The Truth about Chris Christie by (another) Jersey Guy

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by ProgressivePatriot, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. TheBlackPearl

    TheBlackPearl New Member

    Feb 18, 2013
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    Really? Tell me EXACTLY what you found under "Democratic child molestors"? A FEW random cases? Now google "Republican child molestors". The list goes on for a city block. And they aren't just child molestors who happen to be Democrats. They are ELECTED and highly placed government and party OFFICIALS. Literally HUNDREDS of them.

    And what the Republicans have to do with depleted uranium is that they start these stupid wars for no valid reason, the military puts the crap on their anti-armor shells and spreads them all over the world, then they refuse to even clean up the mess. So babies end up with horrible deformities.

    The editorial page of the New York Daily News, the page that robustly endorsed Romney in 2012 and Bush in 2004, just published a blistering editorial calling this scandal "Christie's Waterloo" and pronouncing him finished as a presidential candidate. I quote:


    And btw Reagan sucked! But I can certainly understand why conservatives have to go back THIRTY YEARS to find someone in their entire party who's name they aren't ashamed to mention. They SHOULD be ashamed to mention his name. They just don't know it!
  2. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    The bully factor: Christy is not only a bully but also a misogynist. Days before his reelection, Chris Christie blew the lid off of his moderate Republican façade by blowing up at a public school teacher, and showing the rage filled bully that he can’t hide. Source: This is just the latest example of his turning on a constituent who got on his wrong side.

    In 2010, John F. McKeon, a New Jersey assemblyman, made what he thought was a mild comment on a radio program: Some of the public employees that Gov. Chris Christie was then vilifying had been some of the governor’s biggest supporters. He was surprised to receive a handwritten note from Mr. Christie, telling him that he had heard the comments, and that he didn’t like them.

    But the gesture would come to seem genteel compared with the fate suffered by others in disagreements with Mr. Christie: a former governor who was stripped of police security at public events; a Rutgers professor who lost state financing for cherished programs; a state senator whose candidate for a judgeship suddenly stalled; another senator who was disinvited from an event with the governor in his own district.

    In almost every case, Mr. Christie waved off any suggestion that he had meted out retribution. But to many, the incidents have left that impression, and it has been just as powerful in scaring off others who might dare to cross him.

    I'm not talking about the merits of this scandal vs. anybody else's. I'm talking about his demeanor, his attitude towards people that is decidedly un-presidential
  3. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    It's political reality, the race he is in now is for the GOP nomination, these are the opening maneuvers.

    The same thing is going on with Democrats, but Hillary Clinton is a much tougher target, due to nearly continuous attacks by Republicans over 20 years, she has the political hide of a rhinoceros, it's going to be tough to make anything stick to her.
  4. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    He's a Republican...never forget that, and any 'appearance' that he is anything else, is highly calculated, believe me.
  5. big daryle

    big daryle New Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Christie is nothing but a fat RINO blowhard full of (*)(*)(*)(*). If he is the best we could put forth in the 2016 election, I would rather see Hillary win.
  6. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    just as a single death ended any aspiration ted Kennedy might have had for the Whitehouse a single cardiac death will end christies...
  7. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    First of all, it was more than heavy traffic. It compromised public safety, and cost businesses a lot of money. Secondly, people very, very close to him know about it. If he didn't know he should have. In addition, there is a long history of bullying and political retributions, it all right here. His temperament and demeanor are not presidential.

