Things I Disagree with Tea Partiers, Libertarians and Liberals On

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by NoPartyAffiliation, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    * TPs and Libertarians: I don't believe that you speak to the dead and "know" what the Founding Fathers meant in the USC. No it is not to be taken literally and yes it is a living document - or else there would be no ability to amend it. I know all your reasons why you think you're right. I love the fact that you've done so much work and research on the two guys who really support your interpretation. They were big players but they weren't the only ones.

    * LIbs: Many unions have driven the price of labor up so high, they have every bit as much responsibility for jobs being shipped overseas as CEOs. They are not all noble and protecting the workers of America. Examples: UAW, Teamsters, Longshoremen.

    * I own a gun. If anyone breaks into my home and holds perfectly still while I move to within three feet of them, they're dead meat. Or their leg will hurt. Maybe a toe. In any case, you guys are all over the danm place on this issue. Some of you have told me I should be able to own a machine gun or even an RPG. Others have told me I should be able to take these fine weapons anywhere I want. I disagree with those of you who have that view.
    On the other side, Libs if I have a gun in my home, I am not a "NeoCon" or "Out to prove my manhood".

    * Conservs: Taxes do not affect my decision to hire people. I have run large divisions for major companies, medium sized firms and my own company for the last 20 years. Taxes or the mere scent of the possibility of taxes has never affected my hiring decisions. If I needed someone I hired them. It is stupid business not to. If I didn't need someone, I didn't hire anyone. This is just common sense.

    * Libs: We have too much entitlement. We have families that are 3rd generation on welfare. That's at least 2 too many. To say that these programs are never abused is ridiculous.

    * Conservs: I love what some of you have taught me about the duplication of state and fed agencies. Thank you for that. I would agree with much of what you say in this regard. But I would never let go of the CIA, SEC, FAA, EPA and so on.

    * LIbs: So waht if a candidate is a Christian? Obama is. I don't care if Rick Perry prays for rain, prosperity or a Super Bowl win for the Houston Texans (He better pray friggin hard for that one!). While you have all this rhetoric about Christians oppressing you or whatever, what exactly are you doing when you villify someone for their faith alone. Now if Perry says he wants prayer to mandatory in schools, show me and I will b1tch slap him.

    * Conservs: You will never convince me that the CRA of '64 is not absolutely necessary and completely Constitutional. Sorry - that definitely falls into my view of "All men created equal" and "General Welfare".

    * ObamaCare sucks. It's just plain stupid. But guess what? I've had government health care when I served in the military (Not one person bought private insurance during my time in uniform) and when I lived in Mexico, Canada and The Ukraine. I've also received it in other countries. I would happily give up $300B of our military spending for a Public Option.

    * IT IS NOT ALL STILL BUSH'S FRIGGIN FAULT!!!! Enough said on that one.

    * Libs: I am for enhanced interrogation on rare occasion. Conservs: This does not mean water-boarding. Nothing about Git-Mo or what Cheney / Bush did was about gaining actionable intel. Because of my background, I am uniquely qualified to prove this. It is not hard to do.

    Okay, enough of the late night ramblings after the post-tennis glasses of Merlot.

    I'm sure this will spark debate on issues, facts, passionate replies and well reasoned arguments from some of you. And of course, the usual insults and labels from the whackjobs...
  2. GiveUsLibertyin2012

    GiveUsLibertyin2012 New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    I think maybe you should put the Merlot away.
  3. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I disagree with everything you said.

  4. Stupidsheep

    Stupidsheep New Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I would like the 14 th amendment adjusted so that anchor kids are not citizens.

    Unions, haha. Unions = poop.

    Id love to get my hands on some rpg's. :twisted:

    Too much entitlement. I concur.

    The CIA is garbage. So is the EPA.

    Obama is a Christian? I don't believe it.

    Rick perry, another globalists sell out puppet. Fk him.

    Obamacare does suck. Concur again.

