagues in government labs, no one in “the Government” could do it either, even now that we know what lunar rocks are like. Lunar samples show evidence of formation in an extremely dry environment with essentially no free oxygen and little gravity. Some have impact craters on the surface and many display evidence for a suite of unanticipated and complicated effects associated with large and small meteorite impacts. Lunar rocks and soil contain gases (hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon) derived from the solar wind with isotope ratios different than Earth samples of the same gases. They contain crystal damage from cosmic rays. Lunar igneous rocks have crystallization ages, determined by techniques involving radioisotopes, that are older than any known Earth rocks. (Anyone who figures out how to fake that is worthy of a Nobel Prize.) It was easier and cheaper to go to the Moon and bring back some rocks than it would have been to create all these fascinating features on Earth." Get another "hobby" because you totally suck at this, you know nothing about any relevant subject.
Do you think it's possible that the people who wrote that info were in thrall to the US government and were lying?
No. Your insane never-ending list of collaborators and your total failure to ever quantify it. There are thousands of geologists from all over the world who have examined, concurred and elaborated on samples given to them. They show: They are provably not meteorites or from Earth. There is no evidence of fusion crust or atmospheric entry heat fracturing. They have no terrestrial weathering. They contain solar isotopes only possible from billions of years outside the Earth's atmosphere. They have in many cases signs of micrometeorite bombardment on their outer surfaces. They contain zero water except within apatite and volcanic crystals. The 'water' is made up of isotopes that do not occur on Earth. The volcanic crystals show formation in lower gravity. Do you think it possible that every single scrap of garbage that you repost, over and over again is written by uneducated fools who have no idea what they are talking about?
What are your sources? This video is about 9/11 but it shows how high-level professionals simply say they believe the official story when something big happens. 9/11 AND THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY If they go against the official story, they'll be jeopardizing their jobs and retirement pensions. (excerpts) --------------------------------------------- Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked? A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe know full well that the Moon missions were faked, but rely on NASA to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from the Hubble space telescope. They cannot slag off NASA otherwise NASA would deprive them of this essential information, which they so much require. ---------------------------------------------
The internet. Peer reviewed journals, education outlets, google scholar. How can you not be aware of them? Your sources are batshit so I understand why all this really confuses you. Astonishingly ignorant and simplistic over generalization using idiotic circular reasoning. Have to laugh at the idiotic batshit source "the conspiracyzone". A stadium full of faceplants for that!
Respond with an informed post to my post above number #3. Or are you afraid of getting another ass kicking?
I did searches on all of those MoonFaker videos that I mentioned in post #1. If they disappear later, do searches on the titles in MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 1, Water In Apollo Samples. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 1, Water In Apollo Samples. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 2, Apollo Samples & Earth Rocks Are The Same. PART 1. MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 2, Apollo Samples & Earth Rocks Are The Same. PART 2. MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 2, Apollo Samples & Earth Rocks Are The Same. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 4 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 5 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 3, Apollo Samples, Meteorites & Tektites. PART 6 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 4, Wernher von Braun in Antarctica. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 4, Wernher von Braun in Antarctica. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 4, Wernher von Braun in Antarctica. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 4, Wernher von Braun in Antarctica. PART 4 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 4, Wernher von Braun in Antarctica. PART 5 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 5, Helium-3 & Fusion Crust. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 5, Helium-3 & Fusion Crust. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 6, Oxidation, Micas & Ferric Iron in Apollo Samples. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 6, Oxidation, Micas & Ferric Iron in Apollo Samples. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 6, Oxidation, Micas & Ferric Iron in Apollo Samples. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moonrocks Revisited. Episode 7, Lunar Geologists & Getting Apollo Samples. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moonrocks Revisited. Episode 7, Lunar Geologists & Getting Apollo Samples. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 8, How NASA faked the Zap-Pits in Apollo Samples. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 8, How NASA faked the Zap-Pits in Apollo Samples. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 8, How NASA faked the Zap-Pits in Apollo Samples. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 9, Apollo Samples vs The Soviet Luna Samples. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 9, Apollo Samples vs The Soviet Luna Samples. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 1 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 2 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 3 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 4 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 5 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 6 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 10, SMART-1 & Lunar Minerals Different to Apollo. PART 7 MoonFaker: Moon Rocks Revisited. Episode 11, Tranquillityite Found In Australia