    Lastly, whatever mistakes that Obama and Clinton may have made, real or imagined , does not change what Christie is. You can't use that to deflect attention away from him. It's dishonest
  8. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    This isn't about Obama or Hillary, and evidence doesn't matter, this isn't in court.
    I can almost guarantee that this story came from Republican sources, it's way too early for Democrats to be attacking Christie.
    The fact is that in polls Christie has been seriously outperforming all the other Republicans in the 2016 presidential race.
    He is the Republican that comes closest to Hillary, in some polls he may even tie or be a percentage point or two ahead of her.
    For potential Republican presidential candidates that is a scary scenario, if it continues, the question for Republicans will be "do we lose in 2016 with (Fill in the Blank) or do we go with Christie, and maybe win?"
    That is what got Romney the top of the ticket in 2012, he was the Republican who could beat Obama, at least it appeared that way to Republicans.
    So if you are Rand Paul, or Paul Ryan, or one of a dozen at least, probably a couple of dozen Republicans who is thinking, gee, 2016 could be my year, Chris Christie is what is standing between you and the White House, right now.
    So knocking him out, may allow you to get some media, as the next guy who can be the 2016 standard bearer.
    And in some circles the GOP is Sooooo Hyped about 2016, even more than 2012, when they were sure to beat Obama in a landslide, 2016 is looking like the Year when Americans say Go GOP, I didn't want my social security anyways, can you use it to slash taxes on the makers and the job producers to eliminate the debt, win in Afghanistan and make America great (and repeal ObamaCare)......
  9. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Those of us who like Christie are especially appreciative of his honesty. Unlike most pols, who speak from polls and always have a glad hand and a phoney smile, Christie tells it like he sees it, in plain English. That bluntness is perhaps his greatest political strength. Even those who disagree with him know he means what he says. He's confident, appealing in anyone. Real people sometimes get angry and annoyed. Most pols hide it. Christie doesn't. Good for him. And of course he doesn't dislike women. That's Dem boilerplate. Criticize Obama? You're a racist! Criticize Hillary? Sexist! Etc., etc. Dems pretend that no one could possibly disapprove of anything they say or do but for evil prejudices. A bit self-serving, no? We must consider the possibility that the female pol Christie called an idiot actually is an idiot.
  10. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    These are the opening maneuvers by Democrats. What's notable is the time and attention lavished by the (Democrat) media on this rather trivial local tiff. TV news has already given more time to the Christie story than it's given to the IRS scandal in the last 6 months. The strategy is to magnify any negative about any potential Republican candidate - the more viable a candidate the better.
  11. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Kennedy was directly, personally responsible for Mary Jo Kopechne's death. He abandoned her, trapped in an air bubble in a submerged car. He swam away and didn't call police for about 12 hours, and only then after meeting with political advisers to plan what to say. The coroner found Mary Jo's lungs were full of blood, not water, meaning she didn't drown, she asphyxiated after the oxygen ran out in her air bubble. She might have been alive for hours before dying, so had Kennedy gone for help, she might have been saved. The coroner's inquest was closed to the press, and under the heavy political thumb of the Kennedys, so the inquest decided not to bring criminal charges. Kennedy never apologized for what he did. He called Mary Jo's parents only years later, after the press hounded him for not doing so. On that call, he didn't apologize. So let me be blunt: Teddy Kennedy was a murderer who escaped justice because he was a Kennedy in Massachusetts. He lost the White House? Who said he ever had a shot? Back then, there was still a Kennedy Cult, which worshiped the family. The Kennedys were assumed (by Democrats) to own the Presidency. What arrogance! As it is, Teddy spent decades in the Senate and died covered with honors. He paid NO price for his crime.

    As for the woman who died in the ambulance, it remains to be shown that she wouldn't have died anyway, as so many do in ambulances. I wonder why so ill a woman would be in an ambulance crossing the George Washington Bridge from New York City to Fort Lee, New Jersey. NYC has several of the best hospitals in the US. No one would need to be taken out of NYC for a medical emergency. In fact, the bridge entrance is on 181st street, while Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital, considered one of the pre-eminent hospitals in the country, is nearby at 168th street. No one in an emergency would have made the trip across the Bridge. She was being shuttled somewhere for a non-emergency purpose. Ambulances are fully equipped for emergency resuscitation. So the accusation - made by pea-brained journalists - that this woman died as a result of traffic sounds like no more than partisan fishing. By the way, anyone who's ever used the Bridge knows that it's OFTEN congested. Depending on the time of day, traffic jams are routine there. Another reason why an ambulance taking someone in an emergency would never go there. This whole story stinks of partisan fraud.
  12. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    People who overlook grave sins to focus on lesser sins are justly suspect. That's not deflection. The Christie story is being inflated. Obama's use of the IRS to suppress his political opposition strikes at the heart of our democracy and the Constitution, hurting every American. Which of the two has received more press coverage?
  13. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    You overlook that Christie appeals to the same faction that nominated Romney - the Establishment / country-club wing of the party. They looked at him in 2012, but he thought it was premature. These are the last people that would want to trip him up. Christie is unpopular among conservative / Tea Party Republicans, which should endear him to Democrats as a lesser evil. The Tea Party movement is grass roots; it doesn't have the contacts or clout to manipulate the press. So your premise is diverting, but not likely to be true. The dirty work is being done by Democrats. Their strategy, starting in 2012, has been to target the Republican who leads in the polls. After bumping him off, they move to the next.

    I'll be kind and ignore your other comments. The key to 2014, and probably 2016, is the harm done by the Obamacare fraud.
  14. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Why would Democrats attack Christie now?
    We wanted him to be the Great Wide Hope, and then we'd take him down in the general.
    This has GOP dirty Opposition research all over it.
    There are at least a dozen Republicans who are raising money and setting up campaigns for 2016, and the people putting up the money are serious, and for the ones not backing Christie, they want to take him down soon before he becomes the presumptive nominee, the prohibitive favorite.
  15. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Christie is toast, this was just the first salvo, there is a lot more, he's going the way of Herman Cain....
    The timing is all wrong for this to be a Democratic operation, Oh, the Democrats would have that information, but they would want to save it for the general election, why shoot your load now, this is GOP primary stuff.
  16. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    "Why shoot your load now." To do what was done in 2012: keep knocking down the leading Republican candidate until you wind up with someone who's easy to beat. Dem's would love the press narrative for the next two years to be the weaknesses of one Republican after another, softening up the public for the real nastiness in 2016. Accusations against Christie now lend indirect credibility to accusations against someone else in 2016.