    Again, concur. It is not all bushs fault but he is also another globalist pos. He is also a frigging idiot. Fool me once......fool me again. The nation are sovereign in their sovereignty. So gynecologists can practice love with their patients. He is good for a laugh, that's for sure.

    Concur on enhanced interrogation if it was actually warranted which I'm not sure it was. Where's the (*)(*)(*)(*) wmd's?

    Any merlot left? I'll take a glass.
  5. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Well let's see. 3 posts. 1 person who actually addressed the thread topic. Predictible.
  6. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I think that I agree with you.

    LOL. Sorry but considering that the costs of life have rised a lot and the wages have not rised in same percentage, many workers have lost adquisitive power. So the work of the unions is bad, because they didn't do well his function. Protect the workers.

    And corporations are making record profits, so it is intolerable that workers must be underpaid, because in other countries the workers are exploited.

    LOL. Private property is more important than a human life, nice principles.

    I agree with you with this.

    Cut social programs, or how you say it entitlements and maybe the riots of London will be a joke. You need to address the reason because this entitlments are necessary for this people. So it is necessary to analyze the situation and attack this.

    For example the people that was rioting in London had many things assured, but they didn't have any future, no opportunities to improve. And many social helps has been cut to them, so it is what make them to riot.

    I only know the CIA, and I would let go the CIA. It goes against freedom.

    If you're christian, then well, perfect. But don't try to impose your believes on the rest. It is the problem. Many christians try to make public and introduce in public decissions their religion. It goes against the principles of the constitution, laicism.

    I don't know what is the CRA, so I don't what I have to answer here. I don't understand it.

    ObamaCare sucks because it doesn't give public option. The healthcare isn't public and for that sucks. It is a model that makes richer the healthcare corporations.

    And yes, there is a lot of spending to be cut, mainly military spending. Is more important spend in social issues than military or security related. If you have a happy society you will have less crime.

    No, it is fault from all presidents from Reagan, including Clinton.

    Enhanced interrogation? If it means torture it is unacceptable in all cases. And water-boarding and similars are torture. Also is torture what is being done to Manning.

    Well, I finished argumenting. I have nothing to answer to this part.
  7. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    I like your thinking. However Obamacare allows 2nd and 3rd gen freeloaders and unhealthy people to get healthcare. People that treat their bodies like cr@p don't deserve healthcare at the American taxpayers expense.


    Punish companies that outsource and hire immigrants over Americans.

    Sorry, I'm for waterboarding and I think you BS'ers would be too if intel got word that someone parked a nuke in one of our cities and we had a suspect that knows where it is but doesn't want to tell us. Waterboarding would be worth saving over 1 million people.

    You want to run for prez, that's fine. Just don't push your religious cr@p in my face cause that's when I wont vote for you.
  8. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    I like your thinking too.

    However, you have one HUGE misperception that is common among Americans. I'm not against water-boarding because I find enhanced interrogation objectionable. I'm against it because it doesn't work.
    The only any technique other than psychological should be used, is when time is a major factor. When a cell member is captured, you typically have 3 days max before everything they have planned and everywhere they meet becomes scrubbed. Then the cell is dispursed. That's why they are structured that way.
    When you water-board someone, first they resist, then they mix lies with truth. Then you have to wait for a confirmation report because if you just go acting on a lie, the results can be disastrous.
    In any case, the last thing you do when you capture a valid target, is let anyone know. Let alone parade them around on TV. That was a running joke to everyone who ever served in the intel services. Git-Mo was nothing about getting actionable intel and Abu Graihb was just sick.
  9. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    I been telling Liberals that taxes have no correlation on employment or increasing/decreasing GDP for years. I don't know why you just pointed this out to Conservatives. Tell this to the Liberals.
  10. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I agree with everything he said.

    NPA for prez! ;)
  11. James Cessna

    James Cessna New Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Great response, NoPartyAffiliation!

    Your remarks are always to the point and well crafted!



