Thoughts about China, Iran, North Korea and the next election

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Durandal, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I'll refer first to this article as a reference and basis for my thoughts:

    In this opinion piece, the author goes over what he sees Trump accomplishing with respect to the long-ignored problems we have faced with China, Iran and North Korea, and I can only agree with him about these issues. Whatever Trump's faults - and he has plenty - he is taking on issues that previous presidents have failed to take on, and there is at least some prospect of success in doing so with the kind of "tough stance" Trump has been taking toward them, although I don't see success with Iran coming any time soon and feel that Trump was an absolute fool to yank us out of that agreement and crack down so hard on Iran, rather than trying to continue the diplomacy started earlier by Obama. China and North Korea, on the other hand, just might be brought to a favorable agreement, provided our leadership is not so stupid toward them as Trump has been toward Iran.

    So, I feel that Trump's 2020 challengers need to take all of this into careful consideration and address these issues similarly to how Trump has, at least with respect to China and NK. They need to convince voters that they will be putting America first, especially where China is concerned, and that they will not give ground and behave like past presidents have. The perception of the working class in our country that they are getting screwed over by trade deals with China and other foreign countries needs to be appreciated and addressed, not ignored. They need to have a strong message to send about this while also having a strong message about immigration and healthcare, and of course race relations, areas where Trump has really been screwing up and causing real harm to people just to keep his base applauding and cheering. We need a new breed of progressive who can be "tough" and "America-first" in a more competent, balanced and rational way.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    tecoyah likes this.

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