    More important, this gives press and public something to focus on other than Obama's Benghazi Scandal, Obama's IRS Scandal, Obama's NSA Scandal, Obama's Keystone Pipeline Scandal, Obama's Solar "Investments" Scandal, and above all, Obama's Obamacare Scandal. That alone explains the timeline.

    The Obama Administration is coming undone. Nothing it wants is happening, except what can be done by executive order against the will of the people. Christie's discomfort, and that of other Republicans the press will savage over the next two years, is necessary cover and distraction. "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" is DOA. The new talking points about Income Inequality will go nowhere as people reflect on Obama's central role in prolonging our economic malaise. Obama has achieved none of his foreign policy goals, and the US is held in lower esteem around the world now than it was under Bush. Iran is beating him re nuclear power. Oh, and don't forget that Barack Obama lost the Iraq War (Fallujah and Ramadi are now in the hands of Al-Qaeda) and will soon lose the Afghan War. That last is remarkable because the US press has ignored it. When Nixon lost Vietnam, it was the biggest news, said to contain "lessons" for the US, mainly "the victory of communism is inevitable." Now Obama's foreign policy is based on the "lesson" that the victory of militant Islam is inevitable. Boy, do Democrats need Christie now!
  17. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Dude, chill out, breathe, then focus.
    The governor's office of New Jersey orders a bridge closed to take revenge on a Mayor, and you respond with the same tired list of "Obama Crimes" that have been floating around for years, and that no one with any common sense think amount to a hill of beans.

    This is a story about Chris Christie. About the people who worked for him, who ordered the bridge closure as revenge against a mayor who wouldn't endorse Christie, and "Christie didn't know a thing about it", yeah, well right there that disqualifies him from consideration for the presidency, if your closest associates, the people you hand picked, people you meet with every day, are wreaking havoc on the people of the state that you are sworn to protect, and you don't know a thing about it, wow, this from people who think Obama should be impeached for something two IRS guys in Cincinnati came up with.....are you OK?
  18. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    How could a man like Christie not know that his deputy chief of staff ordered lane closures on the George Washington Bridge? And how does a former U.S. Attorney, with his eye on a 2016 presidential campaign, not ask follow-up questions when told the closures were a result of a traffic test?
  19. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Linda Ronstadt??

    This Bridge thing will fade faster than a Janice Joplin sighting in the Hamptons. If anything it will boost his credibility as a strong up front leader, unless of course he is lying, which I doubt. This guy is either totally innocent or [If guilty] totally insane.......
    He would have to be insane to give a press conference like that with the slightest possibility of getting caught. Think about it, not only would his political career be totally down the drain, but he would be the laughing stock of the political scene for years.

    He could never live it down,,,never!
  20. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Chris Christie Mentor Says Bridge Scandal Poses Question: 'Do You Really Want That In Your President?'

    - - - Updated - - -

    You doubt that he's lying? ..... follow the link in #68 just above
  21. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Interesting, but the last sentence says it....
    ''Once again, none of this proves Christie is lying. But if Meyer’s book is any guide, it’s at least time to ask him some more questions.''

    And ask more questions they will...we know this.
    Rapunzel and (deleted member) like this.
  22. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Whether he knew anything about it or not, the press conference denying knowledge is SOP.
    In and of itself "Bridgegate" won't end Christie as a contender, I do expect more stories that show Christie in a bad light to emerge on a regular basis, from the opposition research that at least a dozen "pre-campaigns" are doing now. If I were handicapping the nomination, I'd say Christie took a serious hit, and if it keeps up, I don't think he'll survive as a viable candidate.
    Come on, even Darryl Issa thinks he should be the next nominee, there are got to be dozens of GOP politician that see 2016 as their year to emerge on the center stage, most of them will be disabused of that notion long before the first debate, but there should be close to a dozen for that first debate, these guys can smell the blood in the water, and it's an open election, no incumbent, if they miss 2016, they have to wait til 2024 if the GOP wins, or run against a Democratic incumbent in 2020, and that didn't work out so well for Romney did it?
    So there is going to be a lot of "friendly fire" aimed at Christie, because he is what stands between (fill in the blank) and the white house.
  23. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    To heck with his politics, Christie is just too fat. I heard he is trying to lose weight however, from the gargantuan size of that podium, he's got a long way to go. Fat people are perceived as less intelligent. Just one bumble and his political career is over.
  24. gorfias

    gorfias Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    I consider myself to be a tea party type and I approve of this particular thing. If the tea party image is one thing, it is for smaller Government (hence an association with patriots that threw tea into the harbor as a tax protest). This sounds like a cut in Government spending of which the tea partiers would approve, even if individual social conservative members do not.
  25. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    What does this have to do with government spending? Also I'm willing to be that more of you small gov. types are social conservatives than not. Funny how you would pick up on this one line out of about 10 pages that I wrote on him

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