The Redistribution of Rights

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Lowden Clear, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Lowden Clear

    Lowden Clear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2009
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    The right to own property is fundamental in the United States. All our laws are based on property rights. Since we own ourselves, the property of person is a property right. When a person murders another person it is the ultimate assault of someone’s person. Rape is also stealing the right of personal property. We all have this right. We are equal that way.

    The extension of our personhood in the deeds we do towards pursuing our happiness in the form of property, be it real property, money, chattel, is based upon property rights. We also have ways to protect our creative work and ideas through another form of property rights called intellectual property. The law protects us from those who would try to take our property no matter the form the property takes.

    When it comes to Social Justice, for years now, a blurring of the meaning of property has occurred. Socialist-minded folks tend to blend the idea that wealth and rights are interchangeable.

    Here, because one person has a greater need, laws have been passed that grant rights to some more than others. And this is connected to property in the form of taxation. Because one person has property and another doesn't, through the redistribution of wealth, property rights are taken from one person and granted to another. This is no different than saying what is really happening is the redistribution of rights.(*)

    How many taxes are attached to people who own real estate? You know the answer to that. Those who don’t own my home can vote on how much I will pay in real estate taxes when they, themselves, don’t have to pay a thing.

    Some don’t think a person should have too much wealth as if they have no right to it. In turn, they believe that someone else, who doesn’t have wealth, should have more rights to someone’s gain than the owner of that property.

    This process has so many avenues for which to work. Cell phone users pay a tax on their phone that goes to fund free phones and call plans for those in poverty. When did having a cell phone become a right? We have a right to our property, in this case a phone, but to have it we must relinquish our right of property to someone else in order to have our phone.

    The right to have a home has been a huge failure. Banks being forced to lend to those who can’t cut it was insane. All tax payers are paying for that mistake.

    Our government has become the supplier of rights these days. Their sole reason for being was to protect the natural rights we have, not to invent rights and then go about the business of redistributing them.

    What do you think?

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