Most likely Jesus was an advanced alien species biological entity robot hybrid with advanced alien technology the people 2000 years ago mistook for super natural powers and the resurrection of Jesus was just a matter of flipping a switch and turning back on the Jesus robot.
Jesus was not a robot. His birth was recorded according to Jewish law and there are references to him other than the bible. The resurrection was important because it verified that Jesus was more than just a man, more than just a preacher, more than just a prophet, he was the living proof that he was the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophets. His resurrection verified he was the Son of God the Father and the Messiah. Christianity and many other religions are based on word of mouth, tradition and faith.
Along with other ancient texts around the world, there are numerous references in the Bible to ancient UFOs/ETs - so yes, likely Jesus (assuming he existed) was either an ET or ET hybrid. And it certainly explains the "immaculate birth." Many alien abductee experiencers have reported being impregnated and later losing the fetus (which is later removed by the aliens). References to ETs in the Bible are so prevalent & undeniable that a minister wrote a book about it. The Bible and Flying Saucers by Theodore E. Downing