In this article and video the effects of the covid vaccine on pregnant women and their fetuses are discussed. In the video the doctor refers to the drug "Diethylstilbestrol*". Dr James Thorp: "Shedding" is Real, Per Study; DNA Damage to Unborn is Real (excerpt) --------------------------------------------------------f---------------------------- Dr Thorp has been publicly fired, in a reputationally damaging way, by his former employer, SSM Health-St Mary’s Hospital, a hospital where he had been one of the most distinguished and sought-after clinicians. The terms of his departure sought to include a non-discloure agreement. He was fired after telling the truth about the effect of mRNA vaccines on pregnant women and their babies: “Pushing of these experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, maybe humanity. Particularly when it comes to administering these vaccines to pregnant women….Telling the truth is my obligation as a physician. I will never compromise my ethics in order to protect the financial interests of any corporation,” he states. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *
Another covid-clown who has his own "wellness" side-line creaming in the profits! Where is your "scientific method" with this? James Thorp articles analyzed - Health Feedback James Thorp spreads false claims that COVID-19 vaccines harm fertility, pregnancy, infant survival in The Sentinel Report interview - Health Feedback "On 1 November 2023, host Alex Newman interviewed gynecologist James Thorp for the U.S. TV show The Sentinel Report. During the interview, Thorp claimed that “Americans are dropping dead” from COVID-19 vaccines and that the spike protein from vaccination is harming fertility, pregnancy, and infant survival. A Facebook post and a tweet sharing links to Thorp’s interview were viewed more than 30,000 and 26,000 times, respectively. COVID-19 vaccine safety has been a central target of misinformation since the beginning of the pandemic. None of these claims is new, and this is also not the first time that Thorp made such claims, which Health Feedback debunked on several occasions. In Newman’s interview, Thorp combined many of the false and unsupported claims he made previously to produce a wider conspiratorial narrative. The interview conveniently concluded with Thorp promoting The Wellness Company, of which he is part of the Chief Medical Team. This company markets supplements that purportedly protect against the spike protein, as well as unproven COVID-19 treatments including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Below, we will analyze the central claims made during the interview in detail. Claim 1 (Unsupported): “[P]eople who were just rapidly pushing these things are now dying of strange cardiac events at young ages” Newman introduced the interview with this statement accompanied by a photo of late actor Matthew Perry that he posted on Twitter in May 2021. In it, Perry—who advocated for COVID-19 vaccination—wore a T-shirt with the message “Could I be any more vaccinated?”, paraphrasing a catchphrase of his character in the popular sitcom “Friends”. While Newman didn’t explicitly state that it was the COVID-19 vaccine that caused Perry’s death, the implication was clear by presenting Perry as an example of vaccinated people dying in supposedly strange circumstances. Blaming—without any evidence—COVID-19 vaccines for celebrities’ death has become an anti-vaccine trend, and Perry was no exception. However, this theory has no basis in fact, as Poynter and USA TODAY explained. According to Los Angeles Times, Perry was found dead in a hot tub at his home in Los Angeles on 28 October 2023. Perry had a history of serious health complications, and neither the family nor medical authorities made any statement suggesting a potential link between his death and COVID-19 vaccines. At the time of writing, the County of Los Angeles Medical Examiner listed the cause of death as “Deferred”, which means that an autopsy was conducted, but the cause of death is still under investigation. Without knowing the cause of death, any attempt to link Perry’s death to COVID-19 vaccines is baseless speculation. While COVID-19 vaccines have been associated with some serious adverse events, including a few deaths, the belief that any event that occurs following vaccination is necessarily caused by the vaccine is incorrect. Many factors can cause or contribute to increase the risk of a person dying without the need for COVID-19 vaccines playing any role in it, particularly when vaccination hasn’t been associated with an increased risk of death, as we will explain below."
Here's some more info on this issue. vaccine pregnant fetus The viewers can look at everything and come to their own conclusions.
I tried to watch the video but it just buffered continuously. Here's another theory on why Perry died. Matthew Perry Vowed To Expose Hollywood Pedophile Ring Before He Was Found Dead Anyway, here's James Thorp giving his analysis of the stillbirth rate during the pandemic. Watch from the 3:03 time mark to the 10:38 time mark. Dr. James Thorp FULL Shot Dead Interview, Never Before Seen Comments | Teryn Gregson Ep 138
The "viewers" can look at this doctor who has a nice cash-cow side line with his "wellness" products, see the market of gullible people he is targeting and do the math. Or some may even ignore everything because they like conspiracies/batshit.
It's nice to see conscientious men like Dr. Thorp. Why are such men a minority within the medical profession?
Hilarious. Because he is a snake-oil salesman with his BS "alternative" medicine side-line, creaming money off of gullible people.
Here's a doctor who says she knows from her experience that the covid vaccine is causing miscarriages and infertility. Be sure to check out the comment section. Infertility After Vaccination? Dr. Kimberly Biss Explains the Data
No. There is no way possible she can attribute anything to the vaccine as opposed to the damn virus! During the rollout, the virus was at its worst. It is totally moronic and irresponsible for a doctor to put 2 and 2 together and make batshit. Where is there any correlation, causation?
