BUT... what if Prime Minister Stone Cold Stephen Harper were the star in an actual plan to put in motion events shown to near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley in his 1975 brush with death........ ... but apparently these events have been delayed about twenty years or so....... in this new time line that is Applied Multiverse Theory....... .. the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex is constructed first........ which leads to the literal as well as metaphorical fulfillment of every word in Ezekiel chapter forty seven that no human on this earth can fully comprehend....... not even me...... ...... Dannion Brinkley saw the nations of Israel plus Jordan coming together into ONE NATION...... but it happened near the year 2000 in that other time line...... so because events have been delayed to 2023... 2024 in this time line....... we could build the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex first..... so that the literal as well as metaphorical meaning in every sentence in Ezekiel chapter forty seven happens FIRST...... which makes the impossible all of a sudden possible....... and voila...... a million Canadian plus American plus British CommonWealth "EPHRAYIMITES" move to this new nation..... at the same time that a million Palestinians move to Canada and voila....... the Middle East conflict is significantly addressed........ ..... Prime Minister Stone Cold Stephen Harper could be the key to all of this......... I believe that he could be the reincarnation of King Rehoboam the son of King Solomon of Israel and I believe that at the G-8 in 2011 he kept his promise that his pinky finger would be THICKER than his father's "loins!!!!!!?" [Now I wonder what he may have meant by "loins"??????!!!!!] Interesting... I just noticed that this is post number 77 to this discussion........! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...on-to-the-world.612214/page-4#post-1074486882
One of the possible issues with these discussion forums is that somebody could click on a link that takes them to post number twenty six on page two here.... but they might not even realize that there are twenty five posts to page one........ so here is a critical post from page one that sets the stage for this post number twenty six......... For all of my many, many, many, many, many, many flaws..... at least one relatively positive characteristic that I do try to do is that I write and write and write and write on a totally voluntary basis........ ..... and I wish to propose a Cyrus style Peace Treaty between the Tate's and the Harper's...... that will be based on a proposed micro-nation in Nova Scotia.......... and since Prime Minister Stephen Harper owes Mr. Peter MacKay a favour........ we are all set up for a semi-reality science fiction project that could begin as early as a possible 2014 or 2015 semi-reality science fiction film series........ that I wish to donate to Prime Minister Stephen Harper........ as one part of my attempt to apologize to him for whatever nuisance that I am getting him and his wife and children into by posting this message...... ...... I really actually do feel that he could be King Rehoboam reincarnated and it seems obvious to me that Prime Minister Stephen Harper as opposed to President Donald J. Trump should be the one chosen to be Moshiach ben Ephrayim....... .... because President Trump will simply be too busy serving all eight billion of us as President of the USA to take on the role of Moshiach ben Ephrayim...... ...... ...... The following link will take you to page one of this discussion... .so that you will get the critical context for all of this..... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...om-in-the-middle-east.614114/#post-1074470140 The Tate Plan for Shalom in the Middle East! So... my new answer to the following question is..... No... Israel should NOT crown President Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim.... [even if the bulk of Jews of the year 2124 believe that he is]... but... under our present set of circumstances I feel that it is Prime Minister Stephen Harper who should be considered for the role of Moshiach ben Ephrayim........ so that the global Bear Market that Biden and Trudeau's advisors seem to be planning....... can be prevented!!!!!!! Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as Moshiach ben Ephrayim? A micro nation sets the stage for the printing up of a micro - nation currency note that can be printed....... as Calgary Dollars has been printed....... but the serious bucks will be involved when this is combined with a "Gesture of Good Will" to SAP database systems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are correct... I am proposing a Digital Currency ran by very LIBERTARIAN Prime Minister Stephen Harper..... to rival the almost certainly AUTHORITARIAN version that Biden and Trudeau's advisors would come up with!!!!!!! In my opinion Prime Minister Stephen Harper was not pro-abortion... he was really pro-life... but he was SO LIBERTARIAN... that he permitted Canadians to have abortions if they chose to do so...... and he was Libertarian in so many other ways as well........ He would be an awesome choice by nine point four million Israelis for the role of Moshiach ben Ephrayim..... and I believe that the Jordanians.... and the Palestinians would come to love him........ and when he passes on...... HaShem willing after he is well over a hundred...... I believe that they will all mourn for him......... .... on a level that has not been seen since the mourning over JFK!!!!!!!! ? Should Israel crown Donald J. Trump as their constitutional monarch? * Yes 8 vote(s) 42.1% No 8 vote(s) 42.1% Well...... he would probably do that too for one shekel per year and he will do a lot for them... 0 vote(s) 0.0% Yes... recovering from the economic aspects of COVID 19 makes doing this worthwhile... 0 vote(s) 0.0% No.... Rabbi Alon Anava would be better..... 0 vote(s) 0.0% No... there is somebody else! 0 vote(s) 0.0% other... please explain in a reply.... 3 vote(s) 15.8% Change Your Vote
