This ones broken, time for a new one

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by powderhound, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. powderhound

    powderhound New Member

    Sep 19, 2011
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    How far does a society have to collapse before real change to a system that works for the majority is in place instead of the current system where a minority control most of the worlds assets and wealth

    Source: Fact. World bank report that states 215 families control 47% of the worlds assets.

    Yes you read that right.

    It is clear that the current system does not benefit most of the people on this planet and that those who have more than enough, have no limit to how much they want.

    The current system is slowly and surely doomed to collapse. The boom and bust cycle just creates more opportunities for our ruling elite to enrich themselves further. we are about to enter another bust phase where assets will be aquired at cents on the dollar by those with surplus assets and the time and intelligence to wait for the right opportunities whilst the masses attempt to survive the downturn.

    The reason this system makes most of us poor? Excess taxation way above that needed for governments essential functions.

    Governments essential and only functions are

    1.The protection of a population from initiated force by an outside force. IE defense of a country against aggressors.
    2. Protection by government against the initiators of force from inside their country. IE a police force.

    Goverment should never be involved in commerce, the economy, welfare or any other functions apart from the above. The fact they have consistently proved over 100's of years they are no good at it should be reason enough.

    Imagine if you will a system where taxation was a flat rate of say 3% of income only.

    NO sales tax,
    NO property tax
    No capital gains tax
    NO other taxes.

    In the USA this would raise $450 billion per year on the current economy. More than enough for a decent civil defense force and a national police force plus an administration to run them.

    NO need for huge government depts at federal, state, county and town level.
    NO need for armies of politicians and all their aids and helpers.
    Politics would cease to be an option to enrich yourself whilst doing nothing productive and being paid with somebody else's taxes and go back to being a vocation.

    At the present every government job, at every level is paid for by individuals, working to make a living, paid out of their efforts and labours.

    SO how would all these government people and others work?

    Now look at how much income YOU would have as disposable income each month if you paid only 3% tax on your income. Image how much you could spend on leisure and your home, cars, better schooling etc

    The immediate and astronomic economic boom that would ensue would create millions of jobs. A country would immediately become attractive as a place to set up business for foreigners and locals. Manufacturing would boom. Small business would boom as they would have no onerous central government weight to support.

    This would be a system closer to the founding principle of America where those left free to work hard had the opportunity to do well without hindrance or interference.

    Schools, Hospitals, Infrastructure etc would be run by private enterprise in a free market economy with you selecting the best your money could buy. Badly run organisations would close by virtue of free market pressures

    This would be a TRUE free Capitalist Economy, NOT the current collective capitalist economy where the biggest slice is taken by the government and spent on unproductive activities or handed out to ‘favoured‘ industrialists in government sponsored contracts in return for other favours.

    Of course many will be concerned about those who for reason of health, age and disability cannot provide for themselves.

    In a world where individuals have such surplus do you think there would be a overall sense of generosity to those without? I think in world with less stress and more happiness we would see a flowering of charity. And with so may jobs available there would be work for all but the most disabled.

    We need a new system and start is the unwinding of bloated government now. Let us the people have the largest slice and not be paying to be burdened by central governors with one political opinion or another. That system has failed. The job of government is to defend the country and see that non violence is upheld domestically , not to argue endlessly between themselves as to who is right on this and that issue, on the luxury of our money.

    Lets see what you have to say :)

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