This article was written by a retired doctor. Covid Vaccine and Pregnant Women (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Between 2020 and 2022 a total of 293 women died in the UK while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of their pregnancy. That’s a maternal death rate of 13.41 per 100,000. And it’s a massive rise on the 8.79 deaths per 100,000 which occurred in the previous years. The main cause of death was thrombosis or thromboembolism. Heart problems also occurred. The medical establishment is puzzled. `What on earth could be the cause?’ they ask. `Could it be poor health?’ they ask. `Could these women be dying because they are obese?’ they ask. `Or do women need better care during pregnancy?’ they ask. NO ONE CAN SEE THE OBVIOUS ANSWER It seems clear to me that these women are dying because they were given the covid-19 jab – which is known to cause blood problems. I think you’d have to be an idiot – or bought and paid for – to disagree.
A total clown with a nice money-making business! Not one single piece of evidence and a lie about the medical establishment being "puzzled"! "Results We included 68,673 pregnant women not notified as suspected of COVID-19 and 1,386 with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. Among pregnant women with COVID-19, 1013 (73.0%) were aged 20 to 34 years, 655 (47.2%) were brown, 907 (65.4%) had ≥ 8 years of education, in the third trimester of pregnancy (41.5%), undergoing cesarean section (64.5%). In adjusted analyses, COVID-19 in pregnancy had a higher risk of maternal death (relative risk [RR] 18.73–95% confidence interval [95%CI] 11.07–31.69), fetal death/stillbirth (RR 1.96–95%CI 1.18–3.25), preterm birth [RR 1.18–95%CI 1.01–1.39], cesarean delivery (RR 1.07–95%CI 1.02–1.11), and cesarean delivery occurring before the onset of labor (RR 1.33–95%CI 1.23–1.44). Conclusion COVID-19 may contribute to unfavorable pregnancy outcomes. Results showed that pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 had a higher risk of maternal death, fetal death/stillbirth, preterm birth, cesarean delivery, and cesarean section occurring before the onset of labor." He's right about it being totally damn obvious!
Not in anything mainstream... Anything but the Covid Vaccine (excerpt) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently, I looked at a clip of a top American epidemiologist explaining what accounts for the excess deaths witnessed across America. The good doctor pointed to everything under the sun: lack of exercise, covid disease, fatigue, stress, bad food, bad air and other environmental issues as possible causes. Told that all potential causes she cited existed before 2021 when the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, the epidemiologist reminded listeners that correlation is not causation and no evidence linked the COVID injection to the excess deaths.
An utterly ridiculous position. Reliance on batshit sources and discarding EVERYTHING that refutes it, by labelling it mainstream! How is an independent report "mainstream"!? RESULTS: We included 42 studies involving 438 548 people who were pregnant. Compared with no SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy, COVID-19 was associated with preeclampsia (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.73), preterm birth (OR 1.82, 95% CI 1.38 to 2.39) and stillbirth (OR 2.11, 95% CI 1.14 to 3.90). Compared with mild COVID-19, severe COVID-19 was strongly associated with preeclampsia (OR 4.16, 95% CI 1.55 to 11.15), preterm birth (OR 4.29, 95% CI 2.41 to 7.63), gestational diabetes (OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.09 to 3.64) and low birth weight (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.14 to 3.12). INTERPRETATION: COVID-19 may be associated with increased risks of preeclampsia, preterm birth and other adverse pregnancy outcomes. "Conclusion Pregnant women represent a uniquely vulnerable group in any infectious disease outbreak because of their altered physiology, susceptibility to infections, and compromised mechanical and immunological functions. The need to safeguard the fetus adds to the challenge of managing their health. Special precautions are required to minimize cross-infection of healthcare providers while performing procedures that require close physical contact and promote droplet exposure, such as vaginal delivery. Much of the obstetric management is based on consensus and best practice recommendations, as clinical efficacy data regarding antiviral therapy and corticosteroid use is evolving. This narrative represents an integrated framework to provide an appropriate level of care for these patients and hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic." "Compared with pregnant women without COVID-19, the pregnant women with COVID-19 also have a higher risk to develop severe diseases and have a higher risk of maternal death. Besides the significantly increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality, the perinatal and neonatal outcomes born to pregnant women with COVID-19 are also significantly worse, such as a three-fold increase to be admitted to the NICU than those to pregnant women without COVID-19."
It kind of looks like women are being lied to. Sudden Surge in Stillbirths and Menstrual Changes (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Used to Support COVID-19 Shot in Pregnant Women Flawed In a rapid communication from the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK), Aleisha Brock, Ph.D. of New Zealand, and Simon Thornley, Ph.D., a senior lecturer in the section of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Auckland, explained that the NEJM study “presents falsely reassuring statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy, since the majority of women in the calculation were exposed to the mRNA product after the outcome period was defined (20 weeks’ gestation).” When the risk of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, was recalculated based on the cohort that was injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence of miscarriage was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%. According to the IPAK report: “The study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥ 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation. This is a very high proportion of pregnancy loss observed in those exposed to the mRNA vaccination before 20 weeks’ gestation, ranging from 81.9–91.2% … The authors’ interpretation of no difference in the observed incidence of pregnancy loss in those who received their first mRNA vaccine before 20 weeks’ gestation compared to baseline must be questioned. In light of these findings, key policy decisions have been made using unreliable and questionable data. We conclude that the claims made using these data on the safety of exposure of women in early pregnancy to mRNA-based vaccines to prevent COVID-19 are unwarranted and recommend that those policy decisions be revisited.” ----------------------------------------------------------------
False. It is YOU who is being lied to. Your source? A "concerned American dad"? Really!? A website that looks at the entire scope of online batshittery and posts about all of it! Explain to the "viewers" why you have failed once again to validate any of this? This ludicrous article has NO CORRELATION, ignores TOTALLY the effect of the virus and offers ZERO citations for its claims! In fact some of the only external links are from THE number one misinformation clown - mercola!