Watch this blatant propaganda for Israel disguised as an NCIS trailer. [video=youtube;sF4Evz5Ctb0][/video] Take special note of these stills I believe the US is being carefully manipulated by Israel and you guys need to watch out for them. They have their nasty little fingers into your TV shows and are using them to influence you to a pro Israeli position. Take care, they want you to start a war with Iran to protect them from nothing that can hurt you. Your dead sons will be buried for Israel, not the US of A.
This stuff isn't so bad. Not saying that it isn't careful "product placement", but I've seen worse. What IS bad is folks like Pat Robertson telling people "God will judge America based on how it treats Israel". That's not subtle at all, and is aimed at the people who will send their children off to middle East wars, and think that they're being a good Christian for doing so!
o god know a small flag and the picture of a murderous (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) i want to kill all Palestinians now i guess it must be a Jew plot
Classic rubbish. The direct messages are simply political and can be decided upon based on their merits. It's the subtle stuff that forms a propaganda message. The same things have been done since mass media became available. Israel is pumping cash into a subliminal propaganda campaign, US taxpayers' cash at that.
Want a coke recently? Product placement is a well-established marketing mechanism. The question is whether these are actually innocent props or marketing placements. I haven't seen anything to establish that these props were sponsored by anyone. If they were sponsored, the context of the placement of the Israeli flag would appear particularly nefarious, with her laughing as she shoots in a game.
no but now that you mention cola a cherry Pepsi or a vanilla coke would be nice but i tick that’s because i like the taste