[video=youtube;fs8GbbDjAfQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs8GbbDjAfQ[/video] http://www.rehobothbasters.org/ is it any future for them in Africa? and why the world turns a blind eye on this situation?
The Rehoboth basters, the Nama, the Griqua and in fact the majority of the group called the Cape Coloureds present a fascinating wrinkle in the politically correct sheet. I think it might have been Adam Small, the famous Cape Coloured poet who said "When the whites were in charge we were not white enough. Now we are not black enough." How sad. I mean it sincerely. I grew up amongst these people. And another interesting fact is that Afrikaans is the mother language of many of these people, although fashion is roding that. The future of this unique language may well be in their hands and not in the hands of the right-wing Afrikaners. Lastly, they, together with the San people (the "Bushmen") are the original people of much of South Africa. The black tribes are just as much colonialists as the whites are. Unfortunately I do not believe that a future 'Khoi' country is likely. But we can all help by putting aside the truly silly concept of Political Correctness in South Africa, and instead embrace facts and logic. These are truly a wonderful people with a delightful sense of humour. Let us not argue that calling the blacks 'colonialists' is not PC. Scrap that silly nonsense. THESE are the real original South Africans.
+1. $hitt, ( i hope they will get own country one day ..., the whole situation is a huge injustices can you write more about this people, cultures?
You see I was taught that the Khoikhoi presence in South Africa can be traced back at least to the 5th C. They were in Botswana earlier than that. http://books.google.es/books?id=U55...ce=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false Emile Boonzaier (in his book The Cape Herders - see reference above) suggests that they had reached Zambia/Zimbabwe by 100BC, over 2000 years ago. There these first colonialists encountered to original inhabitants of South Africa, the San people, whose DNA suggests that they may be amongst the oldest existing modern Homo sapiens. So this early Khoikhoi heritage is humbled by that of the San people. Dr Backwell and colleagues found tools in the eastern Cape that resemble modern San utensils which were dated at 44000 years. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-19069560 Geneticists suggest that the San date back 60 000 years ago. "Bushman" paintings - San art - dates back 27 000 years .... and that art does not move around http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/bushman/ In 1932, the ruins of Mapungubwe were uncovered in the extreme north of South Africa adjacent to Kipling's "great grey-green greasy Limpopo". This was a 'Bantu' (Black) settlement. They date from 1000 to 1200 AD when it was abandoned. It is tempting to link this settlement with that of Great Zimbabwe a few hundred kilometres further north. The University of Pretoria has an excellent display, including the beautifully delicate Golden Rhino. http://web.up.ac.za/default.asp?ipkCategoryID=14727&subid=14727 From then on Bantu-speaking black people moved slowly southwards forming coastal settlements during the 16th C, with the Zulu kingdom being founded in northern Natal by ca. 1709. The great Zulu expansion took place in the early 19th C. The ancestral Bantu languages contained none of the "clicks" that it has today. These were acquired from the indigenous San people. The Drakensberg in eastern Natal is a veritable gallery of San rock art. http://www.wits.ac.za/academic/scie...ockart/14759/rock_art_of_southern_africa.html Check this link for some fabulous images. The painters of these masterpieces were isolated in the high mountains of the Drakensberg by the late-1700s and the last one was seen in 1871. The first white colony was established by the Dutch at Cape Town in 1652.There were no Bantu-speakers to be seen. The Whites moved east from the Cape of Good hope and met the Xhosas (Bantu), the forefront of their southward migration, in the eastern Cape, north of Port Elizabeth, in the late 1700s. So what were these books have you read, Jonah, which contradict my claim that both Bantu and Whites are relatively recent colonialists in South Africa? If there aren't any, I would be interested to know the motivation for your post.
The Zulu are not colonists, they just migrated there over 500 years ago. the afrikkkaners on the other hand are colonists and a more vile ppl you are unlikely to ever meet.
