MODERATOR'S WARNING - Rules 2,3,4, and 5 This thread has had close to one hundred post deletions for insults, flamebaiting, harassment, altering another's quotations, and off topic posts aimed at another poster, as opposed to the subject at hand. Any further instances of insults, flamebaiting, or addressing other posters will result in an immediate thread ban. Post which are in violations will be treated as if formal warnings with points have already been levied. - Lee S on 1/20/19. I was advised that the original thread has reached a limit on the number of posts so this thread will be used as a continuation of the original thread. Please review post #1 in the original thread so you can familiarize yourself with the original purpose of the discussion on the Pentagon on 9/11. Mod Edit/Title Change/Warning reposted/Link to original thread added
The only thing anyone needs to familiarise themselves with regarding the Pentagon is this link, which contains over 150 items of evidence to prove AAL77, and only AAL77, hit the Pentagon. /Thread.
That would be incorrect. While I fully agree that the site is loaded with evidence and I even highly recommend that all those who research 9/11 go through the entirety of the site, I vehemently disagree that is ALL anyone needs to study. That would be extremely narrow minded. For me the ONLY evidence that can conclusively identify the alleged plane as AA77 is the physical evidence that matches the logs for AA77. That isn't on your website (or anyone else's) because there's no known record of it other than the NTSB director's claim. Everything else is circumstantial and inconclusive, not to mention CLASSIFIED and so is the NTSB director's claim. But of course that's not the only reason that your site is far from the ONLY thing anyone needs. The story itself makes no sense and is contradictory, to be kind. So definitely worthy of investigating well beyond your limited and biased site.
LMAO, it proves no such thing! What it does prove however is how easy it is to fake any kind of media evidence when compared to the 10 ton gorilla you continue ignore that there was no legitimate '757' debris found on the site, like two 6 ton engines, the huge main landing gear, huge main struts etc, which in fact proves beyond even the most 'unreasonable' doubt that no 757 impacted the pentagon, therefore it follows the air traffic mumbo jumbo you keep pedaling has all been faked by a couple inside-jobbers recording their cb radios.
FACT: Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
NOT FACT: FALSE: A PACK OF LIES! The tail section is 44 foot tall, 27 foot wide and 4 foot thick, no human can hold the tail section in their hand. He said it to suck up so he could get the rebuild contract! lol No one is foolish enough to believe they would let any dip **** passing by the scene collect forensic evidence. Well maybe not 'no one'. After all we have people that support the Official CONspiracy Theory side of the fence that overdosed on steroids with wild imaginations that believe shadows and smudges are planes! If anyone believes any of that story is remotely true please bring forward the evidence to 'prove it'.
LOLOL He wasn't pressing it, he was just holding it. He was let in, a blast expert. You need to grow up.
As I said it is 44x27x3.5 feet he was not holding it, he is not capable of 'holding' it any more than you are, and he didnt say he was pressing it please stop changing the context of what he said. Not convincing, I dont believe you, lets see the 'official' records, I have no interest in the long destroyed defunct amateur popular mechanics puppy chow.
You said it not me, but since you brought it up; Only a hard core OCT supporter would give 3rd hand statements any credibility what so ever, yeh 5pm a month later. Now if he really was there and he really was "holding the tail section", that is entirely possible if the plane was a DRONE! Its Jews btw, please stop being so disrespectful. So I guess you have no citations in support of your claims as usual.
An interesting point regarding NTSB reports is that usually, at least for accidents involving airliners, those reports go to hundreds of pages. In the case of all the airliners in the official narrative, the NTSB reports were very short indeed, as I recall not more than about 10 pages or even less. The official story is a hoax, a bright and shining lie.
I have no need to use others 'opinions' typically based upon faulty facts, I form my own conclusion from hard material evidence, thank you, which is why you cant refute my positions, best you got is ridicule based on groundless made up positions that you falsely attribute to me. No 757 hit the pentaCON, no one to date has come up with evidence for a 757.
