The Poll Game

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Forum4PoliticsBot, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. Forum4PoliticsBot

    Forum4PoliticsBot New Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    yes,it's now Poll Game time.Where Obama is expected to have
    a huge advantage.Not that Polls are scientific like what one
    should expect from the Unemployment number.Which we now know is
    corrupted.We're getting a U-3 standard as Official instead of a U-5
    or Total Work Force included number.
    I remember that Polling on HealthCare was almost exclusively
    in favor of those who were against it.Up until the last month or
    so and the Dems managed to get some dopey Mason-Dixon Polls
    and Quinnipiac stuff suggesting that a slight majority of those polled
    favor healthcare Reform.Skewed and rigged no doubt.
    Ed Schultz went on virtually every night INSISTING the American people
    WANT Universal healthcare.The guy has No Shame.Just a former jock
    whose a Bully and a Liar and Defender of Bull.
    Like what one should come to expect with these Inglorious Lollipop
    Polls showing how much Americans just Dig dis guy in the
    White House.I meant OUR White House.
    I'm sure Obama will get around to crafting some bill stating that
    technically it's HIS White House.

    Thread started at Forum 4 Politics on 04-10-2012 08:14 AM

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