There's something fishy going on in the International Space Station

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Scott, Feb 24, 2021.

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  1. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    It seems that there's no denying that a space station is orbiting the Earth as it can be seen.

    Jarrah White's response to Flat Earthers and Space Travel Deniers

    (3:12 time mark)

    Yet, there seem to be some anomalies in the footage that NASA shows us.

    Watch this from the 19:35 time mark to the 20:25 time mark. During a spacewalk there seems to be a bubble rising which points to its being faked in a water tank.

    ISS Hoax - The International Fake Station

    At the 25:13 time mark of this video a wire is being held against the wall by an astronaut's feet. When he removes his feet, the wire falls the way it would in gravity.


    At the 6:28 time mark of the video the astronaut seems to loose her footing and slips.

    Fred Astaire and the ISS

    There's a theory that the real inside of the ISS (International Space Station) is very different than what we're being shown and that they're doing a lot of military-related stuff there so they have to show us a fake scenario of what is going on there so that part is being faked.

    We might be cooperating with the Russians more than they're telling us.

    Something is fishy here.
    Nathan-D likes this.
  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  3. Soupnazi

    Soupnazi Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    It does not increase on size. It does not take the exact trajectory that a bubble would take. Everyone knows this and you are posting lies.

    You see anomolies where there are none and you have no evidence to support your claims.
    bigfella likes this.
  4. joesnagg

    joesnagg Banned

    Aug 12, 2020
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    This IS the place to come when one needs to take a break from reality AND validate their own sanity. :omfg:
  5. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Anyone who actually watches the footage in question can see that you're totally misrepresenting what's happening in the footage. Watch it until the 20:25 time mark. It obviously doesn't get bigger.

    Anyone who actually watches the footage can see that it does take the trajectory that a bubble would take. I don't see how you can say that with a straight face.

    In that case it wouldn't take exactly the same trajectory that a bubble would take. It would take a random direction and it would probably spin.
  6. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You grabbed a frame at which light was reflecting off of the bubble which makes it look bigger. Keep watching at the 19:57 time mark. It stays the same size.

    ISS Hoax - The International Fake Station

    It goes up the way a bubble would.

    Your explanation for the movement of the object is clearly wrong.

    If that were the case, it would not take the same trajectory that a bubble would take (straight up). The movement of that object is one hundred percent consistent with the way a bubble would move. You're really stretching your imagination if you really see what you say you see.
  7. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  8. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  9. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Your opinion is from very uninformed and you are evading this obvious gif. It goes diagonally, it is white, flat, jagged and rotates.


    And NOW, you say it is reflecting light? Well we just went up a stage in your failures. When there is light passing through water, there is ALWAYS shimmering from the movement of the water currents! There is not the slightest indication of this.

    It goes diagonally, it is white, flat, jagged and rotates.

    Debunking The Apollo Moon Hoax: The Chinese Spacewalks - Part 1 (

    "The object that has caused most of a flap amongst hoax claimants, is merely a piece of debris that has moved diagonally towards the camera, in itself adding to what looks like even more acceleration. We can deduce this quite easily from it's apparent change in size which does not comport with a small depth change for a so called bubble. The idea that objects should not exit the hatch after 10 minutes is invalid. He implies that it is due only to the very slight pressure release(usually residual air pressure) that the objects are expelled in the first place, when it is also that in moving about inside the craft, they have impacted the inside and deflected through the hatch. As seen in the video above, even the paper accelerates - wet sodden paper does not float!
    It must also be pointed out that due to the way a wide angled lens shows movement at its edge, it naturally appears to move slightly quicker."

    The movement can be caused by any one or more of those things, but quite clearly it has been expelled from inside the hatch, one way out of the hatch is the direction we see. BUT there are dozens of such objects expelled and somebody has compiled them in a video:

    They all go in various directions and if I recall your useless counterclaim was some absurd reference to imaginary wave blowers!

    "A wave blower would set up a continuous current and would not magically disappear once it hits an object. if there were 2, one either side as suggested, there would now be cross currents. These in turn would cause significant instability of anything caught in its wake. There are no signs of turbulence you would expect from water movement, or no additional light refraction. Wave blowers are introduced by the film maker to explain why the "bubbles" don't rise vertically, a logical fallacy and bunkum."