Now surely some of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's fans and friends will soon end up reading this...... and so this other post becomes relevant...... Dennis Tait or Tate for Mayor of Mississauga? I have a suggestion for Prime Minister Stephen Harper....... Mr. Pierre Polievre could be turned into the world's number ONE teacher of English as a second or third or fourth language....... and he could be turned into the number One teacher of French as a second or third or fourth or fifth language........ simply by subtitling his videos into two hundred different languages from the original English that I listened to a few days ago......... ...... I find that I am getting something like a lump in my throat as I listen to him....... ... it is so wonderful to hear a political leader telling the truth....... being objective and honest...... and having a little bit of positive anger under the wild set of circumstances that our Prime Minister has put us into over these past five years!!!!!! Honorable Minister [Stone Cold ] Stephen Harper....... if you will listen to the near death experience testimony of former Atheist and Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Alon Anava.... you are going to notice something astonishing...... .... Rabbi Anava's NDE resembles Matthew chapter four.... and his teachings since 2001 amazingly correspond with Matthew chapters five, six and seven..... the sermon on the Mount....... It seems to me as if Ezekiel chapter thirty seven is partly being set up......... and fast...... https://www.alonanava.com/about/ https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel 37&version=KJV
And now to introduce you to the specific role that I think you may find intriguing...... The Prince of the Tribe of Dan... who assists Moshiach ben Ephrayim........ to build at least one temple.... but perhaps two temples... .for the Jewish people in the latter days! https://britam.org/messiah.html .... .... Could the Ezekiel Temple stop the Great Tribulation? ? Could the Ezekiel Temple Complex end The Great Tribulation? * Yes 2 vote(s) 25.0% No 4 vote(s) 50.0% Perhaps... and I sure do hope so!!!! 1 vote(s) 12.5% No... this would lead to another Middle East war and increased tensions in the Middle East. 1 vote(s) 12.5% Change Your Vote Oh.... for as long as Mr. Pierre Polivre leads Canada's Conservative Party.... I have given up on my former aspirations! July 23, 2016.... Dennis Tate for National Leader of Canada's Conservative Party.
Are near death experience accounts that have been given to Jews...... .... that have been given to Muslims...... .... that have been given to Hindus..... .... that have been given to Atheists...... ... that have been given to Christians..... and people in every religious and ethnic group on this earth at this time....... ... setting the stage for the possibility of GENUINE SHALOM IN THE MIDDLE EAST??????? IN MY OPINION....... YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of us humans are only one breath of air away from death in any given moment in time..... so in a way I believe that an astonishing experience given to Dr. Jesse Duplantis is somewhat similar to what could have been the near death experience account of The Prophet Muhammad, [ Shalom be upon him]...... ..... and....... guess who Dr. Jesse Duplantis met during his visit to heaven back in 1988? Similar to what could have been the near death experience of the Prophet Muhammad, [ Shalom be upon him], Dr. Jesse met our great, great, great, great... . grandfather The Patriarch Abraham....... and I believe that what was shown to Dr. Jesse has the potential to shift the balance of power in the Middle East..... ... if this heavenly experience given to Dr. Jesse is compared with the near death experience account of the Prophet Muhammad, [Shalom be upon him], ..... and if this becomes common knowledge among all of us who are willing to at least put forward some ideas on how Shalom in the Middle East can perhaps eventually be attained! Now just to make this video somewhat more interesting to the average American Democrat..... Dr. Jesse Duplantis reports seeing JFK in heaven........ .... and I believe that Dr. Jesse is correct.... even though many religious people would tend to disagree with him...... [especially hard core Republicans]..... and I believe I can explain WHY President John F. Kennedy repented and prayed and gave his heart to Messiah Yeshua - Jesus - Issa the Prophet before he passed on...... ... it may be because once Marilyn Monroe made certain highly public statements..... then..... JFK.... knowing all about The Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned all Americans about........ ... after Marilyn's statements to the press..... JFK... knew that his days were numbered........ so he made Shalom with his Creator...... to the very best of his ability...... and he because very Charismatic Catholic before he was assassinated.... which would help to explain Dr. Jesse Duplantis being able to report meeting him during his visionary experience in heaven!!!! My Testimony of Heaven ...... Could this UFO have been Made in America? https://near-death.com/islam/ Near-Death Experiences and Islam BY KEVIN WILLIAMSPOSTED ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2019