    By the way, here is why most liberals have a difficult time expressing themselves and often are very dizzy when it comes to organizing their thoughts and thinking clearly!
  12. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    We know what the founders intended because we read their debates and their documents. WallBuilders is a great website for reviewing these types of things and David Barton is one of the biggest collectors of founding documents. He has a massive library of tens of thousands of original writings from the Founding Era.

    If you want to learn what we -- or at least I -- know about the founders you can check them out.
  13. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    You seem to be at the opposite end of the political spectrum of those who call me a Liberal because I don't think we should be allowed to own machine guns or carry everywhere we go. So while you project extreme views onto in one direction, they do so in the other.
    I'm not sure where you're from but here, keeping a gun in the home for protection does not mean you don't value human life or value things over people.
  14. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Thanks! ..........................(is that enough chracters?)
  15. iJoeTime

    iJoeTime Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    Agreed on taxes not effecting employment but... What?? Conservatives have been using this false argument forever in regards to raiseing taxes. Liberals already understand this and this is why they support raising taxes on the rich even in a recession.
  16. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    I doubt you would know what Conservatives have been using as their argument. They don't support low taxes because it increases employment. They support low taxes because their people should be able to keep more of the money their earn.

    Liberals don't understand a thing. If they did understand anything they would know that lower taxes brings in more revenue. Even Bill Clinton new that much.
  17. iJoeTime

    iJoeTime Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    You cant be serious right now.. Why do you think Democrats want to raise taxes? Did you miss that whole Debt Ceiling debate? Its about spending and revenues (taxes). No one is misunderstanding this but you.

    You may be hot but seriously your posts often make little to no sense.
  18. Albert Di Salvo

    Albert Di Salvo New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree with many of NPA's views. His views are generally reasonable. But we don't live in reasonable times. There are only two camps. Choose or loose.
  19. MissJonelyn

    MissJonelyn New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    Raising taxes doesn't mean raising revenue. It simply means raising taxes. How are you going to get taxes revenue from the rich if they're going to use every tax loophole in the book to keep you from their their money? IRAs, R-IRAs, Pensions, 401ks etc. Why do people have these types of accounts? Because people want to avoid paying income taxes. The whole tax system is designed so people can avoid paying taxes. If you want to get more taxes in government, lower taxes.

    Clinton lowered Capital Gains to 28 percent. Bush lowered it to 15 percent and made an average of 1.7 Trillion dollars a year. If you want to get bigger revenue you lower taxes.

    Today we make 2 Trillion dollars a year. The problem isn't taxes. The problem is just economy. It's not getting better.
  20. iJoeTime

    iJoeTime Banned

    May 16, 2011
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    Spoken like a true partisan Puppet.
  21. Kranes56

    Kranes56 Banned

    Feb 23, 2011
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    I agree to a lot of things NPA says.
  22. jwhitesj

    jwhitesj New Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    This is a good point. A lot of people seem to think that the founding fathers were all knowing and that they were like a council of angels that came down to earth to show us the right way. The truth is that they hardly agreed with eachother. George Washington and Alexander Hamilton were the pro protectionist mercantilism model, while Jefferson and Franklin were the agririan Laissez-faire capitalist. America choose mercantilism, not the other way around. In fact, after the war of 1812, Jefferson changed in his oppinion and realized that a strong government was essential in keeping industry strong in case of the need to build up for war.

    I don't quite agree with you here, Union are collective bargaining agents. Infact, considering most conservatives support full free trade it seems a little hypocritical to be anti-union if you support unregulated free trade. But I digress. The problems that have been created in this country economically have much more to do with the US trying to operate in a free-trade world, when the US was the only country practicing free trade. Japan and their mercantilian practices of propping up 'infant industry' and the US giving competitive advante technology away for the purpose of geopolitical gains is really what did us in. The exact same thing happened in Europe, and even though they were more accepting of US foregin investment than Japan was, they were still giving subsidies to companies like Air-Bus that were a direct threat to aircraft manufacturing in the US. Also you can't forget the oil embargo's of the 60's and 70's that caused massive inflation even durring a time of a recession.

