Howdy, So, The Rapture... Do you believe in it, how close is it, etc? I say, if there is a Rapture, it will be a real Jazz-ture, i.e. a Great Celebration for the ones who are involved in it. What do you think? Do you say "Bring it on" or "Anathema"?
So, nobody here eager to be raptured, I presume? That's too bad. As for me, I'll take the Rapture any day.
My mentor who got me out of Atheism taught against the Rapture but...... over these past twenty years I have came to the place where I do believe that a genuine Rapture is coming..... but I believe that it is a minimum of at least ten years in the future because Messiah Yeshua - Jesus wants A WARRIOR PRINCESS BRIDE WHO WILL NOW GO OUT AND CONQUER THE KINGDOM OF SATAN.... and defeat Satan in all major seven mountains of influence.... much as Joshua led Israel to invade the land of Canaan! I do believe that near death experiencer Dr. Richard Eby was shown another time line other than the one that we are in...... I am a firm believer that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus can resurrect all the dead who ever lived in all the past without even working up a sweat and........... Dr. Richard Eby's first time line...... was one in which the Rapture took place sooner than it will in our time period........... We are living in an astonishing time line / Version of Applied Multiverse Theory...... / applied by Messiah Yeshua - Jesus the Word / Logos to whom all judgment has been committed..... Dr. Richard Eby’s NDE and the Second Coming of Christ BY KEVIN WILLIAMSPOSTED ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2019
I don't believe in the Rapture, as it is depicted, in Christian religion. If anything like this were to occur, it would be our extra terrestrial watchers, collecting those samples they consider worthwhile, & torching the rest of us. But, we would have some songs to listen to, while it was happening: And the classic: Not a great song, but applicable, well known, and a with a video that shows some effort:
This is my fav song about the rapture: an unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time Unsuspecting victims, no warnings no signs Judgement day the second coming arrives, Before you see the light You must diiiiieeeeeee!!!! And this one is great but Judas Priest take a more positive approach lyrically; Flying high on rapture, stronger free and brave Nevermore encaptured, they've been brought back from the grave With mankind resurrected, forever to survive Returns from Armageddon to the skies
Yepp. Many Christians see themselves shooting in the sky trough the roof/ceiling/etc and think they will be taken up in those bodies. Gotta tell them - you're gonna die first. It's completely normal. But pity those who are left down on Earth when the Rapture-Tribulation starts. Hope not to be one of them. After the Rapture Slayer will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye, into "The Slayer from Ipanema".
Alex Skolnick, the lead guitarist for the metal band Testament is also a jazz guitarist with the band the Alex Skolnick Trio This is them doing a cover of Fade to Black, originally recorded by Metallica
Back in 1989 i DID NOT believe in a Rapture at all........ but now I do........ near death experiencers explained it to me in terms that I could understand........ Near death experiencer Dr. Richard Eby got me wondering and now Dr. Kevin Zadai has convinced me that indeed there will be a Rapture....... and my unusual ideas on Theology and on Zeus making it to The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.......... [OK.... I still think he could be known as Azazel to Jews and Messianic Jews]............ but anyway...... if Zeus - Azazel has on his Wedding Garment.... by tomorrow evening.... ......... . then The Ancient of Days the Heavenly Father could tell Messiah Yeshua - Jesus to swoop down and grab His Bride by tomorrow evening....... ..... so not only do I now believe in a Rapture... but I believe that in a way...... it all depends on the readiness of HELL...... to take matters to the next level???????!!!!!! You really should invest zero dollars in that online free 'Heavenly Visitation" NDE account by because... I go back and listen to it again and again and again and again.... i think five times in these past nearly five years........
possibly? related thread: Priest claims he went to Hell, saw demons torturing people with Rihanna music (Jan 25, 2023)
Yes .. Yes .. Yes .. "I am ready" .. and so the question of this OP is a very good one ..and so unfortunate that so few of my rapture ready counterparts have chimed in. I usually ask the question in a slightly different way .... "What song will be playing when you enter through the pearly gates of heaven ... and who will be there to greet you ? I was thinking the Hallelujah song from Handel's Messiah ... but Jazz is cool too .