For the record I have been promoting the idea of Christian plus Jewish cooperation on the building of at least one if not two Jewish temples for several years now. Should L.D.S. support rebuilding of Jerusalem Third Temple? February 7, 2018
Now that we are on page two of this discussion..... there is a somewhat different dynamic.... many of the people who have read page one of this discussion..... will never find page two.... and many of the people who find this page two... .will never find page one...... ... which has intriguing implications for Canadian local, provincial and even federal elections and..... ... taking those elections and turning them into a reality film project or two or three..... and perhaps even into a semi- reality science fiction film series set either in the past...... or even in the future!!!!???? Please pray or meditate on Canada's P. M. brokering Jordan - Israel peace deal? Near death experiencer Dannion Brinkley in his 1975 brush with death was shown that eventually Israel and Jordan would have some sort of huge peace deal.... that would totally alter the formula in the Middle East...... ... I believe that due to what he accomplished at the G-8 in 2011 Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper is the perfect person to be asked to become C. E. O. of at least one film production company dedicated to playing around with how this could be done in 2023 and 2024...... through films!!!!! https://www.theglobeandmail.com/new...per-stands-alone-at-g8-summit/article4263322/ On Israel, Harper stands alone at G8 summit DOUG SAUNDERS DEAUVILLE, FRANCE PUBLISHED MAY 25, 2011 Dannion Brinkley:
And now to tie this all together with the local Mississauga political and artistic scene! Yes.... I am of the belief that a massive series of events that lead to Shalom in the Middle East could be set in motion from the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area! Dennis Tait or Tate for Mayor of Mississauga? A big part of my platform will be that Mississauga should create a local currency note similar to www.CalgaryDollars.ca/ and use it in films that improve life for the people of Missisauaga but....... we are in a special position to reach out to other nations as well! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...t-record-high-in-2022.607027/#post-1073948749
Did Adolf Hitler learn tactics from the ancient Assyrians? ? Did Adolf Hitler and more modern organizations base their strategies on Assyrian war tactics?Edit No 0 vote(s) 0.0% * Yes 1 vote(s) 100.0% To some degree... I do suppose so????!!!! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote Prophetic: War Eagles Rising | Tim Sheets ... "I listened to this brilliant and astonishingly insightful message yesterday evening. Actually my wife was guided to put it on our TV for me and now I am listening to this for the second time. I totally agree with his assessment that certain modern organizations basing their activities on TERRORISM as exemplified by Sennacherib the King of the Assyrian Empire during the time of Isaiah the Prophet and King Hezekiah. " Is Pastor Tim Sheets correct that Adolf Hitler.... and even more modern organizations based some of their tactics on the way that the Assyrian Empire waged war throughout the Middle East?????? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...rn-tactics-from-the-ancient-assyrians.614756/
But the one billion plus Muslims are going to go through a spiritual awakening that will cause them to soon care about the Ezekiel Temple complex...... and the hidden meaning in every word in Ezekiel chapter forty seven. Very soon a high percentage of true Muslims will know that the "leaders" who are telling them that they must be at war with Jews and Christians..... are actually NOT Muslims at all...... but are Atheists who are misquoting the Koran....... and ignoring the Sura's in the Koran that would tend toward a totally different approach toward Christians and Jews. One important factor in how this shift will take place will be the realization that the Palestinian people are significantly the great, great, great, great... grandchildren of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Cephas - Peter and the first century Messianic Jewish community........ ... who Paul persecuted until his own personal conversion. First century church may have numbered 400,000... did the majority convert to Islam? I guess it was about two years ago that I ran into evidence that the Palestinian people are largely the descendants of the second century Messianic Jewish community....... who DID NOT join in the Bar Kochba revolt against Rome..... and thus were allowed to stay in the Roman province of Judaea after the revolt was crushed. I have noticed that this information has altered the way that I view the Israeli - Palestinian conflict ..... has affected the way that I pray about this situation... and has been a subject that I have gone over and over again in my mind.
