Time for paul, newt and santorum to quit...

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Libhater, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Reducing corporate taxes brings more investment into our economy. You can't expect an economy to grow by taxing the people. It doesn't work that way. Romney is a successful businessman, so I'll be more apt to support a guy like that then I would in supporting someone like an obama who loves taxing people and loves spending money at the behest of our over indulgent centralized government.
  2. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    So what? Just because I'm more conservative than you are doesn't mean that I'm claiming to be any "alpha-conservative". You just put words in my mouth. Which is what you do best.

    I'm not rooting for Obama right now. I'm rooting for Ron Paul.

    Of course you will, because you are dedicated to slandering people by spreading false information about them. Which is an attestment to the quality of your character.

    Nice deflection. I'll take that as an admission that you are incapable of proving any of your false, slanderous claims.

    Right. Like the Tea Party House pledged to cut spending, which they have not done. You're delusional if you think that Congress is ever going to overturn Obamacare.

    It did absolutely no such thing. You have been deceived by neo-conservative propaganda.

    False. You have made statements about me which you have failed to prove to be true. The reason is because you clearly made them up so you could continue your ad hominem logical fallacies.

    Becuase it would likely cause the misinterpretation that I support Obama's policies. But it will be extremely satisfying to see the Republicans lose in Novemeber for nominating a liberal joke of a candidate. At least the Democrats are honest about the fact that they are liberals, not in-the-closet liberals like most Republicans are.

    No, you misinterpreted it completely. Lite Beer pretends to be good but it's actually worse than regular beer.

    You obviously missed the part of the discussion where Romney will increase the debt, get us involved in more wars, and pay for all of it through inflation/debt.

    The level of spending and debt we are at now is far better than what it's going to be 4 years from now, regardless of who takes office.

    It has little to do with my feelings and everything to do with the logical steps necessary to save this country from complete disaster.

    The consequences will be identical if Ron Paul does not become President. The dollar will crash and you will see a international socialist government take root out of the ashes.

    If by extrapolate, you mean baselessly speculate, then that would make sense becuase your baseless speculations are wrong.

    You don't get it do you? The Republican establishment is doing everything in its power to ensure that that is exactly what will happen. The beautiful part is that they successfully trick people like you into believing that they support small government and freedom. Actions speak louder than words, they have proven that they are just as hostile to freedom as the liberals are. The ironic thing is that you support the exact policies which will get us to that point of international socialism controlled by a world government.

    The only way that members of the GOP are going to wake up is if they get a wake up call. Maybe another 4 more years of Obama will be their wake up call.

    It's funny that you believe that the Republicans will repeal Obamacare. They will do no such thing. They only say they will so they will continue getting elected.
    Much like the Tea Party Congress promised to not raise the debt ceiling, cut spending and shrink the government. Since the beginning of last year, they have done the exact opposite on all counts.

    So you're denying that Congress is corrupt? Noted.


    Ron Paul most certainly would work to repeal Obamacare. Congress would be the obstruction to that. As they have historically been an obstruction to freedom.

    Good. Inaction is far preferrable to action when it comes to government.

    You have to be joking. The only thing an efficient government would do is efficiently figure out ways to make itself get bigger and more oppressive.
    It's clear to me by this point that you have absolutely no grasping on the nature of government.
    Freedom is not nihilism.
  3. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    I agree.
    Instead of Herman Cain's 9-9-9, how about 0-0-0.

    It doesn't make a difference. Romney will just use the hidden tax of inflation instead. Because his plan is to add more money to the debt. Both love taxing people and both love spending.
  4. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    I have no reason to not believe them when they say they're going to make the government bigger.

    That's true. The same could have been said of Obama. But I bet that if anybody told you that they didn't think Obama was lying, that you would have thought less of their intelligence. I see the exact same thing going on with Romney/Santorum supporters.

    Baseless claims.

    I don't remember.
  5. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    While the inflation tax is certainly a well documented economic phenomenon, it does not add more money to the actual debt, only wipes out value for currency holders and those on fixed incomes. This spells negativity for senior citizens, and those below the poverty line. However, for most Americans, the inflation tax is barely palpable. Only in areas such as food and energy does it become apparent to the upper and middle classes.
  6. Dr. Righteous

    Dr. Righteous Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Correct...but it is the other way around. When the Fed buys government debt, then more money is added to the money supply, which creates inflation. So inflation is an effect of government debt, not the cause. But when the fractional reserve banking system expands the money supply, it never adds to the national debt.
  7. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    True, but that is if the Federal Reserve decides to monetize the debt. I believe the first quantitative easing was designed to monetize the debt, whereas QE2 was designed to increase economic output.
  8. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Exactly how is Obama socialist? Please explain.
  9. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Ever hear of obamacare and the governmenmt ownership of General Motors for starters? Every faction of a socialist system gets its fuel from a centralized government, and with obama you get nothing but a socialized deployment of a tax funded all-powerful government. :police: I see you're new here, so please don't come back here and tell us that obama is actually a capitalist, as so many other libs have done to skew the destructive policies of their messiah. Its getting old, if you know what I mean.
  10. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You keep saying this but it makes no sense.

