The fundamental choice people have in personal relationships and between countries is whether to cooperate or to engage in some form of detrimental competition or combat. At present the US is mostly oriented to combat, and has selected Russia, Iran, and China as enemies. In November there will be a limited ability to change that, though most of the US public has been revved up already to fight the countries mentioned above, and Joe Biden and Janet Yellen has said we can fight more than one country at a time, history indicates that is not a very good option. I think Neoconservatism has proven to be a disaster and as we abandon it our relationships with the other countries of the world will gradually improve.
I am hoping the new members of the Trump team will play bigger roles in the future, both RFK jr. and Nicole Shanahan have a lot to offer, and so have members of the public as well. In a democracy the public gets some involvement in governing the country, instead of what goes on in so many countries, including this one, where the rich associates of the President, and the groups that provide the most funding, make the main choices. Although Trump fell behind on starting wars, only getting involved in Somalia if I recall, and leaving the conflict in Ukraine to his successor to deal with, Trump did respond a certain amount to public opinion polls, making him more democratic than previous presidents, or so it appeared to me, someone must have done research on this, it would be interesting to hear opinions on this.
The way we have been moving is clearly not a way ahead, the Biden / neocon policies are to end a war the public is aware is going nowhere, start a new war and then grow it really big. That results in an economy where money is borrowed from the future, distributed among the 'defense industries' which are big lobbyists and power the main media, and gives the population whose financially competitive jobs have been moved to other countries and now need something to do. Work that could not be moved out of the country, or hasn't been, is given to less expensive immigrants, because some jobs have to be cost competitive, while the govt funded jobs including military related ones, don't.