DELIBERATELY INVESTING in Israeli mega-scale sea water desalination technology would do several things: 1. Every cubic meter of sea water that is desalinated and added to the water table of any nation with a lot of deserts is great news for every home that has been built in an area that is vulnerable to the threat of rising ocean levels. 2. Admitting that the ancient Islamic prediction of MONEY BEING MADE ABUNDANT AND THE DESERTS OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD TURNED GREEN....... IS A FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR BETTER PLAN THAN TO ALLOW BIDEN AND TRUDEAU AND OTHER BILLIONAIRES TO DRIVE THE ECONOMY OF 2023 AND 2024 INTO ANOTHER 1929..... A BEAR MARKET!!!!!!!!!! 3. Just as Dr. Chaim Henry Tejman has written...... TREES ARE THE KEY TO STABILIZATION OF THE CLIMATE...... .NOT THE AL GORE HAIRBALL CARBON TAX IDEA WHO HE GOT FROM HIS PROFESSOR WHO WAS INFLUENCED BY A GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO LINK THE PRICE AND SUPPLY OF OIL TO THE WORLD FIAT CURRENCIES!!!!!!!! It may be kind of touching to see how much Mr. Al Gore loved and respected his professor BUT......... we cannot allow THAT SENTIMENT TO PERMIT AL GORE AND BILL GATES TO SET IN MOTION THE FULL SCALE IMPLICATIONS OF THE BILL GATES "INNOVATING TO ZERO" LECTURE THAT HE GAVE BACK IN 2010!!!!!!!! Who is right? The climate alarmists? Or the Climate deniers?
Look at the Sahara Desert each afternoon...... it is over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit....... but the following morning the desert is cool.... where did the heat go...... into the atmosphere....... Greening the deserts will stabilize the climate.... but those who support Depopulation do not want this fact known. Carbon dioxide is necessary for life..... certain people exaggerate because of their longer term plans. The lecture "Innovating to zero" by Bill Gates back in 2010 depends on a Carbon Tax to work...... and the Carbon Tax along with a Digital Currency within a cashless society is used to give the governments nearly total control over the movement of people. New Mexico biologist Carl Cantrell. ... Israel now has the technology to do this...... ....
Shifting the focus of the world away from the hairball Al Gore Carbon Tax could play an important role in shifting the economy of the Middle East away from confrontation toward greater economic cooperation with Israel. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...limate-deniers.595892/page-91#post-1074522604 Who is right? The climate alarmists? Or the Climate deniers?
To a degree...... you are correct ...... but.... wow... there is a lot to this topic????!!!! I am hoping that this angle on this subject will get people praying with some extra boldness and compassion and empathy????!!!! Are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's grandchildren: Palestinians????? Jay Spillers.... " Remember in the gospels, the Jews looked down on the Samaritains, yet Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan and he went and ministered to them" Kinda wonder if it is like that with the Palestinians today?" [Jay Spillers] Yes.... and there is another fascinating aspect of this entire situation. Mr. Tsvi Misinai heads up an organization that has evidence that the bulk of the Palestinians may well be descended from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, and the one hundred and twenty who met together that famous Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out. You see........ the Messianic Jews of the second century DID NOT join in the Bar Kochba Revolt and thus....... WERE NOT expelled from the Holy Land when the Bar Kochba Revolt was crushed. Their great, great, great, great grandchildren were given the choice to either become Muslims.... or die..... so they became Muslims. Now they are being pressured to shoot rockets at the Rabbinic Jewish community..... due to a misunderstanding from way back in the first century.. .... You may find this to be rather astonishing....... but the Rabbi's who rejected John the Baptist and Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus taught that any husband could divorce his wife for many, many, many reasons....... whereas both John the Baptist and Rabbi Yeshua - Jesus had rather tough teachings on divorce......... This was a m Because Orthodox Jewish scholars firmly believe in the restoration of the lost tribes of Israel this new genetic research that indicates that the Palestinians are "Jewish" may play a significant role in genuine peace coming between Israelis and Palestinians! "And Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch................Who anointedst kings to penance, and madest prophets successors after thee. [9] Who wast taken up in a whirlwind of fire, in a chariot of fiery horses. [10] Who art registered in the judgments of times to appease the wrath of the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob." Sid Roth....
