the dark 'matter' is just mass not lit not special stuff. Look at a nebula (hubble) all that matter, are they 'stars'? How about ask the question; why is that 'mass' lit? no, not as a hard particle but is there a potential? Yes NO, its just light.......... ie... light is electromagnetic energy (electric and magnetic fields in perpendicular planes; light (em)) gravity is the 'potential' caused by light (entanglement). ie.... entanglement is the property of light that is the 'gravity' of nature mass that aint emitting light is 'dark' light that you cant see is 'dark' What to comprehend is the whole of the universe is full of 'dark' (not lit mass) and the whole of the universe is full of 'fields' (em/light) that you cant see. IN reality, there is no darkness (without light) anywhere within the whole of the universe; no such thing as a perfect vacuum anywhere between any 2 points of mass (postulate/fact). and in every solar system too; planets are 'dark' the amount of mass/energy the solar wind is passing thru space at any given moment is hugenormous........... but can you see it? The suns magnetophere alone reaches well beyond pluto (field)......... it dark energy if you like the galaxies magnetosphere is how big ? ? ? ? ? ? ? why do you think it is shaped the way it is? ? ? ? ? ? just not magic stuff. Rather normal star stuff. what do you think is carrying a momentum? Perhaps you are not comprehending the planck model of physics? It is fields. Electric and magnetic and you cant have one without the other........ (faraday/maxwell) them fields are what todays physicist forget when playing the particle model. Them fields associate! always have.
mass= elements/molecules ........ "stuff" to the non science sector. to the religious sector 'the corporeal'..... (tangible) And yes, mass can be lit like a light bulb or dark like a frying pan... all have energy upon that mass in one form or another. (light or dark). For example; no 2 elements can combine without energy (em) in one fashion or another (bohr analogy), period! But not all mass is visible (lit). ie.... dark matter of the universe, is/are unseen elements/molecules (it's stupid easy to comprehend) But that concept of 'dark matter' being something special is the stupidity of brain stormers of physics, publishing what they believe with zero evidence to back it up. And now whole areas of science are 'talking' and it is like people going to church and claiming 'god is great'. just poppy cop dark matter aint energy fields. The fields are the energy (most are 'dark' per se) upon that mass. ie... you cant see your infrared signature with the naked eye, but you sure can with a infrared detection and it radiates around your whole body. more garbage stay out of the magazine articles, them type are making you blind the spirit of nature is the energy upon mass the pursuit of the inquiring mind is to seek answers and yes, often the best method is to inquire versus talk Tell me what the size of a 95.5mHz photon is? Is it dark or lit? How is it 'created'? Answer them questions and then i can assist you better with the labotomy (reboot of your failing dialogue)
have you ever observed the science behind it? that is like asking "what is light' it is constant, as it is 'everywhere', naturally. heck, you are 'it' as your LIFE would not exist without 'it' again, naturally! What i am wonering, is you have the internet and there is more evidence, experiments, usage and actual work in the science of 'entanglement' than there ever has been of the dark crap but for some reason, you dont know about 'it'...................?1/1?!?? what trio? you are reading your computer screen based on the words you learned some time ago and as i sequence them you can comprehend what i am conveying, with the use of them words......................... You are experiencing entanglement as you sit!
matter= elements/molecules energy= em (light) elements are em affixed in time (proven by fission/fussion) exactly kind of like, there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum anywhere, anything, ever, between any points of mass (postulate)
not "lit" mass.... LOL. That be the response from a 12 year old. Photons are not being absorbed or emitted by this matter. It could be that Dark Matter are regions of space so warped that photons are red-shifted below the quantization level of the matter in such regions thus disallowing any interaction with light. The question would then be why is spacetime so warped around galaxies?
How did they get here?... Scientists intrigued by atoms from beyond the solar system January 31, 2012 - NASA's IBEX spacecraft has snagged atoms that came from outside our solar system. Interstellar space includes the raw material that becomes new stars, planets, and organic life.
i guess you might need to learn science and the integrity of comprehending evidence, from a 10 yr old because apparently the 12 yrs olds are out of your league. how do you know? Does a glass pane 'emit' photons? could be that your opinion is based on tv shows and you dont have a clue. that would make far better sense. space dont bend. The field of the energy and 'unlit mass' surrounding the galaxies are affecting the light passing thru it. Just like the eddington experiment proved! (the light was passing thru the corona and redirects the light, like a mirage off a hot highway) put it this way: men think, idiots stink!
How is it possible for us to 'measure' hydrogen atoms in interstellar space...across the Universe to know there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum? What area would we be measuring...a cubic yard...a cubic mile...something larger...something smaller? I guess if dark energy in omnipresent, then there can be no such thing as a perfect vacuum...
Obviously you don't know that the little faeries are in the mass, precisely three of them in each little ball that have magical wands that glow. But in this special matter they don't which is why it isn't lit!
how can you see the stars all over space, if there was a perfect vacuum? ie.... our sun pushes more solar wind (mass/energy) than you can measure and the suns magnetosphere is larger than the whole solar system. i like that. Kind of like, if the dark crap is from god, then its there whether anyone can prove it or not. that be my kind of humor.
it means, there is no empty space (perfect vacuum) as them 'FIELDS" are in every point of space, within the whole universe. but it's a fact as there is no where between any 2 points of mass, that a 'perfect' vacuum could exist (what is gravity?) it is literally impossible! good point i guess i am getting punchy with all the religious BS'ers that lie out the gazoo. i sury did i forget to point out, there aint no such thing as dark matter/energy unless you want to just say 'mass that aint emitting, is dark' or perhaps, 'em that aint visible, is dark" otherwise, the concept of there being some dark crap, that aint measurable stuff, but it's just there, is just stupid! it is like a 'gawd' to idiots that dont have a causal explanation for the phenomenon observed!
the font you used is black. And the sky aint 'blue' about half the time; it's black with lil' white dots!
We have trouble identifying what it is precisely because it is dark. There is no known interaction with anything we know of except for gravity. We only have evidence of it on the account of gravity, but gravity alone only tells us about energy density, not anything particular about that energy.
Nope. the bb is a speculation of virial theorem, not a concept ever founded in fact! that one makes sense if it is 'matter' then it is composed of elements/molecules. Any debate on that?
who said it is accelerating except perhaps the bubble in the hubble comprehension. Kind of like a 'stroke'! The red shift ideology is wrong! You are basing each line item claim, from what others have accepted as the 'reason' kind of like the alvarez claim of an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs, when keller PROVED it was wrong (but few actually observe 'evidence' before accepting what is believed) the BB aint real, the red shifting is from mass between the emitting stars/galaxies and the lense. why are people so bend on believing TV versus reading for themselves and realizing, 'what if there is another explanation for the phenomenon?" you sound like a bible thumper that would rant "just because you can see god, dont mean he aint a god' But then again, try your analysis: if you can see the dark poop, then how do we know it exists? yes..... jargon for people to get their names in print! i like that last one.....! Return to the basics, 'what is gravity?' I wish more people would question the poppy cop before publishing. For example: life, abuses entropy and rather than witness that a life is consuming energy, it aint random, then procreates.................... You would think my statement is 'stupid easy' before the idiots would whine, 'well it breaks the law, so it cant be' bottom line, life DOES abuse entropy, and the law is the error, not the claim!