Dear sheeple, It has been fun debating and arguing facts and truths, news and views, and beliefs on this political forum. Due to the massive takeover of the U.S. Government by the new world order, global fascist scum bags, vermin, maggots, maggot vomit, and maggot excrement, and because freedom of speech is under hostile attack, even on this political forum, I, Watchman, am signing off. I will see some of you on the front lines, when everything comes crashing down. Others of you, I pity you as you continue to have your heads buried in the sand, completely oblivious and in denial about what is really going on, NOT just in the United States, but all over the world. To those purposely and intentionally spreading lies, mis and disinformation, with helpless attempt in keeping TRUTHS and FACTS buried, they will ALWAYS come to light. TRUTHS and FACTS will ALWAYS come forth, and they can NEVER be defeated. Israel and the Christian Faith, Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for ALL will NEVER cease to exist. They will ALWAYS be fought for and preserved. Lastly, know this...I HAVE BEEN RIGHT!!! Watchman - An American Patriot