If you wish to use my name then at least have the decency to actually place my position correctly instead of misrepresenting it, furthermore ask my permission in future. Feminism DOES stand for equality, what you are doing is trying to equate radical feminism to feminism as a whole and that is just plain dishonest. BTW, if you took the same amount of time and trouble that you do trying to paint all feminists with the same brush to actually look you would find that there are feminists groups who are trying to find ways to address the post secondary achievement gap in education, but hey don't let the reality burst your bubble.
LOL....Knew the, always moving the goalposts guy, would weasell his way out of the question rather than answering it. Courageous LOL
Liberals don't give a crap about women. They just use them for political leverage. If you want to see what they really think of women, just look at the way they treat Sarah Palin. Louis C.K. said she had a "diseased vagina" and made fun of her son for having Down's Syndrome.
I have not "weaselled" out of anything, I simply will not discuss another member on these boards without their permission to do so, the fact that you have to delve into the realms of this only shows the level you are prepared to stoop to, in order to cover your own misconceptions.
already posted the difference between feminism and radical feminism, did you not bother to read it. Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that focuses on the hypothesis of patriarchy as a system of power that organizes society into a complex of relationships based on the assertion that male supremacy oppresses women. Radical feminism aims to challenge and overthrow patriarchy by opposing standard gender roles and oppression of women and calls for a radical reordering of society. Early radical feminism, arising within second-wave feminism in the 1960s, typically viewed patriarchy as a "transhistorical phenomenon" prior to or deeper than other sources of oppression, "not only the oldest and most universal form of domination but the primary form"[4] and the model for all others. Later politics derived from radical feminism ranged from cultural feminism to more syncretic politics that placed issues of class, economics, etc. on a par with patriarchy as sources of oppression. Radical feminists locate the root cause of women's oppression in patriarchal gender relations, as opposed to legal systems (as in liberal feminism) or class conflict (as in socialist feminism and Marxist feminism). Over the years radical feminists have been criticized for arguing that male domination of women is the ultimate source of all forms of oppression, for emphasizing sex-based discrimination at the expense of race- and class-based discrimination, for being unwilling to work with men to effect change through political channels and for marginalizing lesbian sexuality. Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women. Feminist theory, which emerged from feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender. Some of the earlier forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle-class, educated perspectives. This led to the creation of ethnically specific or multiculturalist forms of feminism. Feminist activists campaign for women's rights such as in contract law, property, and voting while also promoting bodily integrity, autonomy, and reproductive rights for women. Feminist campaigns have changed societies, particularly in the West, by achieving women's suffrage, gender neutrality in English, equal pay for women, reproductive rights for women (including access to contraceptives and abortion), and the right to enter into contracts and own property. Feminists have worked to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. They have also advocated for workplace rights, including maternity leave, and against forms of discrimination against women. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues, but author Bell Hooks and others have argued that, since feminism seeks gender equality, it must necessarily include men's liberation because men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles. Closing the achievement gap - http://www.nassp.org/tabid/3788/def...chievement_gap_teaching_to_gender_differences Extract - "I was a huge supporter of the feminist movement, the Equal Rights Amendment, and Title IX. ... So when I first started hearing about teaching the sexes differently, and even more extreme, single-sex classes or schools, my feminist traditions made me highly skeptical." http://allourkin.wordpress.com/2012...n-at-connecticuts-achievement-gap-task-force/ - From Shannon Hill writer and member of All Our Kin called the future for feminists - http://broadrecognition.com/yale-ne...eminists-all-our-kin-and-child-care-advocacy/ http://educationnext.org/gender-gap/ http://www.feministe.us/blog/archiv...say-what-researchers-say-and-the-way-forward/ Extract - The win-win news is that the same reforms that help more boys achieve college success help girls as well. For example, schools with strong science curricula not only promote male achievement but increase girls plans to major in science and engineering. Schools that promote strong academic climates reduce gender gaps in grades and promote healthy, multi-faceted gender identities for both boys and girls. In education, as in the rest of society, its time to discard the zero-sum game of the gender wars mentality and start helping males and females to work together for success. you would do well to take note of the highlighted item. - - - Updated - - - sigh, yet another person who equates the words of a minority as the thoughts of the majority.