The clear anomalies in the Apollo footage have already proven the hoax so we have to look at all of the plausible scenarios that would explain the rocks: The people who provided the info were simply lying because they were in thrall to the US government. Some of the samples were collected by unmanned robotic craft and some were created in a lab on earth and the real samples were sent to scientists who weren't in thrall to the US government. There are probably more plausible scenarios that I can't think of. We don't know which one is the true one but one of them has to be true because the anomalies in the footage and pictures* have already proven the hoax. Here's more on the rocks. American Moon (English Version) (43:04 time mark) What Happened On The Moon (3:14:40) Moon Hoax; "Apollo; Hoax Of The 20th Century" Part 1 of 2 (35:00 time mark) *
His "hobby" - he puts up 36 videos in one post! Now we know this person has no attention span - he fails to watch even his own videos. But that's not the game here, because to him that is what it is. A troll doesn't understand the content in even one of those 36 videos. So why would he post them all? What possible reason would anyone think that a single person on the planet would sit through even 5 of those droning junk videos, let alone 36 of the damn things. He doesn't care. His goal is to swamp the subform and hope to get new recruits into the church of ignorance he preaches from. I have always suspected he has some financial connection to some website that sucks in the gullible. For anyone interested in actually learning something, watch Webb59 - Phil Webb on YouTube and his complete destruction of the garbage in that list.
They only appear when I'm logged in. When I'm logged out, they disappear. These are the ones he's referring to. (from post #2) Can the moderators please fix this?
According to these two doctors peer review is under the same control that the media are under. Start watching at around the 31:45 time mark. Dr Tenpenny and Dr. Lee Merritt - The Medical Industry Has Now Been Weaponized Here's another doctor. Start watching this video at the 34:50 time mark. Faith in 'sociopaths' like Fauci 'a very foolish choice'
Two batshit, misinformation specialist idiots. No wonder they are in your list of go to sources! Explain, using your own words, why these imbeciles should be taken seriously. Or run away from honest debate as usual.
Why Apollo's moon rocks still matter - News - University of Florida ( "Moon rocks brought back by the Apollo missions have fuelled scientific discoveries for 50 years — but there’s still more to learn, says University of Florida astrogeologist Steve Elardo. Elardo looks at samples collected on the Apollo missions to learn about not only the moon, but the early solar system. “After over a decade of doing it, I still get excited on the mornings I get to go the lab and take an Apollo sample out of the safe,” Elardo says. The six Apollo moon landings collected more than 800 pounds of rocks, but they only represent a few areas of the moon’s surface. Elardo is part of a team that recently submitted a mission proposal to NASA to collect samples from the moon's youngest lava flow, which would be billions of years younger than the Apollo samples. (He has competition: His wife, UF geology professor Amy Williams, is part of a team that submitted a mission proposal to investigate the asteroid Ceres.) "Apollo was wonderful and changed everything about planetary science," he says, but "we need more samples from the moon. We're not at the end yet." "
There are a lot of videos of this alleged phenomenon on the internet. I haven't had the opportunity to try to verify it. What do you think of these videos?
Look at this troll. He goes after simplistic posts and completely ignores solid rebuttal. Just pure dishonesty. Answer the above honestly!
No, magnets can’t stick to you — I think the videos you post are absolute crap and I totally believe the moon rocks came from the moon.
I told you that it's likely that all this info is bogus. It's really a moot point because the anomalies* have already proven the hoax. *
Every single pathetic thing you type is from a cut and paste spam book. Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax ( 7. When all else fails: "I think the rest are moot now that you`ve been discredited and there are a lot of clear anomalies that prove the footage ...." So when he routinely gets his claim debunked, it is "moot" because of "all the others". It never occurs to him that all the other evidence has been debunked and was also "moot" when it was addressed. When pushed to provide a list of items to address, at all costs he will not do this because it can be seen where they have all been debunked. 11. Never mind that - look over here: When this hopeless individual has exhausted his inept repertoire of responses comes his most used spam. He resorts to spamming his wall of crap and ignoring the main issue! "Anyway, there's a ton of proof that the missions were faked and zero proof that they were real." "Anyway, the hoax has already been proven by the anomalies I pointed out in post #xx so the "insert evidence" issue isn't about whether they faked it. It's about how they faked it." Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
In this video it's said that the zap pits in some of the moon rocks could have been created by a laser. The swindle of the "moon" rocks.