They’re back!

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Let me begin by saying I would never vote for a Democrat, but as a conservative American judging Democrats in the context of who is best for the country, I believe that as bad as Hussein is he is better than the Clintons. I use the plural because Bill is nothing but a washed-up former president without his wife’s shot at the Democrat party nomination. I doubt if Bubba would be campaigning so hard for fellow Democrats if Hussein had a lock on the nomination with a real chance for a second term.

    NOTE: I cannot recall any president who had so many voices in his own camp suggesting, even praying, he does not run. Those voices must believe a second term is not possible. That puts the nomination in play; hence, the Clintons are back in the game.

    Let’s not kid one another. The Democrat base will vote for the Democrat. Anybody who tries to turn the base around is wasting time and energy. Ditto on herding the undecided and so-called moderates into the Republican corral. So why is Hussein better than the Clintons?

    Both Clintons and Hussein are accomplished liars —— only the public is sick of Hussein’s lies.

    There is only one major difference between Hussein and the Clintons: The Clintons have been much more adept at keeping their treasonous activities hidden.

    The public will focus on the economy and jobs in 2012; thereby, allowing one more election cycle to go by without America’s sovereignty making it onto the list of important issues. Result: Clinton lack of loyalty to this country’s sovereignty will never be questioned.

    Clinton hatred of America goes back to the Vietnam War when Bubba was speaking out against his own country in foreign countries. Hussein is a Johnny-come-lately when it comes to publically hating America, yet Bubba is seen as Jack Armstrong: All-American Boy while Hillary is suddenly being touted as the most popular politician in America:

    Hillary Clinton Rise as Most Popular Politician Prompting Buyers’ Remorse
    By John McCormick - Sep 16, 2011 12:00 AM ET

    I have some doubts about the Bloomberg poll. I suspect that many of the people polled chose Hillary because they don’t want Hussein to get nomination.

    Bill Clinton’s treasonous love affair with global government and the United Nations did not stop him from getting two terms in the White House. I don’t see it playing a part in defeating Hillary.

    If nothing else, a President Hillary Clinton working with a Secretary General Bill Clinton should be enough to convince all but the most un-American rank and file Democrats to stick with Hussein.

    Republicans can blow it by nominating another RINO stiff; thereby, giving the Democrat candidate a victory. That’s why I say American voters of every stripe should view Hussein as a better choice than the Clintons. If worse comes to worse a second term for Hussein is the lesser of Democrat evils.

    Finally, I know it’s a big IF, but one good thing will come out of a Hillary nomination if you couple it with Sarah Palin getting the Republican nomination. Sarah will crush Hillary.

    Bill and Hillary Clinton are back at the top of the political game, perhaps setting their sights for something more
    By Jeff Winkler - The Daily Caller 6:05 PM 10/22/2010

    In an environment in which Democrats all over the country are fighting for their political survival, approval ratings are low and the party is at risk of losing its grip on Congress, two high-profile Democrats are thriving – Bill and Hillary Clinton.

    The comeback couple is looking good these days. A recent Bloomberg survey that measured the popularity of several politicians showed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the lead with a favorability rating of 64 percent. Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, was not listed in the Bloomberg survey but a separate Gallup poll this week shows that he is a bigger asset to Democrats than President Obama.

    That is a significant contrast from the 2008 primaries, when both Clintons had lower-than-average ratings. In April 2008, Hillary Clinton had a 55 percent unfavorable rating among registered voters, according to an August 2008 Washington Post-ABC poll. Bill Clinton, who was chastised for several comments he made on the campaign trail, held a 47-point favorable rating among registered voters in April 2008 , just 10 points above his worst rating as a sitting President.

    Now, however, the couple is riding high again.

    Plenty of attention has been given to Bill Clinton’s impressive and relentless campaigning for Democratic candidates and polls show what most people already know: The former president can go places, and perform tricks, that Obama – or any politician – can’t.

    Bill Clinton has campaigned for more than 65 candidates at nearly 100 events in an effort to get out the vote, according to the Associated Press.

    While both the current and former president are crisscrossing the country to try to give candidates a boost – Obama is currently campaigning on the West coast – the Gallup poll released this week shows that Clinton’s effectiveness is much greater among supporters of both parties and independents.

    The ex-president understands “how normal ‘walking-around’ folks are feeling,” Paul Begala, a confidante and former top strategist, told The Washington Post. “Both the right and the left have mocked that I-feel-your-pain empathy, but Americans have always liked it. It’s the core of him, even more than the brain. It’s real.”