yeah the only gap in education feminists care about is the gap in the hard sciences e.g. math, physics, and chemistry bcs it's one of the few subjects in education where males are still outperforming females despite all the discrimination feminists have tried to use to not make this a reality. and there's a very simple explanation for why this is so, the standard deviation of mens intelligence is greater than that of the standard deviation of womens intelligence. Standard deviation is an equation that tells you the average amount each value is from the mean. The higher the standard deviation the more extreme the values are in your set. For example men have a higher standard deviation than women, therefore; there are more really stupid men, and there are more really smart men than there are really stupid women and really smart women, even though there is the exact same number of men and women in the set. It's true IQ doesn't measure everything, however there is a strong correlation between high IQ and achievement in the math and sciences. The standard deviation equation is quite elegant. It's on of my favorites. For example the mean IQ is 100 therefore it's in the middle of the bell curve and all the values to the left of the mean are represented with a negative sign because an IQ of 100 is like a 0 on a number line. However there's no such thing as say a -70 IQ so every single value in your set is squared making every number a positive number because multiplying two negatives makes a positive but then the values aren't representative of their distance from the mean so the square root of all the numbers in the set is taken thus finding each values actual distance from the mean. Personally I think all scientific equations should be taught this way. In other words, how each part contributes to the whole rather than say memorizing what an equation looks like and plugging your numbers into where the symbols are and coming up with an answer. Learning about scientific equations like this is like memorizing what the parts of an engine look like and where their located in an engine without learning what each of them does and how they contribute to the whole, and how can you be expected to build your own car someday knowing just what a part looks like and not what it does. And perhaps i may have been given the opportunity to teach science like this if not for the misfortune of being born a white male when being a white male is not fashionable these days when how do i say ummmm........universities are very enthusiastic about the affirmative action. Fortunately for me I have some artistic ability and I was able to start my own business where I have not yet found a way to discriminate against myself
You gotta love the logic of giving people opportunities in science based on nothing more than their race and gender, rather than on their meri, who reject any science that doesn't support their beliefs. I wonder how much suffering is going to be the result of people who selectively believe in science who were given the opportunities because of their race and gender and not their merit???? How many epidemics are going to result. How many technological advancements aren't going to made...
It is obvious that your deep seated illogical hatred of anything to do with feminism will never be changed . suffice to say you've become part of the problem instead of part of the solution. So keep posting your illogical hasty generalizations and guilt by association fallacies, most people with half a brain can see right through you.
...and that's why you hear feminists always complaining about the sentencing gap like you always hear them complaining about the wage gap. I really hope white knighting works for you=gets you laid. I know I wouldn't sell out my principles for the momentary pleasure of sex, but to each their own. I chose equality
This thread should be renamed The Ryobi Against Feminism Movement... cos there ain't no Women Complaining Here. Feminism
Well I guess when most of your arguments aren't supported by reality (Science) it gets really hard to win arguments when you're challenged, and if your movement is already politically correct and none of your arguments are supported by reality what motivation would their be to debate beliefs when you can't win the debate and they're already accepted by society anyways???? Hence feminists love affair with anti-intellectualism in the form of censorship on most of their sites. I don't know. Just like Ryobi said in his introduction I also grew up in a democracy my entire life, and I also believe in democratic principles like freedom of expression and speech, and I find it a little disconcerting that an entire philosophy is accepted and can't be challenged especially when it influences public policies so much and discriminates against so many people.
Standard really from you, having to make assumptions in order to bolster your own illogical position . .you are not in any way, shape or form for equality, you are for equality as much as the pigs were in Animal Farm. If you were truly for equality you would not consistently make hasty generalizations or assume guilt by association . .you do and you are not about equality. Based on your logic, one can assume that ALL men against feminism are like you ie prone to hasty generalization and guilt by association fallacies.
And you are like the weasell in animal farm, avoiding the questions you can't answer because they don't support your position. Show me one single post where I have not been about equality, one single post, just one. Show me one single post where I have not been against inequality when that inequality has been a result of discrimination regardless of race and gender, just one, or are you lying yet again???? ...And according to you a generalization based on 200,000 years of known human history is a, "hasty generalization," You obviously have no idea what hasty means if in your estimation 200,000 thousand years is hasty in your estimation-LOL
What questions, the ones you formulate as "evidence" that ALL feminists are radical where the reality is you highlight a minority and try to paint all with that brush. The evidence is there throughout your comments, you equate a minority as the majority, you do nothing but berate feminists regardless .. it is your agenda to demean anyone who doesn't fit your ideology. Nah, that would be an appeal to history .. another logical fallacy, you use so many it becomes difficult to separate them, and it is really, really funny that you are even suggesting that feminism is 200,000 years old Your hasty generalizations are cherry picking certain issues of radical feminism and making the erroneous conclusion that ALL feminists are like that .. it you weren't attempting to be serious it would be hilarious, instead it is just sad to see a person so wrapped up in their warped delusions that reality eludes them.
Are you developmentally delayed or something???? I never suggested feminism is 200,000 thousand years old The result of mitochondrial DNA analysys and chromosomal analysis traces our ancestry back 200, 000 years, and you claimed I was making a hast generalization when I made a generalization based on that 200, 000 thousand years of known human history. So apparently in your estimation a generalization based on 200,000 thousand years is hasty. What isn't hasty if 200,00 years is considered hasty??? ...and using history to support your position is a fallacy now too huh? Have you ever heard that the best predictor of the future is the past, those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, ec cetera I guess history is equally as unimportant to you as science??? Maybe you should put down your little fallacy book and read up on some other subjects???
already given you other options to your predisposed assumptions on this, that you choose to ignore them is your failing not mine. Appeal to history aka appeal to tradition - http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/appeal-to-tradition.html Obviously I know more about how not to assume something based on a minority, something you should perhaps take time to put aside your prejudice and study.