Justifying a belief is the process by which you determine that it is in fact correct or likely correct, worthy of belief. You are under no obligation to be correct, I suppose, I can't stop you from going in the 1+1=3 box. For the purpose of clarity, perhaps you should include a caveat in your OPs if you have no reason to believe your claims are correct.
I enter all discussions [with people who know my perspective] with the understanding that what I am saying has no real chance of being correct [although it might be thought to be correct by the prevailing "thought-leaders"]. Everybody wants to be right. All writings posted in these forums should start with...AGREE WITH ME!!, PLEASE, AGREE WITH ME!!...participants here are affirmation junkies. I could care less if anybody agrees with me and actually hope that somebody [anybody] comes up with thinking that is much more interesting [and creative] than mine. What could possibly be more boring than preaching to the choir?