    It goes diagonally, it is white, flat, jagged and rotates. One of dozens all random directions!

    It goes diagonally, it is white, flat, jagged and rotates. One of dozens all random directions!

    The sheer irony of that statement is startling.
  10. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Your gif is from the Chinese spacewalk. You know I'm referring to the ISS spacewalk. Go back and analyze what I actually posted. You're ignoring the main point. Go back to post #1 and start watching the second video at the 19:57 time mark.
  11. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    So what, you haven't answered it properly! And the way you just ignored it again you will continue to evade this.

    Nope now I do - read it quickly. I'm used to you repeat spamming things.

    [/QUOTE]Go back and analyze what I actually posted.[/QUOTE]

    Are you being serious? It changes direction!!

    The stunning irony of YOU saying that to me. You ignore hundreds of posts.

    It is really poor resolution, provides no reference for its origin. It changes direction doesn't go vertically and sparkles like a piece of ice.

    It's ice. Numerous reasons for it already provided.
  12. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    You've got a point there.

    Go to the 24:10 time mark of the video about the Russian spacewalk. I see a bubble. What do you see?
  13. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I see you avoiding large posts completely!

    It's a piece of ice. How many more times! It's white. Bubbles aren't white. And a single bubble?
  14. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    If I were going to fake a spacewalk in a water tank, I'd use water pressure from a hose to eliminate all the air pockets to make sure no bubbles appear. The may not get all of the air pockets.

    Start watching this at the 2:00 time mark.

    NASA VR/360 Astronaut Training: Space Walk

    The color and behavior look just like the similar-sized bubbles in the above video.
  15. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Complete nonsense.

    The area is lit up like a Christmas tree with shimmering everywhere. Like the classical conspiracy theorist you miss major problems with your claim to make a point that is not supported without it. They behave nothing like the white ice in ISS footage - BLACK background no obvious lighting. Single bubbles.

    Do you have any idea how ridiculously easy it is to remove these from any film? Takes seconds.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    They're easy to remove if they see them. Maybe they miss a few of them. There's also the scenario of the person doing the checking intentionally letting a few get by because he doesn't like what he's doing.

    The whole area is illuminated.

    If you were going to fake a spacewalk in a water tank, wouldn't you worry about air pockets from where bubbles could come? Wouldn't you take some kind of measure to remove them?

    Here's another one. Go to the 20:25 time mark in the second video in post #1. It's alleged that the astronaut is in front of a picture. The wires behind her are not swaying at all. At the 3:29 time mark the wire on the lower left can be seen moving slightly.
  17. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    So only "eagle eyed" conspiracy nuts are able to see "bubbles", whilst intelligent people see ice and small particles of debris.

    No shimmering whatsoever - this is where you explain how that is even remotely possible. You totally ignored the video showing things flying off in all directions on the Chinese Spacewalk!

    The idea of doing this is ludicrous. Nobody would consider such idiotic ideas - the mechanical motion in water is nothing like weightlessness, because EVERY action in water has a reaction due to friction. Motion problems ensue.

    Circular reasoning. I wouldn't entertain such a crazy idea.

    Do you think this nonsense up yourself? Why do you believe such crazy people? Your times are not making any sense to what you are typing.
  18. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    This is a classic example of hand-waving.
    Hand-waving (with various spellings) is a pejorative label for attempting to be seen as effective – in word, reasoning, or deed – while actually doing nothing effective or substantial.[1] It is most often applied to debate techniques that involve fallacies, misdirection and the glossing over of details.[2]
    Handwaving is frequently used in low-quality debate, including political campaigning and commentary, issue-based advocacy, advertising and public relations, tabloid journalism, opinion pieces, Internet memes, and informal discussion and writing.

    This is from post #1.
    At the 25:13 time mark of this video a wire is being held against the wall by an astronaut's feet. When he removes his feet, the wire falls the way it would in gravity.

  19. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Nope. Your evasion though is just the thing you do almost every post!!