Actually me....... Dennis Tate..... the guy who has been promoting turning deserts green as the best way to stabilize the climate, as opposed to a Carbon Tax, since 2007. There is an ancient Islamic prophecy that has the potential to save the world economy from going into a Bear Market.... another 1929..... because Biden and Trudeau seem to want something worse than 2008 to get people prepared for the Biden Digital Currency and Trudeau's version of the same thing for here in Canada. My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge. That ancient Islamic prediction for the Last Hour sets us up beautifully to defeat the economic crisis that sure seems to be being planned..... plus.... it would begin to move the entire Middle East in the direction of economic cooperation with Israel due to their amazing sea water desalination technology. Book 005, Number 2208: "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers." SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 25: The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab) ....
http://www.politicalforum.com/index...t-record-high-in-2022.607027/#post-1073948749 New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell..... This could well be the most effective way to STOP the people who are passing a script to Biden and Trudeau to read for them!!!!!! Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets? ? Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis? No 8 vote(s) 38.1% * Yes 11 vote(s) 52.4% I certainly hope not???? 2 vote(s) 9.5% I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote
But I must admit..... I would LOVE IT if Andrew Tate caught this basic idea like a football..... and ran with it....... He did a great interview with Ms. Candace Owens...... Candace Owens x Andrew Tate: The Interview ......
One interesting theory that I heard about the second and third century Messianic Jewish movement is that women.... and mothers..... were so powerful within that movement.... that the B O Y's were scared........ .and..... they went to work to attempt to stop the movement from growing......... W o m e n ... really care about their homes...... wo me n and mothers don't want slime balls visiting their homes.... so....... a C E L I B A T E priesthood was decided on.............. to stop mothers from continuing to be largely in charge of the Messianic Jewish movement of the second century....... all of this actually relates to "The Tate plan for Shalom in the Middle East." Andrew Corner ... I cannot change Andrew's mind on this idea.... I think he is onto something really important..... And this idea as well..... Which.. leads me to this conclusion...... In my opinion..... all of this means that we are getting close to shockingly rapid cracking and sliding of chunks of ice off the land based Greenland Ice Sheet..... and the eventual potentially rapid collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet which to my thinking...... means that we must now ABANDON THE CARBON TAX PROPOSED BY MR. AL GORE AND WE MUST INSTEAD INVEST HEAVILY IN MEGA-SCALE SEA WATER DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY IN ORDER TO DESALINATE a comparable amount of H2O as is in the volume of ice that merely needs to crack and slide off the land based Greenland Ice Pack....... or the West Antarctic Ice Sheet..... in order to cause a serious and rapid rise in ocean levels..... and we must get desalinated water to fill the depleted underground aquifers that have been used up over these past decades. The number one threat posed by a warming world......is rising ocean levels.... and a CARBON TAX WILL DO ESSENTIALLY NOTHING TO PREVENT OCEAN LEVELS FROM RISING BUT..... desalinating ocean water on a massive scale can turn deserts green and replenish the water table in nations with lots of desert..... which could at the minimum DELAY the threat posed by rising ocean levels to all real estate that is vulnerable to rising ocean levels. Australia also has a massive area of land that is below sea level...that could rapidly be turned into a salt water marina... and a massive tourist attraction...... so perhaps the Australians are in the position to take point on trying to get all of into ways of tackling climate change that are practical and will