The Afrikaners just migrated there 360 years ago. LOL - big difference. I am underwhelmed Jonah. Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert was an Afrikaner. So is Breyton Breytenbach. Bram Fischer came from a prominent Afrikaner family. Dr Chris Barnard is an Afrikaner. General Jan Smuts was an Afrikaner. André Brink is an Afrikaner. F. W. de Klerk is an Afrikaner. Etienne Leroux was an Afrikaner.Derek Hanekom is an Afrikaner. Carl Niehaus is an Afrikaner. Piet Croucamp is an Afrikaner. So what we are left with is you subjective stereotyping, gross generalisation, and crystal clear bigotry. Well done!! Have a nice day with your prejudices, Boetie.
And YOU told me that I should read African books!!!! If you don't know why they are famous, it doesn't matter any longer.
You advised me to read books on Afrikan (sic) history. I showed you that within a very similar timespan both the Zulus and the Afrikaners were colonialists. Without providing any verifiable facts in rebuttal, you went into denial mode. I left it there --- flogging dead horse, etc. But that was not all. You then produced the most appalling case of bias, bigotry and generalised racial stereo-typing that I have ever seen with: So I provided you with a list of Afrikaners (please edit your spell-checker). You didn't even know who they were, yet you were willing to tar and feather their entire fellow people. Within the sack-name of Afrikaners are: # included a Nobel peace prize winner and along with Gorbachev, one of the politically bravest men of the late 20th C. # included numerous liberal Afrikaans authors who were scorned by the ultra-right wing faction (of which many still remain) # include a world-famous surgeon, the first to implement open-heart transplant surgery # include Afrikaners who chose to leave their country rather to remain under the weight of Apartheid # include senior ANC functionaries who are Afrikaners # include political leaders of the left-wing faction of white politics who vigorously opposed Apartheid. # include in international statesman who was a member of the British War Cabinet. He became a field marshal in the British Army in 1941, and served in the Imperial War Cabinet under Winston Churchill. He was once of the reasons why the state of Israel was created. He was an Afrikaner. # include one of the most famous air aces of the Battle of Britain # include Afrikaners like Anton Rupert who established international conglomerates while calling on "the Apartheid leadership to 'do something brave'" Obviously I am aware of the many bad pennies that existed and continue to exist within that group. But I find it just so offensively odious that you assign yourself the right to tar all of them with the same brush. My mother was an Afrikaner and one of the most gentle and compassionate souls you could ever wish to meet. She called herself a "Smuts girl". But you have proven to know absolutely nothing of them. THAT is what I am talking about - your demonstrated unmitigated bigotry.
in world still plagued by racism here is an integrated group that has done away with that and is still discriminated against...black racists are every bit as vile as white racists... Strange language, I understand maybe 15% of it...
none at all...afrikaaners had as much right to move into the region as the bantu...the real invaders were the english who followed later to exploit the gold and diamond resources...
agreed, Hollond was badly overpopulated, they had to go somewhere, look what they did ... SA is the only one developed country in the whole Africa
The Zulu were not colonists, they were revolutionary warriors sent by the most high to rid Afrika of the plague that was sweeping the land. - - - Updated - - - istated 'afrikan history' not european history.
Somalians, Ethiopians, North Africans, etc. are the colonists as well? you have a wrong picture of Africa , according it , only sub Saharan west African Negroids are the real Africans. - - - Updated - - - my guess its an old form of dutch... ps great culture, ....
[video=youtube;ylCj3bU94IE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylCj3bU94IE[/video] - - - Updated - - - [video=youtube;e5l-M2cvI58]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5l-M2cvI58[/video]
350yr old dutch, of which there would have been several dialects, add in low germans and french huguenots, isolate them for 350 yrs and its not surprising they developed their own distinctive language and culture...I very good friend of mine speaks the language, we could share the ocassional joke no one else would understand, but our ability to communicate in our respective languages was limited...he was of the mixed colour variety so was oppressed by the old apartheid regime, he found it amusing to have a friend whose relative was one of the prime architects of apartheid...
can you update me about situation in SA, rights of minorities. friend of mine lived in SA , 2 years. not anymore ...
sorry I can't, I moved and only see my friend who was my direct source of information once every 2 or 3 years now... and even he doesn't return to S Africa, its become too violent for his family they refuse to go back even to visit...and that's what I hear from many S Africans of all colours who now make their home in Canada...
very typical , unfortunately... just wonder whats place the Boers got in the official SA´ historiography?