Actually...Â… Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman has done a fantastic job of explaining how this could happen.
The origin of life is God! Religion answers on question about the reason, science - only about the realisation.
Life is produced via Quantum Evolution. Now if a person believes in GOD fine but Quantum Evolution would be the process such a GOD would have used to produce Life. AboveAlpha
EXACTLY correct! Quantum evolutionary theory beginning in a more fundamental form of energy is in my opinion the best explanation for many rather shocking studies in parapsychology! The Creator Ancient of Days the Father and the Ancient of Days the Mother are two Scientist - Inventors - EducatorsÂ…. whose intelligence began in a more fundamental form of energy as is postulated in String Theory.
John 5:17 "But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." Near death experience accounts are giving a pretty impressive explanation of what happened between the last major Big Bang event and the creation of Adam and Eve. NDE of Dr. Richard Eby verifies old earth and gap theory. I was impressed with the explanation given for the fall of Lucifer which would quite possibly fit with an earth that may well be 4.5 billion years old. Apparently a lot happened between the original creation of the earth and the time when the repairing of the earth was made necessary due to an attempted coup d'etat by Lucifer and the angels who decided to follow him!!
Maybe. But the main scope of the religion is not to feel comfortable learning all the theories, but achieve happiness in the eternity, which is not necessary connected with Quantum Evolution.
Actually……. many of the biblical writers had out of the body experiences or perhaps a near death experience….. as Paul seems to have had…. but NDE can be misunderstood and twisted around quite easily. At least modern NDE accounts are more understandable and can help humanity to look at sacred writings in an entirely new way. Aftermath of 9-11 viewed in higher dimension of space- time by near death experiencer I personally have studied hundreds of NDE accounts since 1990 and I do believe that many of us can come to a higher level of peace of mind once we read about what was happening in the higher dimensions of space- time after the terrorist attack:
there's really no hope, when this many people are this deluded. no wonder the elitists want them disarmed. why do you need this "god"? billions of us do just fine without him, and regardless of your prayers to hime, you are enslaved, tortured, murdered, raped, etc. So what good is he, hmm?
Oh...don't you know? They tell us that it is all of their GOD'S PLAN!!! LOL!!! If there is an actual GOD we need to FIRE IT'S A$$!!! AboveAlpha