actually work in a manner that is win, win, win, win, win, win..... Frankly.... this alternative theory on stabilization of the climate is even relevant to the question of increasing economic cooperation... and decreasing tensions in the Middle East!!! ... " In my opinion... telling people the truth about how silly the Al Gore Carbon Tax plan really is..... [ especially in comparison to the vastly more practical method of turning deserts green that is advocated by New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell...... and Isaiah chapter thirty five..... and an ancient Islamic prediction...... will greatly increase Israeli cooperation with Jordan, Egypt, Dubai, Algeria, Qatar on turning deserts green using Israeli mega-scale sea water desalination technology..... ], will soon positively alter the economy of the Middle East that..... a major step will have been taken toward Shalom in the Middle East. " Al Gore and Bill Gates do not want people to know how much of a threat is posed by the possible rapid cracking and sliding of ice off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.... and the land based Greenland Ice Sheet.... because if we understood this we would soon give up on the Bill Gates "Innovating to zero" plan!!!!!!! "At a symposium of the Union of Geodesy and geophysics, Dr. Pyyotor Shoumsky reported that the south polar ice cap was growing at a minimum rate of 293 cubic miles of ice annually. To put that number in perspective, Lake Erie contains only 109 cubic miles of water. Thus, a volume of ice forms on top of the existing ice at Antarctica each year which is almost three times the volume of water in Lake Erie!" (Expanded Discussion of The HAB Theory, Gershom Gale, Expanded Discussion on the HAB Theory.) "Earth just recorded its hottest 12-month streak (November 2022-October 2023). Analysis using Climate " http://www.politicalforum.com/index...s-using-climate.614745/page-9#post-1074548156
NOW THAT WE ARE ON PAGE TWO OF THIS DISCUSSION...... we can raise the bar a bit.......!!!!!! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...native-universe.610709/page-2#post-1074554712
Perhaps that would depend on what he thinks of the theory put forward by Modern Paladin over in this other discussion?????? Does the growth of ice on Antarctica explain why sea level have been stable? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...evel-have-been-stable.614762/#post-1074549945 EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BELIEVE that you are absolutely correct..... and the best theory that I have seen so far actually fits with a theory put forward by a friend of Dr. Albert Einstein that..... the earth's magnetic poles may have had one hundred and seventy one major flips over the past.... certain number of millions of years...... to my mind I am thinking over the past five million years...... but it is a long time since I read his book so my mind could be playing tricks on me. ONCE THE WORLD REALIZES THAT THE NUMBER ONE THREAT TO OUR CLIMATE IS RISING OCEANS LEVELS..... THAT COULD WELL BE TRIGGERED BY A MAJOR MAGNETIC POLAR SHIFT..... THEN..... THE WORLD WILL QUICKLY REALIZE THAT THE AL GORE CARBON TAX THEORY IS DIVISIVE..... AND CANNOT BE SOLD TO CONSERVATIVES BUT..... THE IDEA OF DELIBERATELY TURNING DESERTS GREEN HAS ALREADY BEEN PREDICTED IN THE JEWISH AS WELL AS IN THE ISLAMIC SCRIPTURES!!!!!!!!!!! Book 005, Number 2208: "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers." SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 25: The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab) MISSISAUGA MAY BE THE PERFECT LOCATION FROM WHICH TO PROMOTE THIS ANGLE ON HOW TO ATTAIN SHALOM IN THE MIDDLE EAST???!!!! Dennis Tait or Tate for Mayor of Mississauga? Because I have over thirty thousand posts to political forum .com i think that the people who want to smear me in order to back up Al Gore and Bill Gates..... will have lots and lots and lots of material to sift through...... ... I was even thinking of campaigning with the slogan.... "Better the Devil that you can know than the one that you don't" that is based on the fact that I have written on just about every big topic that we can think of.... which will give my opponents a great deal of information to work with!!!!!
