True, and we will see the next time. To be honest, I largely laugh at the anti-vaxxers. They are nutcases, and should not be taken seriously at all.
The unvaxxed (purebloods) will inherit the Earth. Hands up, those who have lined up for hours to get their monkeypox shot... The FIRST apology of its kind!
You cannot seperate the covid episode from politics. Mask mandate, lockdowns, all varied by state and politics.
What? Risking our healthy uncompromised immune systems, the ones that have not been tainted by a cocktail of sh!te? I take it this Australian senator is full of it? Senator Gerard Rennick: "What Pfizer and the TGA didn't tell you"
You can separate it from conspiracy theories about the US election though. It was a global pandemic that also happened in countries like the UK who did not have an election coming up.
In the USA you cannot separate it from politics or the election. Democrats blatantly used Covid as an excuse for election fraud. There is ample evidence, only the most obtuse or brainwashed or paid refuse to admit it.
Actually, most of us do rather easily. It is only the conspiracy fanatics, and political lunatics that can not separate them. In fact, they can't separate their politics with anything, ever.
~ Furthermore, in the USA mainstream media "news" has a dismal rating of only 30% who trust the information. There is hope — if it's not too late . . .
Obama started a pandemic planning group that included experts in the various related areas - medicine, policy, etc. We need that kind of planning. I agree that quarantining probably needs to be part of the mix, but there are the many questions about how and when to do that, and there are a number of other approaches, too.
No it has not. Not court has tried a case on the merits, every court has refused to try the case citing "lack of standing" and other BS excuses. At this point, anyone who still believes the 2020 election was honest is either ill informed, a paid shill of the democrats, or a troll.
Finding standing is not hard. What doesn't work is bringing in claimants from outside the state, etc. And, there has been no valid evidence presented. Beyond that, Trump worked HARD to corrupt states into discarding the votes of their citizens in order to make HIM the winner. He wasn't just a loser - he was a criminal scum bag loser.
Has been brought up before. He had a few people, and never gave them a budget, staff, or any authority. It was only a "think tank", and nothing else. And the current President has neither brough it back, nor created something new with a budget, staff, or authority. This is a nothing sandwich.
If you can't provide a verifiable citation for your own claim, then you have no claim. You can't be expected to be taken seriously at all if you simply make things up, then expect others to try and prove them.
First of all, it's what we need. As for Obama, yes that was for planning purposes. They weren't going to spend a lot of money on planning, obviously. As for what happened next, Trump killed that group. Subsequently, the focus has been on the immediate problems of the pandemic for which we had no planning - again. How many more pandemics do we need before we take this seriously?
No, we need a hell of a lot more than just a "think tank". Besides, we already have USAMRIID and the CDC for that. And they already both have a lot of personnel, a budget, and actually have been doing exactly that for decades now. There is no need for yet that is only a couple of people thinking. And all the planning in the world does absolutely no good unless there is a team able to put it into actual operation. And notice, it is well over a year and a half since President BIden took office, and he has not recreated the group. So obviously he sees no point in it either. Now if you think nobody took COVID seriously, then you really need to be screaming at the CDC. Having yet a third group doing essentially the same thing is a waste of time and resources.
Again: - USAMRID is primarily medical rather than policy and CDC can make policy recommendations, but they don't carry out that policy. They don't plan for hospitals to be able to get adequate supplies, for adequate quarantine locations, etc., etc. They don't work on preparedness. - "we need teams able to put it into actual operation" when there is actual need and a plan. For example, if we decide on protection against the US being infected by travel, that would need to be carried out when the need arises. But, today we have no plan for how that would work. - The CDC was VERY clear.