    Bush's deficit was 1.4 Trillion in 2009. His increase in spending during his 8 years in office was higher than any since the war ended.

    Your claim that Bush had nothing to do with spending and had no control over spending during his last two years in office is just false.

    Obama was handed a 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit, and an economic nightmare.

    You claim to be a fiscal Conservative but do not seem to understand the fiscal realities of the Crash.
  11. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    When are you going to learn how our government works. The president does not spend the money, he does not even have to approve the spending. The spending has not been approved by the president since Mar 2009.


    And the Democrats controlled the spending for FY 2008 and FY 2009.

    FY 2004 deficit $412 billion Bush with a Republican Congress
    FY 2005 deficit $318 billion
    FY 2006 deficit $248 billion
    FY 2007 deficit $161 billion NOTE the trend?

    Democrats take control of Congress
    FY 2008 deficit $459 billion
    FY 2009 deficit $1.413 TRILLION.
    And you insist on blaming Bush who never had the US checkbook.

    Presidents budgets? Neither the House nor the Senate, controlled by the Democrats and then split between Democrats and Republicans has EVER passed an obama budget.

    This from memory. obama 2012 budget, not considered in the Republican House. They passed their own budget that was never considered by the Senate. The Senate voted on obama's budget and defeated it 97-0 in the Democrat controlled Senate. Never put forth one of their own.
    obama's FY 2013 budget. Harry Reid said it would NOT be considered by the Democrat controlled Senate. The House just voted on it [sponsored by a Republican since no Democrat would sponsor it] obama's 2013 budget was defeated in the House which has 242 Republicans by 414-0.

    Now if you want to blame it all on the Democrat Congress and not obama, I'll have to say OK. But then you cannot blame Bush either. You have to blame the Republican Congresses from 2004 thru 2007. FY's run from the first of Oct. the previous year to the end of Sept in the current year. So FY 2011 was entirely a Democrat year since Republicans did not get the House until Jan 2011.

    And the"economic nightmare" caused by Bush, EXCUSE is hokum. The Bush administration made a too feeble attempt to head off the housing crisis caused equally by both parties. The attempt by the Bush admin was feeble. The Democrat defense of people NOW being prosecuted was ferocious.
  12. katarn112

    katarn112 New Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    LMFAO, hate to burst your bubble, but Romney doesn't have a chance in hell of beating Barack Obama. Nobody screams fake, lying, bought-off, scumbag politician like Mitt Romney, and the American people are not going to go for that. Add on top of that the fact that the Romney campaign, worn out and exhausted from the brutal GOP battle for the nomination, is going to have to go up against the full power of the Obama campaign, in all of its money-full glory. And then you've got the Ron Paul supporters, who have a much larger voice than they did in 2008, who are FURIOUS about being marginalized by the GOP this election cycle. The GOP is done for 2012. It's over. If you think any of those three clowns has a chance in hell of beating Barack Obama, you're out of your god(*)(*)(*)(*)ed mind.
  13. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    You need to immediately get a reality check, missy. Point to any part of our failed current economy to come up with any reason why obama should get even one vote--then compare that to to all those laid back religious Conservatives and idependents/moderates who are just chomping at the bit to vote this half-breed Muslim clown out of office and you see the makings of a tidal wave for Romney come November. Add to obama's utter destructive 3+ years as POTUS the fact that his signature policy accomplishment (obamacare) has been readily rejected by the American people, and soon to be shot down by the SCOTUS, and you can clearly see that obot the Manchurian president doesn't stand a chance on GOD's beautiful earth to get another chance of securing his position as America's worst president. :tp:
  14. Ronald0

    Ronald0 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Fact is all the polls show Obama in the lead. what you say is just your opinion and a very incorrect one at that.
  15. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Those polls are well before the Republican Party nominates Romney as its man to beat obot. Look at all the big wigs which have now thrown their support to Romney to see the ever growing need and want of the American people to oust this socialist in chief. These current polls are meaningless, as jimmy carter was actually polling ahead of Reagan until he got beat by Reagan with a 49 state battering. So, listen to me, I'm never wrong when it comes to these most important national issues--especially when picking our president. We all know the 40% moderates/independents are the votes that actually determine who becomes president. Every focus group of these middle of the road voters shows about a 95% backing of the Republican candidate over obama. So the writing is on the wall; please start reading the Tea Leaves. :pc:
  16. Ronald0