I am not a perfectionist....... I am not exactly an idealist...... I believe that a plan to bring Shalom to the Middle East can be initiated here in Mississauga...... and I believe that almost any company in Mississauga could be fitted into what I term "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems!" For example...... https://ramagaming.com Might tend to be rather interested in some of my suggestions on how the Worgl Austria Local Money Experiment made popular by Irving Fisher Ph. D. could be used to set in motion AN EXPERIMENT IN ECONOMICS.... that could indicate that yes..... the national debt of Canada is significantly a practical joke being played on thirty eight million Canadians!!!??? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...d-a-real-estate-boom-in-rural-america.576428/ The Worgl Austria Great Depression Experiment and a real estate boom in rural America? http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=717 MY SUGGESTION FOR RAMA GAMING HOUSE.... IS A CALGARY DOLLARS NIGHT.... IN WHICH YOU ACCEPT CALGARY DOLLARS.... AS BEING WORTH ONE DOLLAR CANADIAN..... AND YOU GATHER UP THE ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND OR SO PRINTED CALGARY DOLLARS THAT ARE IN CIRCULATION IN CALGARY..... AND YOU MOVE THEM TO MISSISSAUGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWW.CALGARYDOLLARS.CA/ DONATE THE WHOLE THING TO CHARITIES... AND OTHER WORTHY CAUSES...... AND THE WHEELS CAN BEGIN TO TURN TOWARD BRINGING CANADA AND THE USA OUT OF THE BEAR MARKET THAT BIDEN'S ADVISORS.... AND TRUDEAU'S ADVISORS... SEEM INTENT ON DRIVING OUR ECONOMY INTO!!!!! I HAVE SOMEBODY IN MIND WHO COULD ASSIST WITH THIS..... https://www.facebook.com/wyatt.claypool.92
In a sense you are correct..... because ATHEISTS IN RUSSIA AND IN EASTERN EURPOPE...... have essentially taken over as the LOUDEST and most vocal supposed "Muslims".... but they are NOT REAL MUSLIMS.... they are Atheists playing the role of Islamic theologians........ ... but a True Muslim.... in my opinion...... will tend to take every word of Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight very seriously....... like the TRUE MUSLIM THEOLOGIAN....... MR. ADNAN OKTAR!!!!!!!!!!!! A Muslim Looking Forward to the Third Temple? Some Muslim leaders are encouraged by good relations with the Jews, and by Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem By | Jul 10, 2016 at 11:39 am I just spelled Europe wrong..... but I am going to leave that error here...... because I have a possible direction to take all of this in over these next few pages..... that hint that my spelling error may have been somewhat "inspired"...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...s-and-the-media.331262/page-3#post-1072106575
In my opinion...... Mr. Robert Mendelson could be termed "a TRUE ISLAMIC THEOLOGIAN"..... IN MY OPINION....HE QUOTES THE KORAN FAR MORE ACCURATELY...... THAN THE FAMOUS SUPPOSED ISLAMIC THEOLOGIANS...... who are very likely really ACTORS PLAYING THE ROLE OF MUSLIMS...... but a True Islamic theologian will look at these Sura's very seriously........ and I believe will tend to realize that that there is something terribly OFF in what BigMedia is putting out regarding the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict!!!! God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land, Hebrew and Arabic. IN MY OPINION... IF PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU REALLY WANTED TO BEING TO BRING SHALOM TO THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST....... THEN THE NEXT TIME THAT HE VISISTS THE USA OR CANADA.... HE SHOULD CONSIDER AVOIDING SPEAKING WITH THE COLD BLOODED REPTILES IN THE WASHINGTON OR OTTAWA SWAMPS.... AND INSTEAD SHOULD SPEAK WITH A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND A PROPHET WHO LIVES IN DELAWARE.......... .... ROBERT MENDELSON WRITES AND SPEAKS LIKE SOMEBODY WHO HAS MUTIPLE DOCTORAL DEGREES.... BUT HE AND I LOOK AT THE WORLD VERY VERY DIFFERENTLY...... AND WHEN WE TALK ON THE PHONE WE TEND TO MAKE EACH OTHER RATHER ANGRY....... .... largely because Mr. Robert Mendelson is very far left politically and I was given my intellectual foundation by somebody who met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decades before he got into politics...... Messianic Jewish theologian Garner Ted Armstrong........ who got me obsessed with hidden meaning in every word in the Law and in the Prophets!!!!!
You are probably going to think that my opening gambit here is risky................... You are correct............ this is indeed risky?????????!!!!!! ........... ............ ................ If a theory is "falsifiable" then that is verification that the theory is valid................. ...... or at least has some validity............ In my opinion........ all of the accusations about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could be proven to be false..... IF...... e-mail evidence and other types of evidence come out that he is actually reading a script from high ranking members of CSIS........ who know all about the level of truth that could be there in the idea that President Donald J. Trump has been doing a CLEAN UP of corruption........ in the Washington Swamp....... and at the Vatican........ in Jerusalem, Israel........... and even in London, England........... NOT TO MENTION IN OTTAWA, CANADA......... from 2017 to January of 2021??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!! Personally...... I would consider it to be interesting if by December 16, of 2028........ B... G.... is in jail....... G..... S.... is in jail...... and fifty or more high ranking members of Canada's L...... P.... are in jail...... but.... P. M. J..... T...... is still free as a bird....... still taking jets here and there all over the world??????????????????????????.... to important high level meetings!!!!!!!!!!?????? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...cold-blooded-reptiles.615429/#post-1074568226