The "Obamacare" debate: Is the Affordable Care Act good or bad?

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by CalvinJam, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. CalvinJam

    CalvinJam New Member

    May 3, 2011
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    The Son of Man, the leader and teacher of the New Nation of Islam, discusses the merits of the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") with Catholic apologist, Lynn Cappa.

    Lynn Cappa firmly believes the Affordable Care Act should be repealed.

    (This broadcast aired in Detroit, Michigan Sunday July 8, 2012 on WHPR radio and TV33)
  2. Reality Land

    Reality Land New Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    The NHCP (aka Obama Care) is a disaster on so many levels. It does not address the key failures of our health care system and in fact creates more failures.
    Does not address high legal fees and awards for malpractice. (TORT Reform)
    -Does not increase competition.
    -Forces people to buy health insurance or be fined. (loss of freedom and right to choice one's own destiny.)
    -Will raise the cost of health care.
    -Will force doctors to quit or go move into practice where they will not accept Medicare or Medicaid.
    -Cuts 8 billion dollars from Medicare Advantage. BTW, this cut was originally supposed to happen this year in Sept but Obama postponed it till after the elections. Wonder why? The elderly are not even aware of what is coming, poor dumb bastards.
    And it goes on and on..
  3. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    States have a place in this to tort reform is not a Federal matter neither is licensing professionals they have options if there is a shortage of medical providers, a RN with a bachelors degree can treat lots of medical conditions that are routine while LNPs can do more complex work and save doctors for unusual cases where such an expert is needed why not tier care based on need?

    But how do you know this law will be bad its not even kicking in and there is all the doom and gloom the fact is doing nothing is not an option, unless you cover the poor your not going to control costs that needs a government solution at some level and its alot of money for innovation in the system. Put it this way if Walmart would enter this with Walcare Inc. would they find ways to make taking Medicaid patiants profitable - yes. You put the money out there and show a need the market forces if the government works with this force can fill the gaps.

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