    Ronald0 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Wow. You sure are funny. If you are so convinced you are right, why not make a wager on it.
  17. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Being the gambler that I am because of my mini fortunes at the casinos, I have made many bets on this slam dunk winning wager. Care to join my loser opponents? :graduate:
  18. Ronald0

    Ronald0 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Sure and since you are going to be losing anyway, I'll let you go ahead and choose the stakes.
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It is you that has insisted that it was "those bad Democrats" and this is just not true. This has nothing to do with a blocked Obama budget in 2012.

    The President has Veto. It is not like the Democrates forced through a bunch of new spending proposals in the 2008 budget that Bush was against which is what you are trying to claim.

    Much of the "new spending" was war spending. Are you claiming Bush was against this ?

    Take "TARP" for example. Bush was President and this was both parties agreeing that this spending had to be done.

    Your claim that the Crash was the fault of the Democrates is absolute nonsense.

    It is true that Clinton, during his lame duck Presidency, did not veto or fight against the The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLB) - 1999 ,but the bill itself was sponsored by 3 Republicans at a time when republicans held both houses.

    There only folks that did dissent to the passing of this bill were Democrats and John Dingell even argued that passing the bill would result in banks becomming too big to fail.

    This and further legislation allowing for the formation of complex derivatives and then allowing "retail institutions" to get into the action was in part responsible for the Crash.

    The other factors that led to the Crash was lack of proper oversight, failure to heed warnings, dropping interest rates, and easy money policies.

    The overwhelming majority of the responsibility for the Crash (as related to things that can be attributed to policy decisions) falls on the shoulders of Republicans and the Bush admin.
  20. katarn112

    katarn112 New Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    If anyone here needs a reality check it's YOU. The GOP in its current state is an absolute joke. And as I've already said, marginalizing the Ron Paul people and treating them like trash was the biggest mistake the GOP made, because if you think that they're just going to fall in line and vote for the establishment candidate, then you definitely need a reality check. They're going to sink the GOP this election, and the GOP totally has it coming. Don't believe me? Wait until November.
  21. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Beating Obama should have been a cake walk.

    Instead all the GOP candidates (except Paul) can seem to muster is false and disingenuous childish schoolyard tirades.

    It is not that "some" demonizing of Obama can not be done (this is politics after all) so long as it is warrented and it is accompanied by a plan.

    There has been no plan.

    Romney (the candidate claims to understands Business and economy and this is the reason we are supposed to vote for him), can't seem to figure out that after:

    The Dow drops from 14000 to 6500
    The housing market had collapsed
    The financial system nearly collapsed

    somehow .. in the Romney fantasy world of business .. there would not be net Job losses for years to come.

    Couple that with:

    No Plan
    Romney invented Obamacare
    Completely out of touch with common folk
    and so on.

    God forbid Romney has to debate Obama. It is one thing to through out disingenuous and misrepresentative comments in a debate of fellow GOP apologists.

    It is quite another to think that stuff is going to fly when Obama gets to fight back.

    Romney will be made to look a fool.
  22. kvmj

    kvmj Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
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    Actually, Romneycare was not his own creation. You can trace it back to the Heritage Foundation; they came up with the mandate too.

    As far as the GOP candidates not saying anything, some of them did sing a little. Cain wasn't bad, but, Romney, unfortunately is off key. Santorum got half of the n word out in referring to Obama the other day.

    Romney endorses the Ryan Plan which means privatizing Medicare for seniors, privatizing Social Security, another round of tax cuts for the fabulously wealthy, cuts in Medicaid and food stamps, increased spending on defense-Romney wants to re occupy Iraq while invading Iran, and it will all be paid for with tax hikes for the 99%.
  23. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Have you ever conceived a non-Democratic National Committee thought on your own?

    The greatest retirement wealth of this nation is privatized. and a ridiculously high percentage of seniors on Medicare purchase private insurance to cover what Medicare does not. At a cost of about $250.00 per month per person,,,,,,,,,,,,in addition to the taxes they paid into Medicare all their working lives and the $100.00 per month per person Medicare premium from their Social Security benefit.
    That's $350 per month per person in addition to a $150 Doctor deductible and an $1100 per 60 day hospital deduction. Thinking seniors aren't afraid of Privatization. Mindless sheep are, but they're afraid of everything the Democrat lies scare them with

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