The purpose of free speech

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ChristopherABrown, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Hmmm, this was intended to be a reply in raytri's thread, but I switched from the full site to mobile and can't even delete it now. VBulletin automatically made it a thread!

    His post was about 45, and the fact he had acurately predicted some of his actions.

    That is a fairly coherent perspective, as is shown, but when it comes to government, the people are far better off working together to control it than obsessing about the performance of any particular.

    This is why I really only discuss solution and present this as the best, most possible, despite the fact Americans would have to agree upon the text of the Declaration of Independence and the logic that free speech has the ultimate purpose of enabling effective unity.
  2. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Greg Ray Jerome Bellinger please take a look at my website about protecting water. It's been up since 2000.

    Greg Ray the election process is so corrupted we ended up with 45. Accordingly that system needs purification before it will work for us.

    Process of elimination examining how we might purify politics may take us so far out of the box that you and Tony probably won't understand it with out looking closely at it. Once you understand that it really only depends on the people, you can perhaps accept that it will work. We can depend on each other in certain ways and this strategy depends on that fact.

    For example:
    I know that neither one of you wants to breath polluted air or drink toxified water. In fact, I can fully count on you both to agree with me that you NEED naturally pure air and water.

    You might say, "What dummy would not agree!", and deem my pointing it out as rhetorical.

    It's not, there is a deeper, legal level to our agreement because of "constitutional intent". It's a fact, the only part of the constitution or law that gives anyone the RIGHT to define constitutional intent is the 9th amendment.

    ~~~~Ninth Amendment - U.S. Constitution
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.~~~~

    and it gives it to us, we are "the people". Albeit we may just be three, but I will show we could be many, in fact nearly all.

    The Declaration of Independence defines a right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights. Meaning mostly that law cannot be used to take them. Naturally pure air and water are unalienable rights.

    We three have just agreed upon a right retained but not enumerated. When 51% of the people in the state of California agree, those citizens have the right to demand state legislators convene delegates to propose amendment to the federal constitution, AND, state legislators have the DUTY to do just that.

    I did not say this was easy. I said it's understandable and legal. I did not say it was a quick fix, I will say it is a permanent fix.

    Now, please keep this next phrase in mind while considering this out-of-the-box action.

    ---If we always do what we have always done we will always get what we've always got.---

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