Time to speak up

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by it's just me, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. it's just me

    it's just me Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    Back in the 1960s and 1970s the loony left spread their propaganda wherever they could, about the Vietnam war, about President Nixon, about what a bad place America was, and back then I thought "Nobody will pay any attention to these idiots".

    Well, here it is, 2018, and it appears that a LOT of people listened to them, and the lies they tell are so transparent it's obvious: Kavanaugh lied, Trump is a tax cheat (does the IRS know about this?) Kavanaugh is a rapist, and even as the economy improves, unemployment goes down, and life improves for America and beyond (we are part of the global economy after all) the loony left keeps crying about how bad everything is.

    Years ago we ignored their lies and look at what we got for our trouble: shrieking lunatics at the US Capitol, reality impaired government officials and corruption everywhere.

    Time to start confronting their lies. You may not think it's polite and you know damn well they will project their insanity on you but you have to take the lies one at a time and refute them with FACTS, not emotional arguments, that's what they do.

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