    When can we expect you to address this?
    No shimmering whatsoever - this is where you explain how that is even remotely possible. You totally ignored the video showing things flying off in all directions on the Chinese Spacewalk!

    Or this?


    It goes diagonally, it is white, flat, jagged and rotates. One of dozens all random directions!

    You can see how stiff the wires are when from the resistance when his foot lands on the wall. It's simple shape memory - why do you not understand this totally obvious thing?
  20. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    This issue seems to have you checkmated.

    (from post #16)
    The woman is standing in front of a picture which is an example of fakery. If you can't debunk this, you've lost.

    It's so small it's impossible to tell. It looks like a bubble and it behaves like a bubble. That's sufficient.

    When the paper comes up it changes directions. In a vacuum it would continue going straight.

    If that were the case it wouldn't move in a way that's one hundred percent consistent with it's being pulled down by gravity.
  21. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Finally found it, I was looking at the wrong video. So basically, the foolish person who made this has decided that his rubbish quality video has no movement behind her so therefore it must be a picture? And you think I need to debunk his idiotic OPINION?

    Why don't you look at this video:-

    Now ask yourself something blindingly obvious. To anyone with a brain she is in space. What crazy world of conspiracy internet mental gymnastics do they need to use an ISS background picture! Checkmated? MEH!

    Once again the video maker uses crap resolution and fails to provide the source for anything he posts!

    BTW: just before this he talks about a scuba tank when we see the astronaut's bent knee. I looked at this claim many years back and the stripe pattern matches his spacesuit. Such incompetence and ignorant video making - how can you be suckered in by this?

    Yep, this issue DOES have you cornered and checkmated doesn't it. Once again:

    No shimmering whatsoever - this is where you explain how that is even remotely possible. There is light everywhere which you yourself insisted, yet there is no shimmering at all from the inevitable and unavoidable movement of water currents. You are evading this issue with yet another idiotic observation - it neither looks like a bubbkle or acts like one. At this point I'm not entirely sure which stupid bubble claim you are referring to!

    The ISS one out of the window changes direction. The one with the white ISS in the background is a chunk of ice that moves way too fast for a bubble and the Chinese spacewalk one is the most blatantly obvious and proven jagged pieces of ice rotating.

    Ridiculously ignoring what it is doing moving like that in water! There are precisely 3 frames in that video and they show a straight diagonal path.

    What a hopelessly irritating comment. When a wire with a set position and a propensity to assume its shape is moved away from its current position, there is 100% certainty it will try to get back to how it was. A before and after of the wiring shows a strong correlation for this.

    An analogy, a grey animal runs towards you with big ears. It has four legs and a tail. Therefore it's an elephant. Not a mouse!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  22. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    This does not address the issue. Her standing in front of a picture is an anomaly. Do you agree?

    Start watching this at the 00:25 time mark. It shows how they can fake zero-g.

    The International Space Station Is Fake

    Whether or not she's in real zero-G, she is in front of a picture.
    What is your stand on this? Do you think she's in front of a picture, or not?
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  23. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I watched the whole video and it looks like zero-G for longer periods of time that could be faked in a diving plane. Yet, there are anomalies such as the woman standing in front of a picture. That's why I entitled this thread, "Something's Fishy". I'm trying to figure it out. I haven't taken a firm stand.

    Please make you stand clear on the astronaut's standing in front of a picture.
  24. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Banned

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Make my stand? Seriously, she's standing in front of the back of the cabin! It's the OPINION of the jackass film maker, it isn't an anomaly and YOU didn't answer the question properly - you put up some dumb video that shows how they can mimic weightlessness, BUT it doesn't look real to a trained eye and people who watch the footage carefully. I'm staggered you can agree on his claim simply because he uses a crappy piece of video of unknown provenance!

    Now ask yourself something blindingly obvious. To anyone with a brain she is in space. What crazy world of conspiracy internet mental gymnastics do they need to use an ISS background picture!

    Your appalling continued action of ignoring large parts of my posts is so typical of your evasive behaviour. We still have several things you have ignored - go back and address them or I shall just repost them until you do.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  25. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    It's an obvious anomaly and you can't make it go away ranting.

    You've already said some pretty lame things so your judgement is obviously flawed.

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