The Tea Party

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by chris bowen, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. chris bowen

    chris bowen New Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    once,a little girl and her play things decided to have a little party while her father was away at work.usually,her and her mother would busy themselves with the house's chores like cooking lunch,washing the dishes and vaccuming the floor,but today,she would invite all her friends in the stuffed animal world to something she called,the tea party.she was smart enough to host the party and have over all her favorites,including the frog,the bear and the one she lovingly called, the pig.this was decided early in the morning and gave her many chances to perfect her party and make all the cookies and little cakes and of course the most important one of all,the pitcher of tea.little did she know the stuffed animal world was privy to her coming affair and were already in the world of conversation when she came back to announce that she would indeed be hosting a limited party,and only a select few would,unknown to her mother,the little girl went into the closet and grabbed mothers gardening hat and her white gloves for church,you must look the part at parties of course,and this she did,complete with change over into her best and most pretty sunday was a ruffled affair,complete with ruffles along the shoulders and all the hyms a dress maker could design,she certainly looked the part of a party host.after setting up her table,the little girl went and fetched the most important guest of all,the frog,the one she sometimes and jokingly sometimes refered to as her boyfriend,this the frog didnt know and this would be important news to the stuffed animal world,a decision had been made and the race was over.the little girl then went and fetched the one she called the pig,and he to her mind looked dashing in his top hat and tuxedo along with walking cane of his mind you make impressions at partys and his was to make the news for sure.she then and finally went and fetched the bear because the bear would always love her he once whispered in the dark of night with the television flashing her favorite television,once all were seated,she began to serve the tea.conversation had been small and cordial up to this point,mainly focusing on the weather and when grandfather would come home from work,he was a big,important man and he commanded a certain attention,the kind he surely got from the guests at the tea party.this effectively ended the tea party,a chatty affair complete with i love you's and news of any upcoming events.the cakes were delicious although a tad sweet but the tea was trumped by nothing,although the little girl thought it a bit flavored and decided that next year,perhaps the giraffe could make it to the affair now affectionately called,the tea party.

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