The recent Lawyers' Committee lawsuit addressed the following Pentagon issues that have been brought up many times in this thread: COUNT V.A.: CLAIM FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT RELATING TO DEFENDANTS’ FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MANDATE FROM CONGRESS THAT DEFENDANTS PERFORM AN ASSESSMENT OF ANY EVIDENCE KNOWN TO THE FBI THAT WAS NOT CONSIDERED BY THE 9/11 COMMISSION RELATED TO ANY FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTED IN ANY MANNER TO THE TERRORIST ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, SPECIFICALLY REGARDING 9/11 PENTAGON AND SURRUNDING AREA VIDEO EVIDENCE. 99. The 9/11 Commission did not consider all of the videos obtained by the FBI from, and of, the Pentagon and surrounding area on 9/11, including but not limited to videotape(s) from the Sheraton Hotel security camera(s) overlooking the Pentagon. 9/11 Pentagon and surrounding area video evidence was also not assessed in the FBI 9/11 Review Commission’s Report. 100. On 9/11, the Pentagon had numerous security cameras in place monitoring various sides, portions, doors, access points and other areas of the Pentagon, and the FBI had a large presence at the Pentagon collecting evidence including at least some videos. This is made clear in the oral history interview of Brian Austin and Steve Pennington by Diane Putney for the Historical Office of the Secretary of Defense on November 9, 2006. 101. In a 2018 Freedom of Information Act request response from the FBI to Eugene F. Laratonda III, the FBI disclosed that it had in the possession of the FBI at least 13 compact discs (CDs) containing video files, and 100 or more videos, that fell into Mr. Laratonda’s request for all video from September 11, 2001 within a one mile radius of the Pentagon. COUNT VI.A.: CLAIM FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF UNDER THE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT RELATING TO DEFENDANTS’ FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE MANDATE FROM CONGRESS THAT DEFENDANTS PERFORM AN ASSESSMENT OF ANY EVIDENCE KNOWN TO THE FBI THAT WAS NOT CONSIDERED BY THE 9/11 COMMISSION RELATED TO ANY FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTED IN ANY MANNER TO THE TERRORIST ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, SPECIFICALLY REGARDING 9/11 RELATED RECOVERED AIRCRAFT PARTS, WRECKAGE, AND PARTS’ SERIAL NUMBER EVIDENCE. 108. Publicly available photographs taken at the three 9/11 attack/crash sites show FBI personnel systematically engaged in collection of evidence at each crime scene. One of the first priorities of the FBI’s Evidence Recovery Teams on 9/11 at each of these sites was to find and collect all airplane parts and other visible evidence on the ground or otherwise present at each of these sites (for example, in trees). The FBI and other federal agencies and entities have reported that various plane parts were observed at some of these sites on 9/11 including one or more landing gear parts, one or more jet engine parts, and one or more aircraft seats or portions thereof. 109. The 9/11 Commission did not consider the FBI’s records and other FBI evidence referencing or reflecting the aircraft parts’ serial numbers on, or other features of, plane parts and wreckage recovered from any of the three 9/11 attack/crash sites (WTC, Pentagon, and Shanksville). The FBI’s evidence related to the serial numbers on, or other features of, plane parts and wreckage recovered from any of the three 9/11 attack/crash sites (WTC, Pentagon, and Shanksville) was also not assessed in the FBI 9/11 Review Commission’s Report. See pages 36-44 (relevant portions copied above):
Some honesty would be nice. After hearing of Cheney and Rumsfeld's bizarre behavior and the testimony of Norman Mineta (and its followup) described here who can honestly say there's been no coverup?
Coverup is only a small part of it, everything, including Bush's behavior points to a deliberate stand down. If anything, these criminals at the very minimum should be charged with dereliction of duty for an event that caused the death of 3,000 innocent people and massive destruction of property. But anyone with a functioning brain should be able to sense or at least suspect that it goes much deeper than that. Only die hard OCT defenders will come up with all sorts of denial excuses for this obvious criminal behavior.
You're asking the wrong question. What parts of Bush's behavior don't point to a deliberate stand down?
Typical games from Bobby. He makes a statement, he's asked to explain/provide evidence, goalpost movement and evasion ensue.
If rather seeing the obvious you ask that question then it is the right question for a hopeless denier. The list is long but the first indicator that 9/11 was a deliberate stand down by Bush and his criminal administration was the fact that he did NOTHING other than continue to sit there and listen to “My Pet Goat” after being told of the second plane strike. The second indicator was that he stayed at the school for a photo op afterward rather than do something, anything. This was after all the Commander-in-Chief who was warned multiple times in the preceding month or so by his intelligence that an attack was imminent. The third indicator was his denial that such an attack was a possibility, his lie that he saw the first plane crash on TV (or maybe it was really a CCTV prepared just for him), his failure to immediately launch an investigation, his stonewalling for an investigation, his blatant obstruction of the investigation once he was forced to have it done, the extreme over classification of evidence and so on. All of that and much, much more are such obvious indicators of a stand down followed by a coverup of a stand down officially labeled as a "failure of imagination".
Typical games from Gamo. He disappears for weeks or months and only makes an appearance to criticize anything and anyone who contradicts the OCT, as he sees fit. Then runs back to his favorite discussion forum copying and pasting from this forum whatever he can grab out of context strictly for the purpose of ridicule knowing that there will be no response from the person he quoted out of context.
This is the ONLY explanation you and he will ever "get": Anything else might as well be written in a foreign language.
nothing that remotely indicates a deliberate stand down ... such a complex operation and Bush didn't know how to play his part? ...