    The U.S. became more intrested in fighting the cold war and they believed that supporting developing nations and making them become capitalist-democracy's was the surest way to ensure global peace. We essentially mortgaged are economic future to bring about peace in the world. We are now paying for that in a big way. We will see if and how the United States can remain the only superpower, or if we will become just another nation.

    I'm a liberal and have absolutely no problem with your philosophy on owning guns. As long as they are not mass killing machines and are used by responsible citizens.

    I keep trying to tell conservatives this, but they don't listen.

    I agree we have too many people using welfare, but part of the problem is what I outlined previously. We mortgaged are future and now we are paying for it. We need to enact policys that help grow are economy and these problems of generations of people on wellfare will start to work themselves out through strong education and strong economics.

    Government provides a lot of important services. The reason I think education, which is kind of a point about duplicate services, should be a national policy and not a state policy is for 2 reasons. First, we need to have a national standard of education so it is possible for a student in Texas to go to a college in California and not be at a differnt education level. Second, there are poor neighborhoods and poor states that can't afford to have the quality of education that other places have for their children. It is not right that a student in Mississippi has a lesser education than a student in Conetticut just because property values are lower.

    I have no problem with a christian president. I'm almost positive that ever president the US has ever had, was a christian. What I do worry about fundamentist who base their policies of the book of revelations. I don't know all about Gov. Perry, so I'm not going to pretend that I know his religions beliefs, but I do know that he is inovled with some very fundamentalist christian groups that believe some very scary things, and that's scary.

    I'm not going to get into this subject to much, but I agree with you.

    I agree, I don't like the individual mandate, I'm glad the appeals court today ruled that as unconstitutional. I would much perfer a Universal or public option system.

    Our economic crisis goes back 60 years, so you're right, it's not all Bush's fault. However, cutting taxes at the beginning of a time of war was one of the most idiotic things any president has ever done.

    Not an area that have a studied much, so I will take your opinion on this one as having much more validity than anything I can add.
  23. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Where to start, where to start...

    If the constitution of the United State were a living document, there would be no need for a complicated, difficult amendment procedure described in written detail, would there? They would have actually have given the Supreme Court its assumed powers in writing, and said have at it gentlemen.

    There is no need to read their minds. Their minds put their thoughts on paper in many historical documents, papers, and letters.

  24. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I was telling it for the part that he was dead. I am Spanish. So it is hard for me to understand this attitude.

    I don't believe that someone that i surpassing your property need to be shooted, at least at principle.
  25. NoPartyAffiliation

    NoPartyAffiliation New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Well look, I can respect that there are many things in the Constitution that are pretty clear but there are a LOT of things I am really happy that we have had interpreted. I think not having to worry about the water being poisoned or not being fired because I'm black, definitely fall under "All Created Equal" and "General Welfare". But guess what? The FF's didn't want all men and especially women to be equal. There is no guessing about this. They were clear. No need for interpretation.
    Guess what else? They didn't care about toxic waste or a whole lot of other things that didn't exist back then.
    I personally believe there is a VERY strong case for Americans not owning guns at all in any city where there is either a National Guard (well-organized milita) or a police force (which literally didn't exist in the colonies). Am I okay with the decision that I'm allowed to own a gun? Sure. Am I going to say that what Thomas Jefferson said was the Last Word on every subject because his views are frequently congruent with my own? Nope. There were lots of other guys. Lots of arguing, dissention, more arguing and compromise.

    So I'm not about to get all smug and act like I know which Founding Father was "more equal" than the others. Nor am I going to say that certain letters from Thomas Paine prove that Tea Partiers / Libertarians are wrong. Why? Because his letters and views are contradicted by Thomas Jefferson. Like I said, I'm not a medium who has a hotline to 55 dead guys.

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