    Part of Clinton’s appeal might be the country’s love for all things antique, especially presidents.

    “All [Clinton is] doing is energizing the base,” said professor Stephen Wayne, the American Government Field Chair at Georgetown University. “The Democratic base has fond memories of the Clintons and he was a very partisan president which made him popular within his own party and at the same time unpopular in the opposition.”

    Wayne noted that Truman was very unpopular during while in office and even during Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidency, but that all changed with time. The same is true for Jimmy Carter who Wayne said was polling very well during Clinton’s worst years of approval ratings.

    “You remember that they were president and you think of them fondly and you don’t think of all the things they did or that happened that you didn’t like,” said Wayne. “So the partisan people like Truman and Clinton are remembered fondly by the partisans.”

    However, several Republicans who worked with Clinton in the past have come out recently to reminisce about that time and point out that he was a much more pragmatic leader than they perceive Obama to be.

    The other half of the power couple, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is seeing her own popularity rise during this campaign season.

    Heritage Vice President for Government Relations Michael Franc said the reason for this sudden popularity is perspective. Like President Clinton during his last years in office, the Secretary of State has been working as a Democratic-centrists said Franc. While that has always been where she was on the political spectrum, it now shows more clearly because of the current administration’s shift to the left.

    “With the ascent of Obama and his appointees, his style of governing, the ascent of Reid and Pelosi and their coalitions, the ideological center of gravity has moved dramatically toward the left,” said Franc.

    “So someone like Clinton, who is where she’s always been, now looks like the center. … People are getting a taste of what a real liberal radical agenda looks like and they don’t really associate her with that,” Franc added.

    Hillary Clinton’s high favorables are one of the reasons why rumors surfaced this month that she might be called upon to help out her former rival Barack Obama by replacing Vice President Joe Biden on the 2012 ballots. While all sides quickly sought to quash the chatter, the fact that some people would like to see her on the ticket is a testament to her popularity.

    While even seasoned Democrats are in trouble this election cycle, the Clinton name, which will not appear on any ballot, seems unaffected by the problems their party have. It also shows that this isn’t the Clinton’s first rodeo. The couple has endured many up and downs in their political careers.

    “The one thing that has positioned [the Clintons] where they are today is experience, the incredible reservoir of experience they have in local politics and generational politics,” said Republican strategist Kevin Madden. “They’ve been fully weatherized for all the elements of politics.”

    It is that political savvy that makes some question whether Bill Clinton’s relentless campaigning has reasons that go beyond helping Democrats hold on to control in Congress.

    “My suspicion in his campaigning, he’s building up Hillary’s rolodex,” said Franc. “They’re getting a lot of commitments, political debts that can be redeemed sometime in the future. ”

    “I don’t think these are random acts,” he added. “They’re a very political shrewd couple and still seem to be Clinton Inc.”
  2. conBgone

    conBgone Banned

    Jun 20, 2011
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    The Slickster! Miss him yet? :-D
  3. Flag

    Flag New Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    I survived the firsth paragrpah tough and I assume the entire text is also stupid.
  4. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I'm not surprised you didn't read since you can't read past the 1st grade level.
  5. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    My deal on The Obama Experiment was that he would go for broke in his 1st term..pass Nationalized Heath Care..end dont ask dont tell..and bring home the troops claiming victory..and give Unions more power.

    Then if he/when was rejected by the public..Hillary would step in without running at the convention..(accepting with the deepest regrets..the democratic nomination . ..)
    She would save Money..
    Seem as if she was reluctantly assuming the position for the best interest of the nation ( dems).

    Obama would lose..but graciously accept his fate, claiming moral victory..
    adding the poison of the republicans keep AmeriKa from achieving his goals.

    Democrats would then campaign against the Conservatives showing they were willing to change..but conservatives are not.

    Hillary would be Romney from the left..taking back many independents..and Clinton republicans.

    It is a brilliant play..and quite easily predictable.
    Add to the fact Nader is asking dems to register and vote Paul to keep any chance of a Conservative victory at arms length away.
    Conservatives would stay home..many vote for Hillary..if Paul even got near the nomination..
    Voting for what they know V. Nothing Libertarian.
    1/5 think Social security is un constitutional..
    The war on drugs is unconstitutional..
    and wearing seat belts is un constitutional.

    Think before you vote. Sanity in 2012.
    its the economy stupid..
  6. Flag

    Flag New Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Thanks dude.
    Im least i wasnt homeschooled by my redneck mum.
    And here I am reading stuff in your language, doubt you could read it on mine or any other language.

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